عنوان البحث | اسم المجلة | موضوع البحث | سنة النشر | DOI | الرابط الالكتروني |
Ancient theatre acoustical qualities reconstruction dilemma for modern use and the international charters | Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development | Heritage Conservation | 2023 | |
زيارة الرابط
2017 Leen A. Fakhoury, Naif A. Haddad, Aspects of The Architectural And Urban Heritage In Jordan: From Documentation and Registers to Conservation for Adaptive and Modern Uses at the Historic Cores ff Salt and Irbid/Jordan, International Journal of Architectural Research (Archnet-IJAR) , Volume 11, Issue 2, July 2017.pp.190-218. | International Journal of Architectural Research (Archnet-IJAR) | architectural and urban conservation | 2017 | |
زيارة الرابط
Critical Review, Assessment and Investigation of Ancient Technology Evolution of Door Locking Mechanisms in S.E. Mediterranean | MEDITERRANEAN ARCHAEOLOGY & ARCHAEOMETRY (MAA) | Ancient technology, Locking systems,Homeric lock; Smart Hellenistic tumbler Laconian lock; | 2016 | |
زيارة الرابط
Urban and Rural Umayyad House Architecture in Jordan: A Comprehensive Typological Analysis at al-Hallabat | International Journal of Architectural Research (Archnet-IJAR) | Umayyad architecture in JORDAN | 2016 | |
زيارة الرابط
Towards Developing a Sustainable Heritage Tourism Action Plan for Irbid historic core | International Journal of Architectural Research (Archnet-IJAR) | Sustainable architectural Heritage andTourism | 2016 | |
زيارة الرابط
Naif A. Haddad, Leen A. Fakhoury, Towards Developing a Sustainable Heritage Tourism Action Plan for Irbid historic core, | International Journal of Architectural Research (Archnet-IJAR) , | architectural conservation, adaptive reuse; collective memory; visual image and place image | 2016 | |
زيارة الرابط
2016 Naif A. HADDAD, The 21st Century Knowledge And Learning Heritage Experiences And The "Digital Native" Generation, | TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology | childhood heritage edutainment multimedia; serious games; digital natives | 2016 | |
زيارة الرابط
2016 HADDAD, Naif A. Multimedia and cultural heritage: a discussion for the community involved in childrens heritage edutainment and serious games in the 21st century. | Virtual Archaeology Review | childhood heritage edutainment multimedia; serious games; interactive virtual reality; | 2016 | |
زيارة الرابط
Notes on Nabataean Construction Techniques: A Critical Review and Investigation of El-khazneh Slots Function | MEDITERRANEAN ARCHAEOLOGY & ARCHAEOMETRY (MAA) | Nabataean architecture, construction techniques | 2015 | |
زيارة الرابط
Naif A. Haddad, Talal Akasheh, José Luis Lerma, Bilal Khrisat, Towards Risk Management and Conservation Plan for the Djin Blocks in the World Heritage Site of Petra (Jordan): The case of the Djin Block No. 9 | Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites | architectural conservation, Heritage documentation | 2015 | |
زيارة الرابط
Critical Assessment of the Barrel Vault Geometry and Structure of the Oldest Macedonian tomb of Eurydice in Vergina, | MEDITERRANEAN ARCHAEOLOGY & ARCHAEOMETRY (MMA) | Hellenistic Architecture,Macedonian Tombs,structural analysis | 2015 | |
زيارة الرابط
2014 Naif A. Haddad, “Heritage Multimedia and Children Edutainment: Assessment and Recommendations,” Advances in Multimedia, vol. 2014, Article ID 579182, 13 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/579182 | Advances in Multimedia | heritage multimedia and conservation | 2014 | |
زيارة الرابط
2013 Naif A.Haddad , Sharaf A. Al-kheder , Leen A. Fakhoury (2013). Al Mujib Natural Reserve in Jordan: - Towards an Assessment for Sustainable Ecotourism Management Plan Utilizing Spatial Documentation. Natural Resources and Conservation, 1(3) , 65 - 76. doi: 10.13189/nrc.2013.010302. | Natural Resources and Conservation | documentation, conservation | 2013 | |
زيارة الرابط
J. L. Lerma, M. Cabrelles, T. S. Akasheh, N.A. Haddad, Documentation of Weathered Architectural Heritage with Visible, Near Infrared, Thermal and Laser Scanning Data | International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era, | architectural conservation, Heritage documentation | 2012 | |
زيارة الرابط
From Ground Surveying to 3D Laser Scanner:A Review of Techniques Used for Spatial Documentation of Historic Sites | Journal of King Saud University- Engineering Science | Digital documention, 3D scanning | 2011 | |
زيارة الرابط
Analytical Identification and Conservation Issues of Painted Plaster from Qaser Amra in Jordan | International Journal of Conservation science, | Conservation Science and heritage buildings | 2011 | |
زيارة الرابط
2011 José Luis Lerma, Talal Akasheh, Naif Haddad, Miriam Cabrelles, Multispectral Sensors in Combination with Recording Tools for Cultural Heritage Documentation, Change Over Time , Volume 1, Number 2, Fall 2011 , pp. 236-250 | Change Over Time | digital heritage documentation | 2011 | |
زيارة الرابط
Socio-Spatial Planning Problems within Jordan Valley, Jordan: Obstacles to Sustainable Tourism Development | Tourism and Hospitality Planning & Development | Planing,Sustainable Tourism | 2010 | |
زيارة الرابط
The Baptism Archaeological Site of Bethany Beyond Jordan: Towards an Assessment for a Management Plan | Tourism and Hospitality Planning & Development | Archaeological Conservation and Manegment | 2009 | |
زيارة الرابط
A GIS Analysis of the Impact of Modern Practices and Polices on the Urban Heritage of Irbid/Jordan | Cities | Urban Heritage and GIS | 2009 | |
زيارة الرابط
عمارة القصور الأموية في بادية الشام: دراسة تحليلية في الخصوصيةThe Architecture of Umayyad Palaces in the Great Syria (Badiya): Analytical Study in the Particularity | The Emirates Journal for Engineering Research (EJER) | Islamic Architecture | 2009 | |
زيارة الرابط
Criteria for the Assessment of Modern use of Ancient Theatres and Odea, | International Journal of Heritage studies | Architectural Conservation | 2007 | |
زيارة الرابط