الأبحاث المنشورة

عنوان البحثاسم المجلةموضوع البحثسنة النشرDOIالرابط الالكتروني
Ancient theatre acoustical qualities reconstruction dilemma for modern use and the international chartersJournal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable DevelopmentHeritage Conservation2023  زيارة الرابط
2017 Leen A. Fakhoury, Naif A. Haddad, Aspects of The Architectural And Urban Heritage In Jordan: From Documentation and Registers to Conservation for Adaptive and Modern Uses at the Historic Cores ff Salt and Irbid/Jordan, International Journal of Architectural Research (Archnet-IJAR) , Volume 11, Issue 2, July 2017.pp.190-218. International Journal of Architectural Research (Archnet-IJAR)architectural and urban conservation2017  زيارة الرابط
Critical Review, Assessment and Investigation of Ancient Technology Evolution of Door Locking Mechanisms in S.E. MediterraneanMEDITERRANEAN ARCHAEOLOGY & ARCHAEOMETRY (MAA) Ancient technology, Locking systems,Homeric lock; Smart Hellenistic tumbler Laconian lock;2016  زيارة الرابط
Urban and Rural Umayyad House Architecture in Jordan: A Comprehensive Typological Analysis at al-HallabatInternational Journal of Architectural Research (Archnet-IJAR)Umayyad architecture in JORDAN2016  زيارة الرابط
Towards Developing a Sustainable Heritage Tourism Action Plan for Irbid historic coreInternational Journal of Architectural Research (Archnet-IJAR)Sustainable architectural Heritage andTourism2016  زيارة الرابط
Naif A. Haddad, Leen A. Fakhoury, Towards Developing a Sustainable Heritage Tourism Action Plan for Irbid historic core, International Journal of Architectural Research (Archnet-IJAR) , architectural conservation, adaptive reuse; collective memory; visual image and place image2016  زيارة الرابط
2016 Naif A. HADDAD, The 21st Century Knowledge And Learning Heritage Experiences And The "Digital Native" Generation, TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology childhood heritage edutainment multimedia; serious games; digital natives2016  زيارة الرابط
2016 HADDAD, Naif A. Multimedia and cultural heritage: a discussion for the community involved in childrens heritage edutainment and serious games in the 21st century. Virtual Archaeology Review childhood heritage edutainment multimedia; serious games; interactive virtual reality; 2016  زيارة الرابط
Notes on Nabataean Construction Techniques: A Critical Review and Investigation of El-khazneh Slots FunctionMEDITERRANEAN ARCHAEOLOGY & ARCHAEOMETRY (MAA) Nabataean architecture, construction techniques2015  زيارة الرابط
Naif A. Haddad, Talal Akasheh, José Luis Lerma, Bilal Khrisat, Towards Risk Management and Conservation Plan for the Djin Blocks in the World Heritage Site of Petra (Jordan): The case of the Djin Block No. 9Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sitesarchitectural conservation, Heritage documentation 2015  زيارة الرابط
Critical Assessment of the Barrel Vault Geometry and Structure of the Oldest Macedonian tomb of Eurydice in Vergina, MEDITERRANEAN ARCHAEOLOGY & ARCHAEOMETRY (MMA) Hellenistic Architecture,Macedonian Tombs,structural analysis2015  زيارة الرابط
2014 Naif A. Haddad, “Heritage Multimedia and Children Edutainment: Assessment and Recommendations,” Advances in Multimedia, vol. 2014, Article ID 579182, 13 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/579182Advances in Multimediaheritage multimedia and conservation2014  زيارة الرابط
2013 Naif A.Haddad , Sharaf A. Al-kheder , Leen A. Fakhoury (2013). Al Mujib Natural Reserve in Jordan: - Towards an Assessment for Sustainable Ecotourism Management Plan Utilizing Spatial Documentation. Natural Resources and Conservation, 1(3) , 65 - 76. doi: 10.13189/nrc.2013.010302. Natural Resources and Conservationdocumentation, conservation2013  زيارة الرابط
J. L. Lerma, M. Cabrelles, T. S. Akasheh, N.A. Haddad, Documentation of Weathered Architectural Heritage with Visible, Near Infrared, Thermal and Laser Scanning DataInternational Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era, architectural conservation, Heritage documentation 2012  زيارة الرابط
From Ground Surveying to 3D Laser Scanner:A Review of Techniques Used for Spatial Documentation of Historic SitesJournal of King Saud University- Engineering ScienceDigital documention, 3D scanning2011  زيارة الرابط
Analytical Identification and Conservation Issues of Painted Plaster from Qaser Amra in JordanInternational Journal of Conservation science, Conservation Science and heritage buildings2011  زيارة الرابط
2011 José Luis Lerma, Talal Akasheh, Naif Haddad, Miriam Cabrelles, Multispectral Sensors in Combination with Recording Tools for Cultural Heritage Documentation, Change Over Time , Volume 1, Number 2, Fall 2011 , pp. 236-250 Change Over Time digital heritage documentation 2011  زيارة الرابط
Socio-Spatial Planning Problems within Jordan Valley, Jordan: Obstacles to Sustainable Tourism DevelopmentTourism and Hospitality Planning & DevelopmentPlaning,Sustainable Tourism 2010  زيارة الرابط
The Baptism Archaeological Site of Bethany Beyond Jordan: Towards an Assessment for a Management Plan Tourism and Hospitality Planning & DevelopmentArchaeological Conservation and Manegment2009  زيارة الرابط
A GIS Analysis of the Impact of Modern Practices and Polices on the Urban Heritage of Irbid/JordanCities Urban Heritage and GIS2009  زيارة الرابط
عمارة القصور الأموية في بادية الشام: دراسة تحليلية في الخصوصيةThe Architecture of Umayyad Palaces in the Great Syria (Badiya): Analytical Study in the ParticularityThe Emirates Journal for Engineering Research (EJER)Islamic Architecture2009  زيارة الرابط
Criteria for the Assessment of Modern use of Ancient Theatres and Odea, International Journal of Heritage studies Architectural Conservation2007  زيارة الرابط