Published Researchs

Implementing next generation science practices in classrooms: findings from TIMSS 2019 Journal of Turkish Science EducationScience Education 2023  Visit URL
Is it suitable to use the same categorization in rating scales when applied to students with distinctive levels of achievement?Practical Assessment, Research, and EvaluationPsychology-Measurement and statisitcs2021  Visit URL
Evaluation of students’ Noncognitive Large Scale Assessments measures: Problem Solving Experiences scale as a case study.Opci?nMeasurement and Evaluation2020  Visit URL
Net and Global Differential Item Functioning in PISA Polytomously Scored Science Items: Application of the Differential Step Functioning FrameworkJournal of Psychoeducational Assessmentmeasurement and evaluation2014  Visit URL
Irrational Beliefs About Family Violence: A Pilot Study Within Jordanian University Students. Journal of Family Violenceevaluation2013  Visit URL
Validation of a scale of attitudes toward science across countries using rasch model: findings from Timss.Journal of Baltic Science Education, .measurement2013  Visit URL
An exploratory study of the applicability of item response theory models to construct teacher made achievement test,Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciencesmeasurement and evaluation2011  Visit URL
Analysis and Assessment of the Jordan National Test for Controlling the Quality of Science Instruction (NTCQSI): a Rasch Measurement Perspective. Educational Research and Evaluation. An international Journal on theory and Practicemeasurement and evaluation2010  Visit URL
Does subject matter matter? Estimating the impact of instructional practices and resources on student achievement in science and mathematics: Findings from TIMSS 2007Evaluation & Research in Educationmeasurement and evaluation2010  Visit URL
A proposed strategy for constructing criterion-referenced diagnostic tests,Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciencesmeasurement2009  Visit URL
Achievement in science, present attitudes toward it, and awareness of ability to succeed in it as predictors of Students future attitudes toward science, . ،Damascus University Journalmeasurement and evaluation, educational psychology2008  Visit URL
Development of Students Perceptions of Scientific Knowledge at Different Educational Levels.Al-Manara,measurement and evaluation, educational psychology2007  Visit URL
Development of Students Perceptions of Scientific Knowledge at Different Educational Levels.Al-Manara,measurement and evaluation, educational psychology2007  Visit URL
تطور المعرفة ما وراء المعرفية المتعلقة بقراءة العلوم لدى طلبة الصفوف السادس إلى العاشر (The development of sixth to tenth graders metacognitive knowledge related to science reading)Dirasatmeasurement and evaluation2006  Visit URL
(لبنية الكامنة لاستبانة هني وممفورد لأنماط التعلم: تحليل عاملي توكيدي)The latent structure of Honey and Mumford learning style questionnaire: A confirmatory factor analysis.Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciencesmeasurement and evaluation2006  Visit URL
(دلالات صدق وثبات مقياس يور وكريج للمعرفة ما وراء المعرفية المتعلقة بقراءة العلوم والنص العلمي واستراتيجيات قراءة النص)The validity and reliability of Yore and Craig s assessment instrument of students metacognitve knowledge about science reading, science text, and text reading strategiesJournal of Educational & Psychological Sciencesmeasurement and evaluation2005  Visit URL
Effects of Instructional Activities and Classroom Assessment Environment on Mathematics Achievement in Jordan.Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciencesmeasurement and evaluation2005  Visit URL
Attitudinal and motivational variables related to mathematics achievement in Jordan: findings from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). , .Educational Researchmeasurement and evaluation2004  Visit URL
An investigation of undergraduates transformational problem solving strategies: Cognitive/metacognitive processes as predictors of holistic/analytic strategies. ,Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Educationmeasurment and evaluation2003  Visit URL
An Investigation of Undergraduates’Transformational Problem SolvingAssessment & Evaluation in Higher Educationeducational psychology/measurement and evaluation2003  Visit URL
The extent to which The Hashemite University students practiced study skills while being at school, and the degree of its importance from their point of view,Dirasatevaluation, educational psychology2002  Visit URL
The Impact of Selected and Constructed response Item Type on the Factorial and Predictive Validity of the Test. ,Journal of Faculty of Educationmeasurement and evaluation1999  Visit URL
Conceptual Development of Fraction among Fourth to Eighth Graders.Dirasatmeasurerment and evaluation1999  Visit URL
Levels of Mastery of the Second Basic Stage Pupils of the Concept of Fraction.Dirasatmeasurement and evaluation1999  Visit URL
استراتيجيات بناء بنك أسئلة في الرياضيات (Strategies of Constructing Item-Bank for Mathematics)Journal of Faculty of Education. . measurement and rvaluation1998  Visit URL
The ability of First Year Students at the Hashemite University in Critical Thinking, and its Relationship with the Stream of Secondary Study, and Level of Academic Achievement Dirasat,measurement and evaluation, educational psychology1998  Visit URL
Development of Critical Thinking Ability and its Relationship with Age Level, Sex, and Stream of StudyDirasat, .measurement and evaluation, educational psychology1998  Visit URL
Strategies of Constructing Item-Bank for Mathematics.Journal of Faculty of Education. .measurement and evaluation1998  Visit URL