Academic Conferences

Academic PaperYearConfereceProceedings URL
The impact of artificial intelligence on the school management: A study of opportunities and challenges202418th annual international technology, education and development conference Visit URL
Entrepreneurial intentions among undergraduate students at sultan qaboos university2020The Seventh International College of Education Conference Visit URL
Shadow Teaching: An Indirect Approach to Develop Academics in Higher Education2020Reimagine Teaching to Maximize Student Learning Conference Visit URL
Total quality management in public and private Jordanian universities: A comparative study2009Arab Regional Conference on Higher Education Visit URL
Online Achievement Evaluation: Public and Private University Students Perspectives20082nd International Future-Learning Conference on Innovations in Learning for the Future 2008: e-Learning Visit URL
The perceived value of e-learning along with traditional learning among undergraduate students at the Hashemite University2008First International Conference on Technology, Communication and Education (i-TCE) Visit URL