Published Researchs

Is criminalisation necessary for the enforcement of intellectual property rights in Jordan and the UAE? Criminal v commercial measuresCrime, Law and Social Change Law2022  Visit URL
Article 786 of the Jordanian Civil Code: A Potential Gold Mine for Employers and a Potential Minefield for ContractorsInternational Journal of Law and ManagementConstruction law2021  Visit URL
Auditors Civil Liability Towards Clients Under the Jordanian Law: Legal and Auditing PerspectivesJOURNAL OF GOVERNANCE AND REGULATIONSFinancial Law2021  Visit URL
The Emperor’s New Clothes: Time Bar Clauses in Construction Contracts Between Legal Tradition and Good FaithARAB LAW QUARTERLYCommercial Law2021  Visit URL
Subcontracting in Construction and Privity of Contract: Defining the NexusJOURNAL OF LEGAL AFFAIRS AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION IN ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTIONConstruction law2021  Visit URL
Private Law, Public Justice: Another Look at the Role of the Engineer in Construction ContractsJOURNAL OF LEGAL AFFAIRS AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION IN ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTIONConstruction law2021  Visit URL
The Regulatory Structure and Governance of Forensic Accounting in the Emerging Market: Challenges and OpportunitiesJOURNAL OF GOVERNANCE AND REGULATIONSFinancial Law2020  Visit URL
Rethinking traditional approaches of parties autonomy in construction contracts: decennial liability as a case studyInternational Journal of Law and ManagementConstruction law2020  Visit URL
Legal Protection Of Industrial Designs And Models In Jordan: Symptoms And SolutionsThe European Journal of Social SciencesIntellectual Property2011  Visit URL
Internet Characteristics and Online Dispute ResolutionHARVARD NEGOTIATION LAW REVIEWinternet law2008  Visit URL
Intellectual Property Protection for Plant Varieties in JordanJOURNAL OF WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTYIntellectual Property2008  Visit URL
Authenticity of Online Alternative Dispute Resolution ProceedingsJOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION Internet Law2008  Visit URL
The Case of Income Tax Evasion in Jordan: Symptoms and SolutionsJOURNAL OF FINANCIAL CRIMEFinancial Regulations2008  Visit URL
Internet Infrastructure and Online Alternative Dispute ResolutionTHE JOHN MARSHALL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER & INFORMATION LAW internet law2008  Visit URL
Reflections on the Securities Law of JordanTHE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL LAW REVIEWSecutities law2008  Visit URL
Enforcement, Recognition and Compliance with OADR outcome(s)INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF LAW, COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGYInternet law2007  Visit URL