Academic Conferences

Academic PaperYearConfereceProceedings URL
Genetics of risk and resilience in Syrian refugee youth2017The 86th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Symposium: Collaborations across anthropology and genetics Visit URL
Three Circles of Alemat: Growth and Sustainability through Mentoring 2016AAAS Visit URL
Genome-wide association study identifies new type 2 diabetes risk loci in Jordan subpopulations 201666 th annual meeting of American society for human genetics Visit URL
A research partnership evaluating program efficacy on stress and cognition among adolescent Syrian refugees in Jordan”, 2016Adolescence, Youth and Gender” Building Knowledge for Change Visit URL
Do stress biomarkers track poverty, stress and trauma? Evaluating war affected youth2015“Human biology of poverty” Sympsium of the society for the study of human biolog Visit URL