Academic Paper | Year | Conferece | Proceedings URL |
The impact of artificial intelligence on the school management: A study of opportunities and challenges | 2024 | 18th annual international technology, education and development conference |
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Entrepreneurial intentions among undergraduate students at sultan qaboos university | 2020 | The Seventh International College of Education Conference |
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Shadow Teaching: An Indirect Approach to Develop Academics in Higher Education | 2020 | Reimagine Teaching to Maximize Student Learning Conference |
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Total quality management in public and private Jordanian universities: A comparative study | 2009 | Arab Regional Conference on Higher Education |
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Online Achievement Evaluation: Public and Private University Students Perspectives | 2008 | 2nd International Future-Learning Conference on Innovations in Learning for the Future 2008: e-Learning |
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The perceived value of e-learning along with traditional learning among undergraduate students at the Hashemite University | 2008 | First International Conference on Technology, Communication and Education (i-TCE) |
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