Academic Conferences

Academic PaperYearConfereceProceedings URL
Predicting Corporate Failures in Jordan2019International Conference on Economics and Finance Research (ICEFR) Visit URL
"A Moving Anomaly: The Ramadan Effect, Case of Jordan" , IAEB, Sweden, 2008.2008 IAEB Visit URL
”Frequency of trading and the Size Effect Reversal in the US Stock Returns”2004Southwestern Society of Economists (SSE), March 2004 annual meeting Visit URL
“January Reversal in the Weekend Effect” 2004American Society of Business and Behavior sciences , Eleventh Annual Meeti Visit URL
“ The Weekend Effect in the U.S. Stock Market: A New Look"2003EFA, Eastern Financial Association Visit URL
“Stock Returns and Inflation in an Emerging Stock Market: The Case of Jordan”,2003The Jordanian Economy in a Changing Environment Visit URL
"Are the Good Days Over? January Effect: Further Empirical Evidence. 2002The Financial Management Association (FMA), Visit URL
" The Output Effect of Monetary Policy in Jordan: VAR Analysis 2002Southwestern Society of Economics (USA), Visit URL
"Macroeconomic Factors and The Jordanian Stock Exchange “2001the Academy of International Business Southeast (USA) Annual Meeting (AIB-SE) Visit URL