Published Researchs

Experimental and ANN Analysis of Shearing Rate Effects on Coarse Sand CrushingCivil Engineering Journalgeotechnical2024  Visit URL
Estimating Corrosion and Corrosion Propagation of Steel in Concrete Structures Using Ultrasonic Pulse VelocityInternational Review of Civil EngineeringCivil Engineering2024  Visit URL
Enhancing Soil Stability through Innovative Microbial-Induced Calcium Carbonate Techniques with Sustainable IngredientCivil Engineering JournalGeotechnical Engineering2024  Visit URL
Enhancing of uniaxial compressive strength of travertine rock prediction through machine learning and multivariate analysisResults in EngineeringGeotechnical Engineering2023  Visit URL
Utilizing expansive soil treated with phosphogypsum and lime in pavement constructionResults in EngineeringGeotechnical Engineering2023  Visit URL
Effect of the quasi rate of loading in Particle Crushing and Engineering Properties of Black Tough SandActa Montanistica SlovacaGeotechnical Engineering2023  Visit URL
Mathematical Modelling for Predicting Thermal Properties of Selected LimestoneBuildingsRock mechanics2022  Visit URL
Effect of glass fiber on the properties of expansive soil and its utilization as subgrade reinforcement in pavement applicationsCase Studies in Construction MaterialsGeotechnical Engineering2021  Visit URL
Effect of Compaction States in Compressive Strength and Volume Change of Elastic Silts Modified by Discontinuous Synthetic FiberARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied SciencesGeotechnical Engineering2020  Visit URL
Assessing the uniaxial compressive strength and tangent Young’s modulus of basalt rock using the Leeb rebound hardness testMateriales de Construcci?nRock mechanic2020  Visit URL
The effect of Dead Sea salt solution on the engineering properties of expansive subgrade clayey soilArabian Journal of GeosciencesGeotechnical Engineering2020  Visit URL
Resilient Response and Permanent Strain of Subgrade Soil Stabilized with Byproduct Recycled Steel and Cementitious MaterialsJournal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCEGeotechnical Engineering2020  Visit URL
Performance of subgrade soil stabilised with by-product recycled mill scale and cementitous materialsInternational Journal of Pavement EngineeringGeotechnical Engineering2020  Visit URL
Mechanical and Physical Based Arti?cial Neural Network Models for the Prediction of the Uncon?ned Compressive Strength of RockGeotechnical and Geological EngineeringRock mechanic2020  Visit URL
Investigating the effects of disc shaped thumb tacks as a “fiber” reinforcement on various concrete propertiesCase Studies in Construction Materialsconcrete improvement2019  Visit URL
Evaluating Aqaba marine sand geotextile interface shear strengthInternational Journal of Geotechnical EngineeringGeotechnical engineering2019  Visit URL
Prediction of Engineering Properties of Basalt Rock in Jordan Using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity TestGeotechnical and Geological EngineeringRock Mechanic2018  Visit URL
Experimental Study on the Utilization of Fine Steel Slag on Stabilizing High Plastic Subgrade SoilAdvances in Civil EngineeringGeotechnical Engineering2017  Visit URL
Effect of Sand Placement Method on the Interface Friction of Sand and Geotextile. nternational Journal of Civil Engineering Geotechnical Engineering2016  Visit URL
Characterizations of Soil Collapsibility: Effect of Salts DilutionJOURNAL OF MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING STRUCTURES geotechnical enginnering2015  Visit URL
The Consequence of Particle Crushing in Engineering Properties of Granular MaterialsInternational Journal of GeosciencesScientific Research2013  Visit URL
Tension tests on smooth and rough model piles in dry sandCanadian Geotechnical Journal, civiol engineering1999  Visit URL