Research Title | MAG. TITLE | RESEARCH AREA | PUBLISH YEAR | DOI | Journal URL |
Exploring the Supervisory Needs of School Counselors in Refugee School Settings | International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling | supervision and school counseling, working with refugee schoolchildren | 2024 | |
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Prevalence, Predictors, and the Role of Social Support in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Cancer Patients in Oman | Cancer Nursing: An International Journal for cancer care research | PTSD, Cancer patients | 2024 | |
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The Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy in The Relationship Between Self-Determination Motive and Academic Engagement Among Undergraduate Students | Participatory Educational Research | education, educational psychology, motivation, learning | 2024 | |
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Correlates of resilience among university students in Oman: a cross-sectional study | BMC Psychology, | mental health, adolescents, | 2023 | |
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Breaking the Silence: Understanding the Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence on Refugee Men, with Depression as a Key Outcome | JOURNAL OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT | violence. social psychology | 2023 | |
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Pregnant Womens experiences with intimate partner violence one year after the COVID-19 pandemic in Jordan | Nursing Open. | Midwifery | 2023 | |
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The Cyber Intimate Partner Violence: Prevalence, Context, and Relationship With In-Person Intimate Violence Victimization | Journal of Family issues | IPV, Women, cyber abuse | 2023 | |
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The Coping Strategies of Intimate Partner Violence Survivors | Partner abuse journal | IPV, Women, abuse | 2023 | |
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Stress and loneliness: exploring adolescents’ use of social media as a coping strategy during COVID-19 | Nursing Children and Young People | mental health, adolescents, | 2023 | |
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Self and public stigma towards mental illnesses and its predictors among university students in 11 Arabic-speaking countries: A multi-site study | International journal of mental health nursing | mental health | 2023 | |
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Validation of the revised scale of students’ attitudes towards research | Studies in Higher Education | Psychological Measurement | 2023 | |
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Intimate Partner Violence Victimization Among Refugee Men: Prevalence and Correlates With Associated Factors | The Journal of Men’s Studies | IPV, men, refugee | 2023 | |
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The Relationship Between Peer Bullying and PTSS in Refugee Schoolchildren | Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. | Psychological Measurement-Psychology | 2022 | |
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The Elephant in the Room: The Role of Songs in Developing Social Prejudice Attitudes Among University Students | Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies | motivation | 2022 | |
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Facilitators and barriers of mental health help-seeking behaviours among adolescents in Oman: a cross-sectional study | NORDIC JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY | mental health, adolescents, asking help | 2022 | |
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The Efficacy and Feasibility of the Arizona Attorney General’s School-based Cyber-safety Promotion and Cyberbullying Prevention Intervention among Middle School Adolescents in Oman | psychology in schools | school counselling, cyberbullying prevention | 2022 | |
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The Effects of psychodrama intervention on Intimate Partner Violence and quality of Life. Trial of Syrian refugee abused women | Journal of International Womens Studies | refugee mental health, IPV, group counselling, psychodrama | 2022 | |
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Intimate Partner Violence Against Pregnant Jordanian Women at the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic’s Quarantine | Journal of Interpersonal Violence | violence, interpersonal violence, women. | 2021 | |
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فاعلية برنامج إرشاد جمعي إفتراضي قائم على التعليم النفسي في تحسين الرضا الزواجي لدى عينة من الطلبة الجامعيين المتزوجين خلال جائحة كوفيد- 19 | مجلة الدراسات النفسية والتربوية، جامعة السلطان قابوس، -. | counseling, men counseling, cyber counseling | 2021 | |
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Intimate partner violence among Jordanian pregnant women and its predictors | Nursing Open | Midwifery | 2021 | |
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صدق نموذج روزبالت بالاستثمار بالعلاقة الزواجية لتفسير البقاء في العلاقة العنيفة لدى عينة من النساء المعنفات الاردنيات | مجلة الدراسات النفسية والتربوية، جامعة السلطان قابوس، -. | الارشاد النفسي، الصحة النفسية للنساء المعنفات، العنف الاسري. | 2020 | |
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Reasons for Not Seeking Professional Help by Abused Refugee Women: A Qualitative Study | Interpersonal violence | IPV. | 2020 | |
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Abusing other behind the Screens: Depression outcomes | Journal of Institutional Research (South East Asia)- JIRSEA | violence, interpersonal violence, cyberbullying | 2019 | |
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Violence against Women and Its Consequences on Womens Reproductive Health and Depression: A Jordanian sample | journal of interpersonal violence | IPV, women, repruductive health and depression. | 2018 | |
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Psychometric characteristics of the jordanian version of the childrens depression inventory | International Journal of Educational Research and Technology | psychometric, test , Children depression | 2016 | |
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Pregnant Womens Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence and Seeking Help from Health Car e Professionals: A Jordanian Qualitative Study | Journal of Family Violence | GBV, health care professioanls | 2015 | |
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مستويات ضغط ما بعد الصدمة لدى عينة من ضحايا العنف الاسري من النساء المعنفات في ضوء عدة متغيرات | مجلة العلوم النفسية والتربية - جامعة البحرين | GBV, PTSD, abused women mental health | 2015 | |
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علاقة التوجهات الهدفية بسلوك التغذية الراجعة لدى عينة من طلبة الجامعة الهاشمية | مجلة الدراسات النفسية والتربوية- جامعة السلطان قابوس | علم النفس التربوي | 2014 | |
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فاعلية برنامج العلاج السلوكي المعرفي والعلاج بالموسيقى في خفض اعراض قلق ما بعد الصدمة لدى عينة من الاطفال اللاجئين | مجلة دراسات العلوم التربوية والنفسية ، جامعة السلطان قابوس | children under wars, mental health, refugee | 2014 | |
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أثر نموذج العلاج المعرفي السلوكي المركز على الصدمة في خفض أعراض الاكتئاب لدى عينة من أطفال الحروب | ، دراسات، العلوم التربوية، | PTSD, refujee children mental health | 2014 | |
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University Violence in Jordan: PTSD Consequences | Journal of Loss and Trauma | PTSD univeristy violence | 2014 | |
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Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy: Cultural adaptations for application in Jordanian culture | Counselling Psychology Quarterly | truama treatment, abused children. | 2014 | |
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The effect of learned help-Lessness on changing goal orientation among undergraduate students | Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia | learned hoplessness, goals orientations | 2014 | |
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اضطراب قلق ما بعد الصدمة لدى عينة من الأطفال والمراهقين اللاجئين العراقيين في الأردن في ضوء بعض المتغيرات الديموغرافية | مجلة العلوم التربوية والنفسية | الارشاد النفسي - مشكلات الاطفال اللاجئين | 2013 | |
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استراتيجيات التوافق مع الضغوط النفسية لدى أبناء النساء المعنفات وعلاقتها بمتغيري جنس الطفل وعمره. | مجلة درسات الجامعة الاردنية | العنف الاسري ، ارشاد ابناء النساء المعنفات | 2009 | |
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