Published Researchs

The Degree of Practicing Creative Leadership by Academic Leaders at Jordanian Universities and Its Relationship to the Level of Teaching Performanceeducation sciencesEducation2023  Visit URL
the effectiveness of a play-based group counseling program in increasing self-assertiveness among syrian refugee students in jordan.Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI)educational sciences2021  Visit URL
Student Perceptions of Science Teacher Communication Behavior in JordanThe New Educational Revieteacher communication, student perceptions, gender differences,2016  Visit URL
مستوى الجودة التعلميمة في الجامعات الاردنية من وجهة نظر القادة الأكاديميين وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيراتمجلة دراسات ،العلوم التربويه ، الجامعه الاردنيهجودة2016  Visit URL
Negative Impacts of Globalization on Isalmic Identity : A Regional project On Hashemite university StudentsSulatan Qaboos University Journal Of Educatinal & Psychological StudiesCultural Globalization2016  Visit URL