Published Researchs

Response of Thermo- Electro-Magneto Semiconductor Elastic Medium to Photothermal Excitation Process with Thomson InfluenceSiliconApplied Mathematics and Physics2020  Visit URL
The influence of variable thermal conductivity of semiconductor elastic medium during photothermal excitation subjected to thermal ramp typeResults in PhysicsApplied Mathematics and Physics2019  Visit URL
Further properties of the generalization of primal superidealsItalian J. of Pure and Applied MathematicsAlgebra-Ideals 2017  Visit URL
Characterization of the Gelefand-Shilov spaces of beurling type and its dual via short-time Fourier transformJordan J. of Mathematics and StatisticsFunctional Analysis2016  Visit URL
On almost 2-absorbing submodulesItalian J. of Pure and Applied MathematicsAlgebra-Ideals and Modules2016  Visit URL
Automorphisms and inner automorphisms Journal of MathematicsAlgebre-Superalgebra2016  Visit URL
The Jones polynomial of rational linksKodai Math. J. Knot Theory2016  Visit URL
The Unknotting number of some knotsInternational Journal of Pure and Applied MathematicsKnot Theory2015  Visit URL
Some Results on Connected and Monotone FunctionsQuestions and Answers in General TopologyTopology2012  Visit URL
Structure Theorem for Functionals in the Space Sw1,w2International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical SciencesFunctional Analysis2008  Visit URL