Published Researchs

إدارة الجودة الشاملة وعلاقتها بالقيادة الإبداعية لمديري المدارس بمحافظة الزرقاءالمجلة الدولية للدراسات التربوية والنفسيةقيادة تربوية، إدارة الجودة الشاملة2024  Visit URL
درجة توفر مؤشرات التصنيفات العالمية للجامعات، وأهميتها في تحسين أداء الجامعات العُمانية من وجهة نظر الأكاديميينمجلة رسالة الخليج العربيإدارة التعليم العالي، تصنيفات الجامعات2023  Visit URL
Leadership Skills of Undergraduate Students at Hashemite University in Jordan.International Journal of Research in Educational Scienceseducational leadership2023  Visit URL
Leadership Skills of Undergraduate Students at the Hashemite University and Sultan Qaboos University: Comparative StudyJournal of Higher Education Policy and Leadership StudiesLeadership skills2023  Visit URL
Mapping global research on hidden curriculum: The potential benefits for future agenda in educational developmentsSN Social Scienceseducational research, educational development2023  Visit URL
Teacher Recruitment and the Right Career Choice: Parents’ Perceptions of the Teaching Profession in OmanInternational Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Researcheducational administration,2023  Visit URL
آليات مقترحة لتحسين أداء الجامعات العمانية في التصنيفات العالمية للجامعاتالمجلة العربية لضمان جودة التعليم الجامعيإدارة التعليم العالي، تصنيفات الجامعات2023  Visit URL
توظيف الممارست القيادية بالمؤسسات التعليمية وفق التركيب الهيكلي للحمض النووي DNA التنظيميمجلة البحوث التربوية والنفسية-جامعة بغدادقيادة تربوية2023  Visit URL
The degree of school administration’s practice of its role in developing the values of citizenship among students in Batinah South Governorate at Sultanate of Oman from the perspective of teachersInternational Journal of Educational and Psychological StudiesEducational administration, school administration, citizenship2022  Visit URL
Distance leadership use and faculty members job satisfaction at sultan qaboos university during pandemic covid-19International Journal of Research in Educational SciencesEducational Leadership, job satisfaction, faculty member, higher education2022  Visit URL
The Role of Talent Management in Achieving Organizational Creativity in Public Universities in the Sultanate of OmanJournal of Arts and Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos UniversityTalent management, higher education2022  Visit URL
The Impact of Covid-19 on Organizational Culture: Sultan Qaboos University Case StudyJournal of Higher Education Policy and Leadership StudiesOrganizational culture, higher education, universities2022  Visit URL
Public school principals practice of knowledge management and its relationship with their ability of solving problems from teachers perspective in Rusaifa directorate of educationHumanities and Social Sciences Series, Mutah Lil-Buhuth wad-DirasatKnowledge management, solving problems, school administration2021  Visit URL
The reality of activating the school administration for community partnership according to the requirements of educational crisis management in the Sultanate of Oman.International Journal of Educational & Psychological StudiesSchool administration, crisis management2021  Visit URL
Entrepreneurial intentions among students of Sultan Qaboos UniversityInternational Journal of Educational & Psychological StudiesEntrepreneurial intentions, students, universities2021  Visit URL
Civic identity among undergraduate students at Hashemite University in JordanJournal of Educational Policy Research and ReviewCivic identity, students, university2021  Visit URL
The Destructive Leadership of Schools Principals and its relation to Teachers Job Satisfaction in JordanInternational Journal of Educational Policy Research and ReviewEducational Leadership, job satisfaction, faculty member, higher education2021  Visit URL
An Evaluation of the Education Supervision Experts Program in the Specialized Institute for Training in the Sultanate of Oman, in light of the Stufflebeam Model.International Journal of Educational Psychological Studieseducation supervision2020  Visit URL
The curricula developed in light of the NGSS according to teachers’ estimates in OmanInternational Journal of Educational Science and Researcheducational administration2020  Visit URL
Omani short version of Organizational Health Inventory: An application of item response theoryOPCION, Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales Journaleducational administration2020  Visit URL
Ethical Leadership among Omani and Jordanian School principals and its relation to organizational health as perceived by teachers: A comparative Study.International Review of Humanities and Scientific Researcheducational administration and leadership2020  Visit URL
The entrepreneurial intentions among undergraduate students of Sultan Qaboos University and its relationship with their proactive personalityInternational Journal of Educational Science and Researcheducational admininstration2020  Visit URL
Organizational health of Jordanian and Omani public schools from teachers viewpoints: A cross cultural studyJournal of Critical ReviewsOrganizational health, teachers2020  Visit URL
The system of values prevailing among undergraduate students in the faculties of educational sciences in the Jordanian universitiesJournal of Education and social Policyeducational administration2018  Visit URL
Medical Leadership Competencies among medical students at Hashemite University in JordanInternational Journal of Leadership in Educationeducational administration and leadership2018  Visit URL
The relationships between personal resilience and leadership practices of school principals in JordanAdvance in Social Sciences Research Journaleducational administration and leadership2017  Visit URL
The faculty members engagement: Their preference and actual workload in the Hashemite UniversityJournal of Institutional Research South East AsiaHigher Education, Faculty Members2016  Visit URL
Presidential Leadership Effectiveness at the Jordanian Universities: A case Study of the Hashemite UniversityInternational Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in EducationUniversities, Presidential Leadership Effectiveness , Jordan2016  Visit URL
The Degree of Importance and Practice of Leadership Regarding to "Leadership DNA" Model for Public Secondary School Principals in Zarqa Governorate as Perceived By their TeachersJordan Journal of Educational SciencesLeadership, Leadership DNA model, schools, Jordan2016  Visit URL
The shared governance practices in the Jordanian Universities: Faculty members perspectiveJournal of Institutional Research South East Asia higher education, governance, universities2014  Visit URL
Academic Advising Styles as Perceived by Undergraduate Students in the Hashemite University- JordanTaibah University Journal for Educational Scienceshigher education, students affairs2014  Visit URL
Faculty members’ attitudes, expectations, and practices of knowledge management at higher education institutions in JordanInternational Journal of Management in Educationattitudes, knowledge management, higher education institutions , Jordan2013  Visit URL
Faculty members’ attitudes, expectations, and practices of knowledge management at higher education institutions in Jordan.International Journal of Management in Education.higher education2013  Visit URL
Organizational Health at Jordanian Secondary SchoolsJournal of Institutional Research South East Asia (JIRSEA)educational administration2012  Visit URL
Organizational Health at Jordanian Secondary SchoolsJournal of Institutional Research South East Asia (JIRSEA)Organizational Healthm Secondary Schools2012  Visit URL
The role of Jordanian Universities in supporting democratic practices among studentsJournal of Educational and Psychological SciencesJordanian universities, democratic practices, students2012  Visit URL
Leadership Readiness among Prospective School Leaders in JordanInternational Online Journal of Educational SciencesLeadership Readiness, School Leaders 2012  Visit URL
The role of Jordanian Universities in supporting democratic practices among students. Journal of Educational and Psychological Scienceshigher education, universities2012  Visit URL
The Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment: The Case for Vocational Human Resources in JordanEducational Management, Administration and Leadershipeducational administration, human resources2012  Visit URL
The Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment: The Case for Vocational Human Resources in JordanEducational Management, Administration and LeadershipTransformational Leadership , Organizational Commitment, Vocational Human Resources , Jordan2012  Visit URL
e-learning versus traditional learning as perceived by undergraduate students in Jordanian UniversitiesE-Learning and Digital Mediae-learning, traditional learning, undergraduate students, Jordanian universities2012  Visit URL
Servant leadership practices among academic administrators in two universities in Jordan and Saudi Arabia as perceived by faculty members: A comparative studiesInternational Journal of Educational AdministrationServant leadership , academic administrators , Jordan, Saudi Arabia, faculty members2012  Visit URL
The degree of principals practice of teachers empowerment and its relationship to teachers organizational commitment as perceived by the capital governorate teachersDirasat, Educational Sciencesempowerment, organizational commitment, principals, teachers2011  Visit URL
Assessment of early childcare programs in JordanEarly Education and Developmentearly childhood, Jordan2011  Visit URL
Classroom management skills among beginning teachers’ in Jordan: Preparation and performanceInternational Journal of Applied Educational StudiesClassroom management, beginning teachers, Jordan2011  Visit URL
Decision-Making Styles of Department Chairs at Public Jordanian Universities: A high-Expectancy WorkforceTertiary Education and ManagementDecision-Making Styles, Department Chairs , Public Jordanian Universities2011  Visit URL
Listening skills among undergraduate students at the Hashemite UniversityInternational Journal of Applied Educational StudiesListening skills , undergraduate students , Hashemite University2011  Visit URL
Organizational models predominant in Jordanian universities and their relation to organizational justice as perceived by faculty membersAssociation of Arab Universities Journalhigher education, Organizational models , Jordanian universities , organizational justice 2010  Visit URL
Attitudes toward communication skills among students’-teachers’ in Jordanian public universitiesAustralian Journal of Teacher EducationJordanian public universities, students’-teachers’2010  Visit URL
Promoting kindergarten children’s creativity in the classroom environment in JordanEarly Child Development and Careclassroom environment , kindergarten 2010  Visit URL
Leadership style of deans as perceived by themselves at higher education institutions in Jordan: Qualitative studyThe Near and Middle Eastern Journal of Research in EducationLeadership style , deans2010  Visit URL
Integrated technology in the teaching process among governmental and a private universities in Jordan: Comparative studyDamascus University Journaluniversities, integrated technology2010  Visit URL
Strategic planning effectiveness in Jordanian universities: Faculty members and academic administratorsResearch in Post-Compulsory Educationhigher education administration, strategic planning2009  Visit URL
Academic dishonesty among students at the Hashemite University in Jordan.Educational JournalAcademic dishonesty, students, higher education, university, Jordan2009  Visit URL
The new faculty members concerns: The case of Jordanian UniversitiesJournal of Institutional Researchhigher education administration, Faculty members2009  Visit URL
The International Leadership Competencies of Jordanian Universities LeadersInternational Journal of Applied Educational StudiesLeadership, competencies, Jordanian Universities, leaders2008  Visit URL
The Degree of Total Quality Management Application in Jordanian Universities as Perceived by Faculty Members and Academic AdministratorsAssociation of Arab Universities JournalTotal quality management, Jordanian Universities2008  Visit URL
The Relationship of Leadership Styles of Selected Jordanian Department Chairs to Job Satisfaction of Departmental Faculty MembersUniversity of Sharja Journal for Humanities and Social SciencesLeadership Styles, Demartment chairpersons, higher education, Job Satisfaction, Jordan2008  Visit URL
Faculty attitudes toward promotion in Jordanian UniversitiesJournal of Educational ResearchFaculty attitudes, promotion, Jordanian universities2008  Visit URL
Faculty members’ intentions to stay in Jordanian public universitiesInternational Journal of Applied Educational StudiesFaculty members, jordan, public universities2008  Visit URL
Leadership and adaptability styles of deans at public Jordanian universitiesAn-Najah University Journal for Research-B HumanitiesLeadership, higher education, Universities2008  Visit URL
Th effect of leadership styles of principals on teachers burnout at Russaifa education directorate in JordanJordan Journal of Educational SciencesLeadership styles, principals, burnout, teachers2008  Visit URL
Role of Jordanian schools’ leadership in transforming schools into organizational learning cultureInternational Journal of Applied Educational Studiesschool leadership, transforming schools, organizational learning2008  Visit URL
University-Business Partnership in Jordan: The Key to Human Resource Education and Workforce DevelopmentJournal of Institutional Research South East AsiaUniversity-Business partnership, JOrdan, Human resources education2008  Visit URL
Leadership skills of first-year students at public universities in JordanResearch in Post-Compulsory EducationLeadership skills, students, public university, Jordan, Higher education2008  Visit URL
The relationship between sex-role characteristics and leadership behavior of faculty members at the Hashemite UniversitJournal of Institutional Research South East AsiaLeadership behavior, faculty members, sex-role characteristics, Hashemite University, Jordan2008  Visit URL
Leadership styles of department chairs at the Hashemite University: Pilot StudyJournal of Educational and Psychological SciencesLeadership Styles, department chairs, Hashemite University, Higher education2007  Visit URL
Leadership Adaptability and Learning Styles of the Hashemite University Students in Jordan.Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences educational leadership, higher education, learning styles, Hashemite University, students2007  Visit URL
Students’ Satisfaction at Jordanian Universities and its Relation to Some VariablesMediterranean Journal of Educational StudiesStudents’ Satisfaction , Jordanian Universities2007  Visit URL
Leadership and Adaptability styles of Deans and Department Chairpersons at Three Institutions of Higher Education in Jordan.Educationa JournalEducational Leadership, Deans, Department chairperson, Adaptability styles2007  Visit URL
The Organization of Academic Departments and Participation in Decision Making as Perceived by Faculty Members in Jordanian UniversitiesInternational Studies in Educational AdministrationAcademic Department, Decision making, Higher education2007  Visit URL