
http://www.eis.hu.edu.jo/ACUploads/10559/chem101 2nd Spring 09 form 1.pdf 

General Chemistry (I) (Chem 101) (Spring 2012)ANALYTICAL SEPARATION) Chem 495 (Spring 2012)


Welcome every one!!! . I'll do my best so that you can achieve the best results in this course.  Attendance is very important for you to learn. Come to class on time, late comers will not be admitted.  Ringing mobile  phones are annoying,and show lack of respect for the lecturer and fellow students. Turn off your mobile phone before class to avoid the penalty.

Keep up-to-date with  the material and solve problems at the end of each chapter.  This is essential to pass the course.

Exam I will be held Tuesday March 20 at 3:00 PM in Room 106 & 105 Eastern Complex. 

A sample of Exam I is given below: click the URL


Second Exam will be held at 3:00 PM on April 24 in Rooms 105 & 106

A sample of Exam 2 is here.  Please click the URL below



Welcome every one!!!.I'll do my best so that you can achieve the best results in this course.  Attendance is very important for you to learn.  keep up-to-date with  the material, read Instrumental analytical texts and ask questions. 

EXAM 1 will be held on Sunday March 25, in the Lecture room at 12:00 noon.

A sample of Exam I is given here, click the URL:

http://www.eis.hu.edu.jo/ACUploads/10559/Exam I chem 495 Spring 11.doc

EXAM 2 will be held during Week Twelve

ABSOLUTELY NO make-up Exams for Exam 1 and Exam 2.


Final Exam Thursday May 17, at 1:30 PM in Room Chem 112
Final Exam Tuesday May 22, at 11:00 AM in Eastern Complex Room ???