Academic Conferences

Academic PaperYearConfereceProceedings URL
CO2 between the hammer and anvil of biorenewable feedstocks: A mechanistic analysis2023CO2 between the hammer and anvil of biorenewable feedstocks: A mechanistic analysis Visit URL
Post-modified chemicals for CO2 capturing and utilization, poster20228th EuChemS Chemistry Congress Visit URL
Carbon dioxide sequestration using bio-renewable materials20187th EuCheMs Chemistry Congress Visit URL
The Birth of Green Sorbents for CO2 Capturing: The Chemistry of Carbamates and Organic Ionic Alkylcarbonates201715th Jordanian Chemical Conference Visit URL
Chitin Acetate/DMSO Binary Mixture as a Green Sorbent for CO2 Capturing201715th Jordanian Chemical Conference Visit URL
Supramolecular Chemisorption of Carbon Dioxide by Chitin Acetate Oligomer20162016 Renewable Carbon Workshop “Mellichamp Academic Initiative in Sustainability” Visit URL
Non-fullerene, Small Molecular Acceptor for Solution Processed Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells201514th Jordanian Chemical Conference Visit URL
Non-fullerene, Small Molecular Acceptor for Solution Processed Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells201514th Jordanian Chemical Conference Visit URL
Applications of p-conjugated small molecules in organic electronic devices201497th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition Visit URL
Phospholipids, peptides and perfluorocarbons in monolayers:microscopy, spectroscopy and simulations of phase-separation "Oral Presentation"201396th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition Visit URL
The Impact of Perfluorooctadecanoic Acid on the Phase Behavior of Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine at Air-Water & Air-Solid Interfaces "Oral Presentaion"201295th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition Visit URL
Comparing Surfactant Film Structures at Air-Water & Air-Solid Interfaces: When Does Deposition Affect Morphology "Oral Presentation"201295th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition Visit URL
The Influence of Perfluorinated Surfactant on Model Pulmonary Lung Surfactant Mixtures "Poster"201110th Annual Chemical Biophysics Symposium Visit URL
Thermodynamics and Morphological Characterization of a Model Pulmonary Lung Surfactant System "Poster"201194th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Visit URL
A Novel Extended Release Matrix System of Metronidazole Based on Chitosan and Xanthan gum "Poster"200826th Arab Pharmacist Association General Conference “The Role of the Pharmacist in the Quality Provision of Pharmaceutical Care" Visit URL
Oral Extended Release of Liquid Ibuprofen "Poster"200826th Arab Pharmacist Association General Conference “The Role of the Pharmacist in the Quality Provision of Pharmaceutical Care" Visit URL
The Application of Percolation Theory on Binary Mixtures of Chitosan and Xanthan Gum "Poster"2006International Pharmaceutical Conference “Toward New Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences” Visit URL
A Study Utilizing Percolation Theory: Mechanical Properties and Release Behavior of a Controlled Release System "Oral Presentation"2006First Chemical Scientific Day (B.Sc. & M.Sc.) Visit URL
Application of Percolation Theory on Compacts Utilized in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms "Poster"20056th Jordanian International Conference in Chemistry Visit URL