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Sabri Shehadeh Yusuf Alshboul
Faculty of Arts
Department of English Language and Literature
Office No. :
ُ English Department Bldg 107
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The University of Kansas
The United States of America,2007
Yarmouk University
Yarmouk University
I specialize in the cross-linguistic study of the morphosyntactic representation of “Defaultness” at the synchronic and diachronic levels. I am also investigating the mechanism of “Grammaticalization” as represented in the morphosyntactic elements in Jordanian Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic.
Alshboul,Sabri ,Assasfeh, S. and Pye, C. A Multiple Default Domain: a Semantics- Based Account. To appear in International Journal of Arabic and English Studies (IJAES). Vol. 20, No.1, 2021. Alshboul, Sabri, A.Abed . A. Huneety, B. Mashaqbeh, M. Alomari , and W. Zuraiq. Mental Representation of English Past Tense Morphology by Jordanian EFL Students: A Dual Mechanism Analysis. To appear in Dialectologia. No.22,2022. Alshboul, Sabri, A. Huneety, B. Mashaqbeh, M. Alomari , and W. Zuraiq. Similarity Effects on the Emergence of Default Inflection in Jordanian Arabic. JJML. Vol.12, No. 3, 2020, pp 291-305. Alshboul, Sabri , W. Zuraiq, M.Alomari , A.Huniety and B.Mashaqba. (2020). Expanding the default forms in the lexicon: the sound masculine plural inflection. Opci?n, A?o 36, Especial No.26 (2020): 3042-3058 ISSN 1012- 1587/ISSNe: 2477-9385. Zuraiq, Wael. Moh'd Al-Omari, Sabri Al Shboul, Anas Al Huneety, Bassil, Mashaqba.(2020). Prejudice against Students’ Accent at Jordanian Universities. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol.10,No 8. doi:10.30845/ijhss.v10n8p9 Al-Omari , Moh’d, W. Zuraiq, B Mashaqba, Sabri S. Y. Alshboul,, Anas I. al Huneety. Tentative Language in Mixed-Gender Conversations of Jordanians: The Influence of Gender and Social Status. Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews. Vol 8, No 1. (2020). pp 399-414 Mashaqba , Bassil ,H. Abu Sa’aleek , A. Huniety and Sabri Alshboul. Grammatical number inflection in Arabic-speaking children and young adults with Down syndrome. South African Journal of Communication Disorders. (SAJCD). Vol 67, No 1. (2020). Zuraiq, Wael , Mohammad Al Omari, Sabri Al Shboul. Pronunciation and linguistic bias in interviewing Arabic instructors.Dialectologia. No.25. ISSN: 2013-2247.(2022) Zuraiq, Wael. Moh'd Al-Omari, Sabri Al Shboul, Anas Al Huneety, Bassil, Mashaqba.(2020). Effects Of Listeners' Expectations Of Speakers' Nativeness: Identification Of Phonemic Vowel Length. Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews. Vol. 8 No. 4. (2020). Mashaqba, B., Huneety, A. & Al-Shboul, Sabri. Aspects of verb morphology in Jordanian Arabic folk songs. In Hani Hayajneh (ed.). Cultural Heritage: At the Intersection of the Humanities and the Sciences Proceedings of the Humboldt-Kolleg (Jordan, 16-18 April 2019). Reihe: Arch?ologie: Forschung und Wissenschaft. Bd. 7, Berlin: LIT-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-643- 91252- 7. (2020a). Huneety, Anas, Bassil Mashaqbeh, Mohammad Alomar ,Sabri Alshboul and Wael Zuraiq. Patterns of lexical cohesion in Arabic newspaper editorials. Vol.11, No. 3, pp 273-296, JJML.(2019). Huneety,Anas , B. Mashaqbeh, Sabri S .Y. Al-Shboul, Abdallah T. Alshdaifat. A Contrastive Study of Cohesion in Arabic and English Religious Discourse. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature. Vol. 6. No.3. (2017). Alshaboul, Yousef, Sahail Asassfeh, Sabri Alshboul, Talal Alodwan. The Contribution of L1 Phonemic Awareness into L2 Reading: The Case of Arab EFL Readers. International Education Studies. (7) 3. (2014). Al-Shaboul , Yousef M , Sahail M. Asassfeh , Sabri S. Alshboul & Yasser A. Al Tamimi. Arabic Phonemic Awareness (PA): The Need for an Assessment Tool. Asian Social Science; Vol. 10, No. 1; 2014. Maisoun Abu-Joudeh, SM Asassfeh, Yousef Al-Shaboul, Sabri Alshboul. Translating Arabic perfect verbs into English by Jordanian undergraduates. Journal of Language and Literature. Vol (4) 2. (2013). Sahail M Asassfeh, Sabri S Alshboul, Yousef M Al-Shaboul. Distribution and appropriateness of use of logical connectors in the academic writing of Jordanian English-major undergraduates. Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences. Vol.222 .1259. (2013). Asassfeh. Sahail M. Yousef M. Al-Shaboul, Sabri S.AlShboul & Hamzah A. Omari .EFL English-Major Undergraduates' Ability in Error Detection and Error Correction in Academic Writing. European Journal of Social Sciences. 38(4):478-491. (2013). AlShboul, Sabri, Maisoun Abu Joudeh , Nazmi Alshalabi. On the Theory of Multiple Feature-checking: Arabic Verbs of Speech and communication. JLTR (4)6. (2013). Asassfeh, S., Al-Shaboul, Y., Al shboul, Sabri. Communicative Language Teaching in an EFL Context: Learners' Attitudes and Perceived Implementation. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 3. (2012). Al shboul, Sabri, Yousef Al-Shaboul and Suhail Assasfeh. The Elsewhere Inflection: Evidence from Nominal Patterns in Modern Standard Arabic, SKASE. Vol. (9)11. (2012). Al Shboul, Sabri, Yousef Al-Shaboul and Sahail Assasfeh. An Architecture of the Lexicon: New Perspectives, Studies in Literature and Language, 2(3). (2011). Al shboul, Sabri, Yousef Al-Shaboul and Sahail Assasfeh.The left periphery in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA):Al-ishtighal construction. GeSuS Proceedings, Prague, Czeck Republic. Dr. Kova? Hamburg Publishing house, 2011. Asassfeh,S. Al-Shaboul,Y.,Alshboul,S. Lending ears to EFL learners: Language difficulties. The Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 28(1). 33- 46. (2011). Al-Shaboul, Y., Asassfeh, S., & AlShboul, Sabri. Exploring Jordanian Students’ Phonemic Awareness: The Status Quo. (2011). Proceedings of Conference of the 6thInternational Conference on Linguistics, Literature, and Translation, Irbid, Jordan. Al Shboul,Sabri, Yousef Al-Shaboul and Suhail Assasfeh (2010).“Grammaticalization Patterns: Evidence from Future Markers in Jordanian Arabic”. AUMLA: Australian Universities Language and Literature Association.5.114. Al-Shaboul,Yousef M, Sahail M Asassfeh, Sabri S Alshboul (2010). Jordanian students learning English: Strategy deployment. The Buckingham Journal of Language and Linguistics.Vol.20. AlShaboul, Y., Asassfeh, S., Alshboul, S. (2010). Strategy Use by English Major Jordanian Undergraduates .Australian Educational and Developmental psychologist, 27, 1. Al-Shaboul,Y.,Asassfeh,S.,Al-Tamimi,Y., Alshboul,Sabri.(2010). Curriculum Development in Jordan: Continuous Improvement towards Excellence.In J.D. Kirylo&A.K.Nauman (Eds.) Curriculum Development From Around the World (pp. 170-182).Olney, MD: Association for Childhood Education International. Translated Books Alshboul,Sabri.(2020).Transalator. Practical and Advanced Maintenance Management. By Adolfo M?rquez.( Springer. 2018) , Taiba University: KSA.ISBN: 978-9923-10-057-8
Professional Employment: -June 2007-Present: Assistant Professor for English and Linguistics at the Hashemite University, Jordan - 2005 –2007: Graduate Teaching Assistant at the African and African American Studies Department. -2000-2003: Teaching assistant at the Hashemite University, Jordan
-Translation I. Translation II, Technical translation, AlifBaa and Al-KitaabI and Al-KitaabII (textbooks for Arabic as a foreign language), SyntaxI, Writing, Advanced oral skillls, SyntaxII, Morphology,Introduction to Linguistics, Speaking and Pronunciation, Research Writing, Phonetics, English GrammarI and Grammar II. Graduate Courses: TOEFL, Methodology, Discourse Analysis, Pragmatics, Phonology, Sociolinguistics Semantic theory, Psycholinguistics, seminar in Psycholinguistics, phonetics and phonology
Software Training: 1-Blackboard 2-Tegrity 3-Illuminate 4-Lectora
-Participant in the APETAU forum held at Tafila Technical University, Tafila, August 19-20 ,2007. -Participant in the CIBER conference held at Ohio State Univesity, Ohio, USA, and March 28-30, 2007. - Participant in seminar on ESL and EFL, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, March 1999. -Editor of Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics 2005-2006.
1-Alshboul, S.2008. How can morphology define the defaultness domains? Workshop on Language and Language Status. The Hashemite University. May 9th. Zarqa, Jordan. 2-Alshboul, S. 2009.Intellectual properties: ethical consideration. Workshop on Intellectual and mental rights organized by the Ministry of planning and International Cooperation. Kempensky Hotel. April10-11 Amman, Jordan. 3-Alshboul, S. 2011.Derived nouns and their role in the elsewhere inflection. Workshop on the Arabic Language Day. The Hashemite University.March18.Zarqa, Jordan. 4- Alshboul, S.2011. Service Learning: Plans and applications. Workshop organized by the TEMPUS office in The Hashemite University. Holiday Inn Hotel, November 6th, Amman, Jordan. 5-Alshboul, S.2012. Competences in Education and Recognition Project (CoRe).Workshop organized by the TEMPUS office in Amman The Hashemite University. January 29-31.Zarqa, Jordan. 6-Alshboul, S.2013.Chomsky: politics and linguistics. Workshop organized by the Faculty of Arts. The Hashemite University. April 24th. Zarqa.Jordan. 7- Alshboul, S.2013. “In-Class instructor empowerment and training” in cooperation with the JDoCo the Jordanian Danish Cooperation Agency. 8-Alshboul, S.2015.Chomskyan Linguistic Thoughts and the notion Anarchism. Imam Islamic University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 9-Alshboul, S.2016.“Language(s) for Resilience”: Inclusive responses to language needs for refugees in the Syria crises”. Workshop organizedby British Council in Amman. Grand Millennium Hotel, November 6, Amman, Jordan. 10- Alshboul, S.2017. “HOPES: English Language Teaching initiative and Workshop for Syrian Refugee students at the Hashemite University” in cooperation with the British Council, Amman, Jordan. 11-Alshboul, S.2017. “JISR: Graduate Training Workshop for Syrian Refugee Students at the Hashemite University” in cooperation with JICA (The Japanese Foundation for Culture and Science), Amman, Jordan. 12- Alshboul, S.2018. “Noam Chomsky: the Ghost and the Machine” organized by the Faculty of Arts. The Hashemite University. March27. Zarqa. Jordan. 13- Alshboul, S.2019. "The similarity patterns and their contribution to The default forms in the lexicon", the second symposium on Generative Linguistics, Mu'tah University. 14. Centers for International Business Education and Research, CIBER, March 28-30, 2007Ohio State University, Ohio, USA. 15. The3rd international conference of the Association of Professors of English and Translation at Arab Universities, APETAU, August19-20, 2007, Tafila Technical University, Tafila, Jordan. 16. The 4th international conference of the Association of Professors of English and Translation at Arab Universities, APETAU, November14-16, 20097, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan. 17.. “Education in a changing world”, 7-8 April, 2010, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan. 18. “South Eastern Conference on Linguistics SECOLL XXVII (77), “Language and Education”, April27-29, 2010, University of Mississippi, MS, USA. 19-“20th Linguistic Days in Prague”, May 26-28, 2011, Metropolitan University Prague, Czech Republic. 20-“New Trend in Foreign Language Teaching International Conference” organized within the scope of the European-funded project PETALL (Pan European Task Activities in Language, 28-29, 2016, University of Granada, Spain. 21- American Council of the Teaching of Foreign Languages “ACTFL” training Workshop organized by the Faculty of Modern languages and the Flagship program, 17-23, 2017, the University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA. 22- A coordinating member in the National Qualification Framework forum –NQF- Erasmus +, “NQF-J: Towards a national Qualification Framework for Jordan” Brussels, Belgium, January 13-16, 2019 23- A representing member for the Hashemite University in the National Qualification Framework forum – NQF- Erasmus +, “NQF-J: Towards a National Qualification Framework for Jordan” Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT) , Amman , Jordan, March 6-7, 2019 24- "The semantic and Cultural studies: the interpretation strategies", April 17- 18, 2019. The Hashemite University, Zarqa
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