Research Title | MAG. TITLE | RESEARCH AREA | PUBLISH YEAR | DOI | Journal URL |
Implementing next generation science practices in classrooms: findings from TIMSS 2019 | Journal of Turkish Science Education | Science Education | 2023 | |
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Is it suitable to use the same categorization in rating scales when applied to students with distinctive levels of achievement? | Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation | Psychology-Measurement and statisitcs | 2021 | |
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Evaluation of students’ Noncognitive Large Scale Assessments measures: Problem Solving Experiences scale as a case study. | Opci?n | Measurement and Evaluation | 2020 | |
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Net and Global Differential Item Functioning in PISA Polytomously Scored Science Items: Application of the Differential Step Functioning Framework | Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment | measurement and evaluation | 2014 | |
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Irrational Beliefs About Family Violence: A Pilot Study Within Jordanian University Students. | Journal of Family Violence | evaluation | 2013 | |
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Validation of a scale of attitudes toward science across countries using rasch model: findings from Timss. | Journal of Baltic Science Education, . | measurement | 2013 | |
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An exploratory study of the applicability of item response theory models to construct teacher made achievement test, | Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences | measurement and evaluation | 2011 | |
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Analysis and Assessment of the Jordan National Test for Controlling the Quality of Science Instruction (NTCQSI): a Rasch Measurement Perspective. | Educational Research and Evaluation. An international Journal on theory and Practice | measurement and evaluation | 2010 | |
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Does subject matter matter? Estimating the impact of instructional practices and resources on student achievement in science and mathematics: Findings from TIMSS 2007 | Evaluation & Research in Education | measurement and evaluation | 2010 | |
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A proposed strategy for constructing criterion-referenced diagnostic tests, | Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences | measurement | 2009 | |
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Achievement in science, present attitudes toward it, and awareness of ability to succeed in it as predictors of Students future attitudes toward science, . ، | Damascus University Journal | measurement and evaluation, educational psychology | 2008 | |
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Development of Students Perceptions of Scientific Knowledge at Different Educational Levels. | Al-Manara, | measurement and evaluation, educational psychology | 2007 | |
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Development of Students Perceptions of Scientific Knowledge at Different Educational Levels. | Al-Manara, | measurement and evaluation, educational psychology | 2007 | |
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تطور المعرفة ما وراء المعرفية المتعلقة بقراءة العلوم لدى طلبة الصفوف السادس إلى العاشر (The development of sixth to tenth graders metacognitive knowledge related to science reading) | Dirasat | measurement and evaluation | 2006 | |
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(لبنية الكامنة لاستبانة هني وممفورد لأنماط التعلم: تحليل عاملي توكيدي)The latent structure of Honey and Mumford learning style questionnaire: A confirmatory factor analysis. | Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences | measurement and evaluation | 2006 | |
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(دلالات صدق وثبات مقياس يور وكريج للمعرفة ما وراء المعرفية المتعلقة بقراءة العلوم والنص العلمي واستراتيجيات قراءة النص)The validity and reliability of Yore and Craig s assessment instrument of students metacognitve knowledge about science reading, science text, and text reading strategies | Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences | measurement and evaluation | 2005 | |
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Effects of Instructional Activities and Classroom Assessment Environment on Mathematics Achievement in Jordan. | Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences | measurement and evaluation | 2005 | |
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Attitudinal and motivational variables related to mathematics achievement in Jordan: findings from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). , . | Educational Research | measurement and evaluation | 2004 | |
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An investigation of undergraduates transformational problem solving strategies: Cognitive/metacognitive processes as predictors of holistic/analytic strategies. , | Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education | measurment and evaluation | 2003 | |
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An Investigation of Undergraduates’Transformational Problem Solving | Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education | educational psychology/measurement and evaluation | 2003 | |
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The extent to which The Hashemite University students practiced study skills while being at school, and the degree of its importance from their point of view, | Dirasat | evaluation, educational psychology | 2002 | |
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The Impact of Selected and Constructed response Item Type on the Factorial and Predictive Validity of the Test. , | Journal of Faculty of Education | measurement and evaluation | 1999 | |
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Conceptual Development of Fraction among Fourth to Eighth Graders. | Dirasat | measurerment and evaluation | 1999 | |
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Levels of Mastery of the Second Basic Stage Pupils of the Concept of Fraction. | Dirasat | measurement and evaluation | 1999 | |
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استراتيجيات بناء بنك أسئلة في الرياضيات (Strategies of Constructing Item-Bank for Mathematics) | Journal of Faculty of Education. . | measurement and rvaluation | 1998 | |
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The ability of First Year Students at the Hashemite University in Critical Thinking, and its Relationship with the Stream of Secondary Study, and Level of Academic Achievement | Dirasat, | measurement and evaluation, educational psychology | 1998 | |
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Development of Critical Thinking Ability and its Relationship with Age Level, Sex, and Stream of Study | Dirasat, . | measurement and evaluation, educational psychology | 1998 | |
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Strategies of Constructing Item-Bank for Mathematics. | Journal of Faculty of Education. . | measurement and evaluation | 1998 | |
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