Research Title | MAG. TITLE | RESEARCH AREA | PUBLISH YEAR | DOI | Journal URL |
Language Maintenance: The Case of Modern Standard Arabic Among Bilinguals | Journal of Language Teaching and Research | Linguistics | 2024 | |
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The verb ?ad?a ‘come’ in Jordanian Arabic: three levels of grammaticalization | Humanities and Social Sciences Communications | grammaticalization/ linguistics | 2024 | |
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Hate Speech in Bumper Stickers in Jordan | Theory and Practice in Language Studies | Linguistics | 2023 | |
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Inadequate Top-Down Information and Vowel Judgement | Journal of Language Teaching and Research | Linguistics | 2023 | |
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The Status and the Future of the English Language in Jordan | Theory and Practice in Language Studies | Linguistics | 2023 | |
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Using Conceptual Metaphors to Bridge the Gap Between the Receptive and Productive Competence of Idiomatic Expressions: The Case of Jordanian EFL Learners | Theory and Practice in Language Studies | Applied Linguistics | 2023 | |
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Bumper Stickers in Jordan: A Structural Analysis | Advances in Language and Literary Studies | LInguistics | 2017 | |
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Content-Based Analysis of Bumper Stickers in Jordan | Advances in Language and Literature | Linguistics | 2016 | |
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Figurative Idiomatic Language: Strategies and Difficulties of Understanding English Idioms | International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature. | Linguistics | 2016 | |
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Graphics as A Pedagogical Method in Teaching Grammar | Journal of Language and Literature | Grammar | 2016 | |
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Light and Dark in Pakulas All the Presidents Men | International Language of Language and Literature | Literature | 2016 | |
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Inshallah: Extensive Floutings of the Maxim of Quality | Asian Social Science | Discourse | 2015 | |
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Teaching Modern Standard Arabic for Non- Native Speakers As a Lingua Franca | Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences | Language Teaching | 2015 | |
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The Behavior of Color Terms in Jordanian Arabic: Lexical and Grammatical Evidence | Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences | Discourse | 2015 | |
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Greeting Terms in Jordanian Arabic | European Journal of Social Sciences | Discourse | 2014 | |
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The Linguistic Variants of Allah Expressions in Jordanian Arabic. | Cross-Cultural Communication | Discourse | 2014 | |
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