Published Researchs

Relationship between Attention Concentration and Ability of Endurance and Dynamic Balance among the Female students at (9-12) Age GroupEvolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture (ESIC)Education2025  Visit URL
The Impact of Using Cooperative Learning in Acquiring some Elements Physical Fitness of StudentsEvolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture (ESIC)Education2025  Visit URL
The impact of the Guided Discovery Strategy on Developing Creative Thinking among StudentsEducational Process: International Journal (EDUPIJ)Education2025  Visit URL
Level of availability of the value system in the curricula of martial arts courses and physical education curricula from the students point of viewKurdish StudiesEducation2024  Visit URL
The Cognitive Outcome in Athletics among Physical Education Teachers International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)Education2024  Visit URL
The Psychological Reluctance Among Female Students when Performing Belly Crawl Swimming in Deep AreasKurdish StudiesEducation2024  Visit URL
The Effect of Using Competitive Learning Strategy on the Development of Physical Fitness among Students in the Physical Fitness CourseMigration LettersEducation2023  Visit URL
The Effectiveness Of Using The Programmed Learning Strategy In The Light Of The Sustainable Development Of The Educational ProcessJournal of Namibian StudiesEducation2023  Visit URL
The Impact of a Cognitive Behavioral Guidance Program on Reducing Internet Addiction and Social Isolation Behavior for a Sample of Adolescent StudentsKurdish StudiesEducation2023  Visit URL
The Role of Incentives in Enhancing the Athletic Performance of Universities StudentsMigration LettersEducation2023  Visit URL
Effect of Incentives on Motivation Achievement of Jordanian University Football PlayersInternational Journal of Human Movement and Sports SciencesEducation2022  Visit URL
The Effect of Teaching a Sports and Health Course on the Attitudes of the Hashemite University Students towards Certain Healthy Food Habits and Physical Activities PracticeJournal of Educational and Social Researcheducation2022  Visit URL
The Effect of the Practical Strategy on the Acquisition of Some Physical AttributesInternational Journal of Human Movement and Sports SciencesEducation2022  Visit URL
The Extent of the Physical Education Teachers Uses of the Remedial Teaching MethodJournal of Positive School PsychologyEducation2022  Visit URL
Parental Expectations And Theirrelationship With Academic Engagement And Academic Achievement Among Hashemite University StudentsMulticultural EducationEducation2021  Visit URL
Role of The School Principals in Facing the Challenges They EncounterMulticultural Educationsocial sciences, education,2021  Visit URL
The Supervisory Competencies of Physical Education Supervisors from the Point of View of Physical Education TeachersInternational Journal of Human Movement and Sports SciencesPhysical Education2021  Visit URL
Sports Culture among the Students at the Hashemite UniversitySPORT SCIENCEPhysical Education2020  Visit URL
Effect of using the competitive & cooperative teaching styles in learning some track and field eventsSPORT SCIENCEEducation2019  Visit URL
The Democratic Practices of the Educational Leaders at the Hashemite UniversityInternational Journal of Humanities and Social ScienceEducation2019  Visit URL
The Effectiveness of Sports Marketing Strategies in The Jordanian Physical Education faculties from View of the Graduate StudentsInternational Journal of Higher Education (IJHE)p2019  Visit URL
The Extent of Applying Effective Teaching Skills in Teaching Physical EducationThe Journal of Social Sciences ResearchEducation2019  Visit URL
Difficulties Faced by Physical Education Students in Practical CoursesSport ScienceEducation2018  Visit URL
Effect of Cooperative Learning and Programmed Education on the Level of Skill Performance and Knowledge Achievement in VolleyballJournal of Institutional Research South East AsiaTeaching Methods2018  Visit URL
The Impact of Some Physical Education Teaching Styles on the Mental Perception to Intermediate Education StageJournal of Institutional Research South East AsiaTeaching Methods2018  Visit URL
مدى تطبيق مبادئ إدارة الجودة الشاملة في كليات التربية الرياضية في الأردنالمنارة للبحوث والدراساتphysical education2018  Visit URL
دور معلمي التربية الرياضية في تحقيق الأهداف التعليميةالمجلة العلمية لعلوم وفنون الرياضةPhysical Education2017  Visit URL
Challenges Facing Physical Education Teachers in Jordan from Perspective of the Teachers ThemselvesAdvances in Physical EducationTeaching Style2016  Visit URL
The Effect of Using Visual Aids on Teaching Volleyball Skills to Physical Education StudentsInternational journal of education researchTeaching style2015  Visit URL
السلوك القيادي التحويلي للمدربين من وجهة نظر لاعبي الفرق الرياضية في الجامعة الهاشمية وعلاقته بالرضا لديهممجلة المنارة للبحوث والدراساتPhysical EDUCATION2014  Visit URL
تأثير أساليب الإشراف التربوي على فاعلية أداء معلمي التربية الرياضية في المدارس الحكومية اللأردنية من وجهة نظر المعلمين أنفسهممجلة العلوم التربوية والنفسية - جامعة البحرين طرق واساليب التدريس2014  Visit URL
تأثير استخدام تدريبات البلايومترك في تحسين بعض مهارات الجمباز للطالبات في الجامعة الهاشميةمجلة جامعة طيبة للعلوم التربوية physical education2014  Visit URL
Levels of burnout among sports referees in JordanJournal of Physical Education and SportPhysical Educatio2014  Visit URL
The Effect of Using Video on Developing Physical Fitness of PhysicalAsian Social ScienceTeaching style2014  Visit URL
أثر التغذية الراجعة المرئية واللفظية على بعض المتغيرات الكينماتيكية في سباحة الصدردراسات، العلوم التربويةطرق واساليب التدريس2014  Visit URL
The Effect of Instructional Program on Selected Physical And Skill VariablesDirasat, Educational Sciences Teaching Style2013  Visit URL
Effect of the Contemporary Global Variables on the Self-Concept ofAsian Social SciencePhysical Education2013  Visit URL
Obstacles of the Sports Movement in Clubs of Zarqa Governorate from the Standpoint of the PlayersInternational Journal of Academic Researchphysical education2013  Visit URL
Obstacles of the Sports Movement in Clubs of Zarqa Governorate from the Standpoint of the PlayersInternational Journal of Academic Researchpe2013  Visit URL
Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership of Academic Leaders in Jordan UniversitiesEuropean Journal of Social SciencesPhysical Educatio2013  Visit URL
Sources of Stress and Intention to Quit among Sport Officials inEuropean Journal of Social SciencesPhysical Education2013  Visit URL
The cognitive outcome in the physical games at students of the college of basicInternational Education StudiesPhysical Education2013  Visit URL
فاعلية استخدام أسلوب التآلف والبناء على مستوى أداء بعض المتغيرات البدنية والمهارية لطلبة الجامعة الهاشميةالمنارة للبحوث والدراساتطرق تدريس التربية الرياضية2013  Visit URL
A comparative study of the impact of some teaching styles applied on certain physical and skill variables in basketball for the faculty of physical education and sport science students at the Hashemite UniversityInternational journal of Academic search Physical Education2012  Visit URL
أثر استخدام أسلوب التعلم التعاوني في تطوير المهارات الحركية الأساسية في درس التربية الرياضيةJournal of Educational Sciences (JES)طرق وأساليب التدريس2007  Visit URL