Published Researchs

Hate Speech in Bumper Stickers in JordanTheory and Practice in Language StudiesLinguistics2023  Visit URL
Inadequate Top-Down Information and Vowel JudgementJournal of Language Teaching and ResearchLinguistics2023  Visit URL
The Status and the Future of the English Language in Jordan Theory and Practice in Language StudiesLinguistics2023  Visit URL
Using Conceptual Metaphors to Bridge the Gap Between the Receptive and Productive Competence of Idiomatic Expressions: The Case of Jordanian EFL LearnersTheory and Practice in Language StudiesApplied Linguistics2023  Visit URL
Jordanian EFL Learners Comprehension of Color Idiomatic Expressions: The Role of L1 TransferThe Journal of English as an International LanguageLanguage Teaching2021  Visit URL
Flouting the Gricean Maxims in Satire.International Journal of Humanities and Social SciencePragmatics2018  Visit URL
Detecting and Correcting Unmotivated Tense Shifts by EFL English -major Jordanian UndergraduatesJournal of Language Teaching and ResearchLinguistics2014  Visit URL
The Unfathomable Poetic in “The Task of the Translator” Journal of Language and LiteratureTranslation 2014  Visit URL
Case Checking in Verbless Sentences Functioning as embedded Clauses in Modern Standard Arabic: A Minimalist AccountTheory and Practice in Language Studiessyntax2013  Visit URL
Consonantal Assilimilation in Four Dialects of Jordanian ArabicStudies in Literature and LanguagePhonology2013  Visit URL
Inflectional Change Patterns in ArabicPsychology of Language and CommunicationMorphology2013  Visit URL
On the Theory of Multiple Feature-Checking: Arabic Verbs of Speech and CommunicationLanguage Teaching and ResearchSyntax2013  Visit URL
Translating Arabic Perfect Verbs into English by Jordanian undergraduatesJournal of Language and LiteratureSyntax2013  Visit URL
Integrating Critical Thinking Skills in American Literature ClassesCross-Cultural CommunicationLiterature Teaching strategies2012  Visit URL
The Diminutive in Modern Standard Arabic: An Optimality Theoretical AnalysisCanadian Social Sciencephonology2012  Visit URL