عنوان البحث | اسم المجلة | موضوع البحث | سنة النشر | DOI | الرابط الالكتروني |
An Evaluation of a Jordanian Version of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency Second Edition Brief Form (BOT-2BF) for Use with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder | Perceptual and Motor Skills | special education | 2024 | |
زيارة الرابط
Development of special education in Jordan as a model: Reality and challenges | Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs (JORSEN) | Special Education | 2024 | |
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Levels of Psychological Burnout Among Female Special-Education Teachers Working with Children with Disabilities: A Comparative Study between Jordan and Qatar | International Journal of Disability, Development and Education | Special Education | 2024 | |
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Parental attitudes towards the inclusion of children with disabilities in Jordanian kindergartens | https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/rejs20 | DISABILITY | 2023 | |
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The Knowledge Hearing Impairment Children Have About Common Public Signs | Journal of Educational and Social Research | Education | 2023 | |
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COVID-19 and the status of remote learning for students with disabilities in Jordan: the learned lessons | International Journal of Special Education (IJSE) | special education | 2022 | |
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Curriculum implemented for students with specific learning disabilities in Jordanian resource rooms | International Journal of Special Education (IJSE) | special education | 2022 | |
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Online learning for students with intellectual disabilities during a coronavirus outbreak in Jordan | International Journal of Inclusive Education | special education | 2022 | |
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The types of reinforcement implemented in Jordanian preschools | Educational Research for Policy and Practice | Childhood | 2022 | |
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A curriculum for students with intellectual disabilities in Jordan | International Journal of Special Education (IJSE) | special education | 2021 | |
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Using assistive technology in a curriculum for preschool children with developmental disabilities in Jordan | Education 3-13 International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education | special education | 2021 | |
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Perceptions of Assistive Technology by Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments in Jordan | Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness | DISABILITY | 2020 | |
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The importance of and barriers to using a reading pictures strategy in the kindergarten curriculum: Jordanian teachers’ perspectives | International Journal of Early Years Education | using a reading pictures strategy,kindergarten curriculum,Jordanian teachers’ perspectives | 2020 | |
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Combating substance misuse: Competences and preparation of special education department students. | Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy. | disability | 2017 | |
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Dababneh, K & Al-Zboon, E. Understanding Impulsivity Among Children With Specific Learning Disabilities in Inclusion Schools | Learning Disability Quarterly | SE | 2017 | |
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Substance abuse at Jordanian Universities: the Perspective of Special Education Pre-Service Teachers. | Journal of Substance Use | Disability | 2017 | |
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Childhood fears among children who are blind: the perspective of teachers who are blind | Early Years: an international research journal. | special education | 2016 | |
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Children’s recognition of pictorial signs and symbols, | Early Child Development and Care, | children | 2016 | |
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Competencies that Teachers Need for Teaching Children Who Are Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (DHH) in Jordan | Deafness & Education International | disability | 2016 | |
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Current state of the curriculum in Jordanian kindergartens for children with hearing impairments | Early Child Development and Care | special education | 2016 | |
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Fear in children with visual impairments from the perspective of their parents | Early Child Development and Care | special education | 2016 | |
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Jordanian parents’ beliefs about the causes of disability and the progress of their children with disabilities: insights on mainstream schools and segregated centres | European Journal of Special Needs Education | disability | 2016 | |
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Kindergarten Curriculum for Children with Hearing Impairments: Jordanian Teachers’ Perspectives | Deafness & Education International | Special education | 2016 | |
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Parents’ attitudes towards their children with cerebral palsy, | Early Child Development and Care, | disability | 2016 | |
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Special Education Teacher Leadership in Jordan: | Societies | special education | 2016 | |
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Attitudes of dentists toward persons with intellectual disabilities in Jordanian hospitals | Special Care in Dentistry | Disability | 2015 | |
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Pre-service special education teachers’ professionalism and preparation in terms of child sexual abuse | European Journal of Special Needs Education | Special education | 2015 | |
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Prevalence and types of childhood abuse among special education students attending Jordanian Universities | International Journal of Adolescence and Youth | Special education | 2015 | |
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Quality of Life of Teachers of Children with Disabilites | Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences | Special education | 2015 | |
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Quality of Work Life: Perceptions of Jordanian Special Education Teachers | Education | Special education | 2015 | |
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Self-determination of women with disabilities | European Journal of Special Needs | Special education | 2015 | |
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تقييم المنهاج الوطني التفاعلي ووثيقة الاطار العام والنتاجات العامة والخاصة لمنهاج رياض الأطفال ذوي الإعاقة السمعية من وجهة نظر معلماتهم: دراسة نوعية | Jordan Journal of Educational Science | Special education | 2015 | |
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Combating violence against children: Jordanian pre-service early childhood teachers’ perceptions towards child abuse and neglect | Early Child Development and Care | early childhood | 2014 | |
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Quality of Life of Students with Disabilities Attending Jordanian Universities | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPECIAL EDUCATION | Special education | 2014 | |
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The type of curriculum activities implemented in Jordanian preschools | Early Child Development and Care | Early childhood | 2014 | |
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مؤشرات تقرير المصير في برامج التربية الخاصة في الاردن | Journal of educational and psychological studies | special education | 2014 | |
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Person – Centered planning in special education programs in jordan | European Journal of Social Sciences | special education | 2013 | |
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تقييم الخدمات المكتبية المقدمة إلى لأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة البصرية في الأردن | Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences (JJES) | special education | 2013 | |
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