Research Title | MAG. TITLE | RESEARCH AREA | PUBLISH YEAR | DOI | Journal URL |
Developing minds of tomorrow: Exploring students strategies involved in the generalization of linear patterns | Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences. | Childhood Education | 2012 | |
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Needs of Parents Caring for Children with Physical Disabilities: A Case Study in Jordan. | International Journal of Special Education | Early Childhood/special education | 2012 | |
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The Effect of a Language Training Program on Developing Receptive Language Skills in Preschool Children with Language Disorders in Jordan | Jordanian Journal for Educational Sciences, Jordan. | Early Childhood Special Education | 2012 | |
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Jordanian college students perceptions of inquiry experiences in science laboratories | Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia, | Education | 2011 | |
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Jordanian early childhood teachers perspectives toward science teaching and learning | International Research in Early Childhood Education | Early Childhood | 2011 | |
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Preparing teachers for inclusion: Jordanian Pre-service early childhood teachers perspectives | Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education | Early Childhood Special Education | 2011 | |
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The state and level of involvement among Jordanian kindergarten parents and its relationship to teachers efforts of outreach | Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood | Early Childhood Education | 2011 | |
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Restructuring the relationship between STEM faculty and K-12: Crafting a figured world of partnership | Cultural Studies of Science Education | Education | 2010 | |
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