Published Researchs

Exploring the Supervisory Needs of School Counselors in Refugee School SettingsInternational Journal for the Advancement of Counsellingsupervision and school counseling, working with refugee schoolchildren2024  Visit URL
Prevalence, Predictors, and the Role of Social Support in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Cancer Patients in OmanCancer Nursing: An International Journal for cancer care researchPTSD, Cancer patients2024  Visit URL
The Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy in The Relationship Between Self-Determination Motive and Academic Engagement Among Undergraduate StudentsParticipatory Educational Researcheducation, educational psychology, motivation, learning2024  Visit URL
Correlates of resilience among university students in Oman: a cross-sectional studyBMC Psychology,mental health, adolescents,2023  Visit URL
Breaking the Silence: Understanding the Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence on Refugee Men, with Depression as a Key OutcomeJOURNAL OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENTviolence. social psychology2023  Visit URL
Pregnant Womens experiences with intimate partner violence one year after the COVID-19 pandemic in JordanNursing Open.Midwifery2023  Visit URL
The Cyber Intimate Partner Violence: Prevalence, Context, and Relationship With In-Person Intimate Violence VictimizationJournal of Family issuesIPV, Women, cyber abuse2023  Visit URL
The Coping Strategies of Intimate Partner Violence SurvivorsPartner abuse journalIPV, Women, abuse2023  Visit URL
Stress and loneliness: exploring adolescents’ use of social media as a coping strategy during COVID-19Nursing Children and Young Peoplemental health, adolescents,2023  Visit URL
Self and public stigma towards mental illnesses and its predictors among university students in 11 Arabic-speaking countries: A multi-site studyInternational journal of mental health nursingmental health2023  Visit URL
Validation of the revised scale of students’ attitudes towards researchStudies in Higher EducationPsychological Measurement2023  Visit URL
Intimate Partner Violence Victimization Among Refugee Men: Prevalence and Correlates With Associated FactorsThe Journal of Men’s StudiesIPV, men, refugee2023  Visit URL
The Relationship Between Peer Bullying and PTSS in Refugee SchoolchildrenPsychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.Psychological Measurement-Psychology2022  Visit URL
The Elephant in the Room: The Role of Songs in Developing Social Prejudice Attitudes Among University StudentsJournal of Ethnic and Cultural Studiesmotivation2022  Visit URL
Facilitators and barriers of mental health help-seeking behaviours among adolescents in Oman: a cross-sectional studyNORDIC JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRYmental health, adolescents, asking help2022  Visit URL
The Efficacy and Feasibility of the Arizona Attorney General’s School-based Cyber-safety Promotion and Cyberbullying Prevention Intervention among Middle School Adolescents in Omanpsychology in schoolsschool counselling, cyberbullying prevention2022  Visit URL
The Effects of psychodrama intervention on Intimate Partner Violence and quality of Life. Trial of Syrian refugee abused womenJournal of International Womens Studiesrefugee mental health, IPV, group counselling, psychodrama2022  Visit URL
Intimate Partner Violence Against Pregnant Jordanian Women at the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic’s QuarantineJournal of Interpersonal Violenceviolence, interpersonal violence, women.2021  Visit URL
فاعلية برنامج إرشاد جمعي إفتراضي قائم على التعليم النفسي في تحسين الرضا الزواجي لدى عينة من الطلبة الجامعيين المتزوجين خلال جائحة كوفيد- 19مجلة الدراسات النفسية والتربوية، جامعة السلطان قابوس، -.counseling, men counseling, cyber counseling2021  Visit URL
Intimate partner violence among Jordanian pregnant women and its predictorsNursing OpenMidwifery2021  Visit URL
صدق نموذج روزبالت بالاستثمار بالعلاقة الزواجية لتفسير البقاء في العلاقة العنيفة لدى عينة من النساء المعنفات الاردنياتمجلة الدراسات النفسية والتربوية، جامعة السلطان قابوس، -.الارشاد النفسي، الصحة النفسية للنساء المعنفات، العنف الاسري.2020  Visit URL
Reasons for Not Seeking Professional Help by Abused Refugee Women: A Qualitative StudyInterpersonal violenceIPV.2020  Visit URL
Abusing other behind the Screens: Depression outcomesJournal of Institutional Research (South East Asia)- JIRSEAviolence, interpersonal violence, cyberbullying2019  Visit URL
Violence against Women and Its Consequences on Womens Reproductive Health and Depression: A Jordanian samplejournal of interpersonal violenceIPV, women, repruductive health and depression.2018  Visit URL
Psychometric characteristics of the jordanian version of the childrens depression inventoryInternational Journal of Educational Research and Technologypsychometric, test , Children depression2016  Visit URL
Pregnant Womens Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence and Seeking Help from Health Car e Professionals: A Jordanian Qualitative StudyJournal of Family ViolenceGBV, health care professioanls2015  Visit URL
مستويات ضغط ما بعد الصدمة لدى عينة من ضحايا العنف الاسري من النساء المعنفات في ضوء عدة متغيرات مجلة العلوم النفسية والتربية - جامعة البحرين GBV, PTSD, abused women mental health 2015  Visit URL
علاقة التوجهات الهدفية بسلوك التغذية الراجعة لدى عينة من طلبة الجامعة الهاشمية مجلة الدراسات النفسية والتربوية- جامعة السلطان قابوسعلم النفس التربوي 2014  Visit URL
فاعلية برنامج العلاج السلوكي المعرفي والعلاج بالموسيقى في خفض اعراض قلق ما بعد الصدمة لدى عينة من الاطفال اللاجئينمجلة دراسات العلوم التربوية والنفسية ، جامعة السلطان قابوسchildren under wars, mental health, refugee2014  Visit URL
أثر نموذج العلاج المعرفي السلوكي المركز على الصدمة في خفض أعراض الاكتئاب لدى عينة من أطفال الحروب، دراسات، العلوم التربوية، PTSD, refujee children mental health 2014  Visit URL
University Violence in Jordan: PTSD ConsequencesJournal of Loss and TraumaPTSD univeristy violence2014  Visit URL
Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy: Cultural adaptations for application in Jordanian cultureCounselling Psychology Quarterlytruama treatment, abused children.2014  Visit URL
The effect of learned help-Lessness on changing goal orientation among undergraduate studentsJournal of Institutional Research South East Asialearned hoplessness, goals orientations2014  Visit URL
اضطراب قلق ما بعد الصدمة لدى عينة من الأطفال والمراهقين اللاجئين العراقيين في الأردن في ضوء بعض المتغيرات الديموغرافيةمجلة العلوم التربوية والنفسيةالارشاد النفسي - مشكلات الاطفال اللاجئين2013  Visit URL
استراتيجيات التوافق مع الضغوط النفسية لدى أبناء النساء المعنفات وعلاقتها بمتغيري جنس الطفل وعمره.مجلة درسات الجامعة الاردنية العنف الاسري ، ارشاد ابناء النساء المعنفات 2009  Visit URL