Published Researchs

Investigating the Sports Competitive Anxiety:A Comparative StudyKurdish StudiesHONG KONG2024  Visit URL
The Knowledge of Physical Education Teachers on Signs and Symptoms of Sports-Related ConcussionsMigration Letterssports related concussion2023  Visit URL
Effect of Using the Competitive Learning Method in Improving the Skill Performance of Certain Handball Skills among the Hashemite University StudentsMulticultural Educationphysical Education2021  Visit URL
The Psychological Hesitancy of the Students of Swimming Courses while Performing Vertical Jumping Skill on Feet duringThe Psychological Hesitancy of the Students of Swimming Courses while Performing Vertical Jumping Skill on Feet duringscopes2021  Visit URL
Kinematics of Scissors Leg Stroke VS Breast Stroke Kicks of Pools’ Lifeguards During Victim Tug PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / EgyptologyNetherlands2020  Visit URL