عنوان البحث | اسم المجلة | موضوع البحث | سنة النشر | DOI | الرابط الالكتروني |
Ancient Architectural Walls of Jordan in the Southern Levant | ARQUEOLOGIA IBEROAMERICANA | Jordan, | 2025 | |
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Early Technology of Copper Mining in Antiquity: Wadi Araba, Jordan, Southern Levant (Elaf Quraysh Route) | ARQUEOLOGIA IBEROAMERICANA | Jordan, | 2025 | |
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MANAGEMENT OF RELIGIOUS TOURISM IN THE BAPTISM SITE JORDAN-SOUTH LEVANT | Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies | CRM, Heritage, | 2023 | |
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Pilgrimage to Holy Sites Cultural Heritage and Religious Tourism from Jesus Baptism Site-Jordan River to Ain Saleem | American International Journal of Contemporary Research | Cultural Heritage | 2020 | |
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Mountain of Transfiguration & New Discoveries in Site of Jesus Baptism / Jordan River | American International Journal of Contemporary Research | Archaeology, Religions, Excavation, Roman, Heritage. | 2019 | |
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Site of Jesus Baptism: From Discovery to World List Heritage | International Journal of Archaeology | Cultural Heritage | 2019 | |
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The Discovery of Byzantine Laura of St Mary the Egyptian in Site of Jesus Baptism | Sryahwa Publications Annals of Archaeology | Discovery | 2019 | |
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The Holy Triangular Along the Christian Pilgrims Road, East of Jordan River ( Baptism Site, Aenon Near to Saleem, and Tyrue Cave) | Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Religion | Archaeology, Anthropology, history | 2017 | |
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“Wadi Al- Kharrar Archaeological Project: The Monastery “, Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, | Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan | jordan | 1999 | |
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1. “New Discoveries Near The Jordan River”, Al- Reem | “New Discoveries Near The Jordan River”, Al- Reem | jordan | 1998 | |
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1. Waheeb, M. & Hadidi, S. | ”, American Journal of Archaeology | jordan | 1998 | |
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1. Waheeb. M. 1998 “ Amman Ring Road Archaeology Project Phase I ( Survey), Annual of Department of Antiquities of Jordan ,42,P. 621-625. | Amman Ring Road Archaeology Project Phase I ( Survey), Annual of Department of Antiquities of Jordan | jordan | 1998 | |
زيارة الرابط
1. Waheeb. M. 1998 “New Discoveries Near the Baptism Site (Jordan River) (Al- Maghtas Project)”, Occident & Orient, | “New Discoveries Near the Baptism Site (Jordan River) (Al- Maghtas Project)”, Occident & Orient, | jordan | 1998 | |
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1. “Report On The Excavations At Wadi Al- Kufrayn Souhern Ghors (Al- Aghwar)”, Annual of The Department of Antiquities of Jordan, . | Report On The Excavations At Wadi Al- Kufrayn Souhern Ghors (Al- Aghwar)”, | jordan | 1997 | |
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1. 1997 “Ghor En – Nymeria Excavations “, American Journal of Archaeology, | “Ghor En – Nymeria Excavations “, American Journal of Archaeology | jordan | 1997 | |
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1. Waheeb, M. | Ayen el – Jommam A Neolithic site Near Ras en- Naqab- southern Jordan | jordan | 1997 | |
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1. Waheeb, M. “A Middle Bronze Age Tomb Near Tall Al- ‘Umayri”, Annual of The Department of Antiquities of Jordan, | “A Middle Bronze Age Tomb Near Tall Al- ‘Umayri”, | jordan | 1997 | |
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1. Waheeb, M. & Abu Dayyeh , A. | “Recent Excavations At Ras en Naqab | jordan | 1997 | |
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1. 1996 “Ain Al- Jammam In Southern Jordan “, American Journal of Archaeology, . | Ain Al- Jammam In Southern Jordan | jordan | 1996 | |
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1. 1995 “Recent Excavations At The Amman Nymphaeum Preliminary Report”, Annual of The Department of Antiquities of Jordan, . | Annual of The Department of Antiquities of Jordan | jordan | 1995 | |
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1. 1995 “The Roman Nymphaeum in Philadelphia”, American Journal of Archaeology, | American Journal of Archaeology | jordan | 1995 | |
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1. 1996 “Archaeological Excavation at Ras An – Naqab – ‘Aqaba Road Alignment: Preliminary Report ), Annual of The Department of Antiquities of Jordan, . | Annual of The Department of Antiquities of Jordan | joradan | 1995 | |
زيارة الرابط
1. Waheeb , M. “The First Season of The an-Naq’ Project, Ghawr as – Safi” Annual of The Department of Antiquities of Jordan, . | Annual of The Department of Antiquities of Jordan | jordan | 1995 | |
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1. 1994 “Archaeological Excavations at Nymphaeum”, American Journal of Archaeology, 99/3. | ”, American Journal of Archaeology | jordan | 1994 | |
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1. 1994 “Cultural Resources Management in The Arab World” , Perspectives Ages Manazine, Sudi Arabia. Vol. 9, part 1: 1-12. | Perspectives Ages Manazine, Sudi Arabia | jordan | 1994 | |
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1. Waheeb, M. , Palumbo, G., & abu Abileh, M. 1994 “Salvage Excavations At the Bronze Age Cemetery of Khirbt Umm Zaytuna, Wadi Kufrenjeh, Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan , 38, P.: 63-73. | Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan | jordan | 1994 | |
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1. Waheeb, M . & Palumbo, G. 1993 “ An Early Bronze Age IV Cemetery At Al-Bassah, Near “Iraq Al- Amir” , Annual of The Department of Antiquities of Jordan,. | Annual of The Department of Antiquities of Jordan | jordan | 1993 | |
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1. Waheeb, M ., & Zubi, Z., | “ The Amman Nymphaeum Excavation Project | jordan | 1993 | |
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1. Waheeb, M etal “Cultural Resources Management in Jordan, | Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan | Jordan | 1993 | |
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1. Waheeb, M etal 1993 “ The Cultural Resources Management Project In Jordan: Archaeological Rescue Survey of the Tafileh – Ghor Frifeh Road Alignment, Sections 1+ I I “ , Annual of the Department of Antiquities of the Jordan ,. | Annual of the Department of Antiquities of the Jordan | jordan | 1993 | |
زيارة الرابط
1. Waheeb, M etal “ the Cultural Resources Management Project in Jordan : Archaeological Rescue Survey of the Ras An – Naqab- Aqaba Highway Alignment, | Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan | jordan | 1992 | |
زيارة الرابط
1. Waheeb, M etal 1993 “Cultural Resource Impact Assessments in “Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, .:. | “Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan | jordan | 1992 | |
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