Published Researchs

Integration of Geophysical and Hydrochemical Methods to Determine the Groundwater Contamination in Al-Hosayniat Landfill South East Mafraq City, JordanIraqi Geological Journal Journal homepage: https://www.igj-iraq.orgApplied Geophysics and Groundwater Pollution2024  Visit URL
Impacts of the Petrochemical Industries on Groundwater QualityJournal of Ecological Engineeringprotection and restoration of the natural environment2024  Visit URL
Multiscale geoelectrical characteristics of seawater intrusion along the eastern coast of the Gulf of Aqaba, JordanJournal of Applied GeophysicsApplied geophysics2023  Visit URL
Employing Geophysical Techniques to Detect and Assess Groundwater Pollution at El-Akader Landfill North JordanIraqi Geological JournalEarth Sciences/Applied Grophysics2022  Visit URL
The Use of Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Time Domain Electromagnetic Methods to Investigate the Superficial Deposits at Al al-Bayt University, Jordan as a Case StudyIndonesian Journal on GeoscienceEarth Sciences/Applied Grophysics2022  Visit URL
Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation of Superficial Deposits Utilizing Seismic Methods at Al al-Bayt University, JordanIraqi Geological JournalApplied geophysics2021  Visit URL
Geophysical Investigation Using Time Domain Electromagnetic Method (TDEM) at Wadi Deir Al-Kahaf Area/Jordan for Groundwater Artificial Recharge PurposesWater & Resource & ProtectionApplied geophysics, Groundwater recharging2015  Visit URL
GPS measurements of near-field deformation along the southern Dead Sea Fault SystemGeochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, G3Seismology, Seismotectonics2011  Visit URL
Exploration of the extension of two lava tubes, faults and dikes using very low Frequency-Electromagnetic technique in Umm El-Quttein area ,NE Jordan,Acta GeophysicaExploration Geophysics2008  Visit URL
Radioactivity and elemental analysis in the Ruseifa municipal landfill, JordanEnvironmental RadioactivityExploration of Radioactivity2008  Visit URL
Detecting leachate plumes and groundwater pollution at Ruseifa municipal landfill utilizing VLF-EM methodApplied GeophysicsEnvironmental Geophysics2008  Visit URL
Local site effects estimated from ambient vibration measurements at Aqaba city,JordanJournal of Earthquake Engineering, ICP,Earthquake hazards in Jordan/Aqaba city2007  Visit URL
Alternative models of seismic hazard evaluation along the Jordan Dead Sea transformEarthquake SpectraSeismic Hazard2007  Visit URL
Archaeoseismological investigation of the ancient Ayla site in the city of Aqaba, JordanNatural HazardsArchaeoseismology2007  Visit URL
Electrical geophysical and hydrogeological investigations of groundwater aquifers in Ruseifa municipal landfill, JordanEnvironmental GeologyExploration of Ground water/ Geophysics2006  Visit URL
The February 11, 2004 Dead Sea Earthquake ML=5.2 in Jordan and its tectonic implication.TectonophysicsSeismology2006  Visit URL
Some statistical aspects of earthquake occurrence of the 1983, 1993, and 1995 sequences of the Gulf of AqabaDirasatSeismology2006  Visit URL
Investigation of the effects of earthquake swarms in the seismic hazard in the Gulf of Aqaba, Northern Red SeaDirasatSeismology2005  Visit URL
Detecting earth cracks utilizing seismic refraction technique in the Lisan PeninsulaAbhath al-Yarmouk: "Basic Science & Eng.Applied Geophysics2004  Visit URL
Structural and geotechnical aspects of the 1995 Gulf of Aqaba earthquakeStructural Eng./ Earthquake Engineering,Engineering Geophysics2004  Visit URL
Investigations of the effects of Destructive Earthquakes on the Ancient Cities of JordanAbhath al-Yarmouk: "Basic Science & Eng."Seismology2003  Visit URL
Probabilistic seismic hazard study and design curves for structures in Greater Amman-JordanAbhat Al-Yarmouk, JordanSeismic Hazard2000  Visit URL
The Major Gulf of the Aqaba earthquake 22, November 1995-Maximum intensity distributionNatural HazardsSeismic Hazard2000  Visit URL
Regional seismic hazard study for the eastern Mediterranean (Trans-Jordan, Levant and Antakia) and Sinai regionAfrican Earth SciencesRegional Seismic Hazard for Jordan & around1999  Visit URL
Seismic characteristics of the Jordan-Dead Sea Transform fault system and their future indicationsDirasatSeismicity1999  Visit URL
Seismic Hazard Potential Expected for the Dams in JordanDirasatSeismic Hazard1997  Visit URL
Probabilistic Seismogenic Ground Motion Hazard Assessment of Karak City in JordanEnvironmental & Engineering GeoscienceEarthquakes hazard in Jordan1995  Visit URL
Seismic Hazard Assessment in Jordan and its VicinityNatural HazardSeismic Hazard of the Dead Sea1994  Visit URL