Published Researchs

Two-Dimensional Movement Photovoltaic Cleaning Robot with Speed ControlInternational Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics ResearchRobotics2022  Visit URL
Strain-Concentration Factor of Internally Pressurized Thick-Walled CylindersInternational Journal of Applied Mechanics and EngineeringFracture Mechanics2019  Visit URL
A New Hydro-Compressed Air Storage System Using Repetitive-Controlled TechniqueInternational Review of Mechanical Engineering (IREME)Green Energy2018  Visit URL
A new four-dimensional chaotic attractorAinshams Engineering JournalControl Engineering2018  Visit URL
A new four-dimensional chaotic attractorAin Shams Engineering JournalChaotic Systems2017  Visit URL
Modelling of a new hydro-compressed air-storage systemInternational Journal of Sustainable Energy Control and energy system2017  Visit URL
Controlling of Chaos SynchronizationJordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial EngineeringControl systems2015  Visit URL
International Review of Mechanical Engineering (IREME) 9 (6), 568-575, 2015International Review of Mechanical Engineering (IREME)Control2015  Visit URL
Design and simulation of a PV-grid connected systemInternational Journal of Computational Science and EngineeringEnergy Systems2015  Visit URL
A genetic algorithm based lookup table approach for optimal stepping sequence of open-loop stepper motor systemsJournal of Control Theory and Applications.Control systems2013  Visit URL
Synchronization of Chaos Systems Using Fuzzy LogicJournal of Computer ScienceControl2011  Visit URL
Progressive decrement PWM algorithm for minimum mean square error inverter output voltage. Energy Conversion and ManagementEnergy2011  Visit URL
Simulation of a 10 kW Photovoltaic System in Areas with High Solar IrradiationAmerican Journal of Applied SciencesEnergy2011  Visit URL
Linearization of nonlinear dynamical system: A comparative studyJordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial EngineeringControl2010  Visit URL
Variable Structure Controller Schemes Based on Work and Energy Principle for SIMO SystemsJordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial EngineeringControl2010  Visit URL
The Effect of the secondary fluid temperature on the energy transfer in an unsteady ejector with radial flow diffuserJournal of Heat and Mass TransferModeling2009  Visit URL
Design of Digital Controllers for Uncertain Chaotic Systems Using Fuzzy LogicJournal of the Franklin InstituteControl2009  Visit URL
Simulation and Numerical Analysis of Wireless PSK Systems with Imperfect Carrier Phase RecoveryInternational Journal of Modeling SimulationModeling2009  Visit URL
Robust Digital Controllers for Uncertain Chaotic Systems: A Digital Redesign ApproachJournal of Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, ElsevierControl2007  Visit URL