الأبحاث المنشورة

عنوان البحثاسم المجلةموضوع البحثسنة النشرDOIالرابط الالكتروني
Microsoft teams as an online education system in higher education: The case for JordanInternational Journal of Education and PracticeHigher Education2024  زيارة الرابط
School-based practicum and pre-service teachers self-efficacy: Impact and challengesInternational Journal of Education and PracticeEducation2023  زيارة الرابط
Facilitators And Constraints Faced By Freshmen University Students In Online Classes During COVID-19 PandemicJournal of Positive School Psychology educational science 2022  زيارة الرابط
An Approach to Assist Dyslexia in Reading Issue: An Experimental StudyPrzestrzen spoleczna (social space)United Kingdom2022  زيارة الرابط
The Valencia Eustress-Distress Appraisal Scale (VEDAS): Validation of the Arabic Version North American Journal of PsychologyPsychology2022  زيارة الرابط
GRAPHICS AS A PEDAGOGICAL METHOD IN TEACHING GRAMMARJournal of Language and LiteratureAzerbaijan2016  زيارة الرابط
Light and Dark in Pakula’s All the President’s Men.International Journal of Language and Literatureusa2016  زيارة الرابط