Research Title | MAG. TITLE | RESEARCH AREA | PUBLISH YEAR | DOI | Journal URL |
Securing Cyber Physical Systems: Lightweight Industrial Internet of Things Authentication (LI2A) for Critical Infrastructure and Manufacturing | Applied System Innovation | IoT, Cybersecurity, cyber physical systems | 2025 | |
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Intelligent IoT-Based Network Clustering and Camera Distribution Algorithm Using Reinforcement Learning | Technologies | Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning | 2024 | |
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Path Segmentation and Optimization for Routing in Heterogeneous Full/Half Duplex CR-IoT Networks | IEEE Sensors Journal | Internet of Things (IoT) | 2024 | |
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A New Covid-19 Tracing Approach using Machine Learning and Drones Enabled Wireless Network | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies | computer network | 2021 | |
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A Novel and Efficient Priority-based Cross-layer Contextual Unobservability Scheme against Global Attacks for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies | Wireless Network Security | 2021 | |
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An efficient design of 45-nm CMOS low-noise charge sensitive amplifier for wireless receivers | International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) | Wireless Network | 2021 | |
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A Novel and Efficient Priority-based Cross-layer Contextual Unobservability Scheme against Global Attacks for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies | Wireless Computer Networks | 2020 | |
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Machine Learning-Driven Optimization for Intrusion Detection in Smart Vehicular Networks | Wireless Personal Communications | Wireless Network Security | 2020 | |
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Probabilistic analysis of security attacks in cloud environment using hidden Markov models | Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies | Security in Wireless Computer Networks | 2020 | |
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A Low-Cost Smart Microcontroller Based Hazardous Gas Detecting System Suitable for Camps | International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology | Wireless Network Application | 2019 | |
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A Rate-maximizing Spectrum Sharing Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Networks with Generic Resource Constraints | Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies | Wireless Computer Networks | 2019 | |
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A lightweight and efficient digital image encryption using hybrid chaotic systems for wireless network applications | Journal of Information Security and Applications | Wireless Computer Networks | 2019 | |
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A cross-layer-based clustered multipath routing with QoS-aware scheduling for wireless multimedia sensor networks | International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks | Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks | 2012 | |
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A secure cluster-based multipath routing protocol for WMSNs | Sensors | Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks | 2011 | |
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Energy Efficiency in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks | IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SOCIETY | Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks | 2011 | |
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Wireless multimedia sensor networks: current trends and future directions | Sensors | Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks | 2010 | |
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