- Zead Mustafa, Hassen Aydi, and Erdal Karapinar “On Common Fixed Points In G-Metric Spaces Using (E.A) Property”, Computer and mathematics with application.
- H. Aydi, Erdal Karpenar and Z. Mustafa, “Mixed g-monotone property and tripled fixed point theorems in partially ordered metric spaces”, Rendicontidel Circolo Matematico di Palermo
- Z. Mustafa , “G-Weakly Commuting Maps of Type A_{f} and Common Fixed Points in G-Metric Spaces”, Fixed Point Theory and Applications
- Z. Mustafa , “Common Fixed Points Of Weakly Compatible Mappings In G-Metric Spaces", Matematicki Vesnik .
- Nedal Tahat, Z. Mustafa , “A New Partially Blind Signature Design Based On Factoring And Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithms”, International Journal of Computer Mathematics.
- K.P.R.Rao, K.Bhanu Lakshmi and Zead Mustafa, “Fixed and related fixed point theorems for three maps in G-metric spaces”, International Journal of Engineering, Contemporary Mathematics and Sciences.
- K.P.R.Rao, K.Bhanu Lakshmi and Zead Mustafa, “ A unique common fixed point theorem for six maps in G-metric spaces”, International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications (IJNAA)".
- Wasfi Shatanawi Zead Mustafa, “ Tripled fixed point theorems under nonlinear contractive conditions in partially ordered metric spaces”, Applied Mathematics Letters.
- Zead Mustafa, Hassen Aydi and Erdal Karapinar, Mixed g-monotone property and quaruple fixed pointtheorems in partially ordered metric space, Fixed point theorems and applcations.
- Zead Mustafa, Wasfi shatanawi and Erdal Karapinar, Quaruple fixed point theorems under nonlinear contractive conditions in partially ordered metric space, Mathmeatical and computer Modelling.
- Zead Mustafa, Wasfi shatanawi and Mujahid Abbas, Quaruple fixed point theorems under nonlinear contractive conditions in partially ordered G- metric space, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica.
- R.K. Vats, E. Karapinar, V.Sihag and Zead Mustafa, Coupled Fixed Point theorems for Weakly compatiable maps without continuity in partially ordered G-metric Space, Mathematical Reports.