Academic Conferences

Academic PaperYearConfereceProceedings URL
A French course on specific objectives (FOS) with Moodle20175th IPAD and Digital Education Summit, and 4th International Conference in Education Visit URL
Déterminer l’impact des publications sur les réseaux sociaux2017Education theory and practice in challenging times: cultivating an ethos of social justice, respect and diversity Visit URL
La place du français au Centre de Langues à lUniversité Hachémite2016Dialogue d’expertise à l’Université La Sagesse au Liban Visit URL
"تأصل الفقر في المغرب والتحديات لمواجهته2014Citizenship, Social Identity and National Security Visit URL
La traduction des temps verbaux de larabe au français et vice versa2013Langage(s) et traduction, Figement et imaginaire linguistique Visit URL
L’adaptation de L’Etranger de Camus au cinéma2013La réception transdisciplinaire d’Albert Camus Visit URL
دور الامرأة العربية في الربيع العربي2012The International Conference on Human Security and Social Movement Visit URL
المسيرات ومدى ثأتيرها في التغييرات2012The International Conference on Human Security and Social Movement Visit URL
les Mille et une Nuits dans les films2011La reception mondiale et transdisciplinaire des Mille et une Nuits Visit URL
مقارنة للتعليم العالي بين الأردن وفرنسا2010The High Education Visit URL
كيف تتطابق المناهج وأساليب التدريس مع متطلبات التغيير2010Education in changing word Visit URL
La culture française dans un cours de langue en Jordanie2008Identité et Diversité culturelles Visit URL
Family Violence2008Terrorism in the Digital Age Visit URL
مشكلات الشباب الجامعي2008Youth and the challenges of modernity and tradition Visit URL
مشاىد في السلامة المرورية2008Road / Traffic Safety Strategies Visit URL
The police and the population, the relationship of confidence or fear2007Human Development and Security in Changing World Visit URL
semiotic analysis of discourse in the forums on the Internet2007Literature as a Means for Cultural Interaction Visit URL
الجنوح و العنف2006Security, Democracy & Human Rights Visit URL
La communauté marocaine en Jordanie2005the Moroccan Community Aboard and challenges Visit URL
Tourism in Morocco and its development2003Tourism, Culture and Archeology Visit URL