Ongoing Research



  • Research Methodology (the effect of visual design on self-administered questionnaires: mail, internet and face to face interview).
  • The Sociology of Community (place, social networks, local environmental concern, approaches to study communities).
  • Environmental Sociology (subjects of environmental sociology, human-environment interaction).
  • Environmental Concern (Measuring environmental concern, exploring the effect of socio-demographic variables, and the effect of place attachment).
  • Political Sociology: state, globalization, political participation.

In preparation Journal Articles

·        Democracy in Jordan during the reign of King Hussein bin Talal (1953-1999).

·        The effect of visual design on self-administered questionnaires.

·        Place attachment and local environmental attitudes in Zarqa Governorate, Jordan.

·        The impact of environmental attitudes and place attachment on attitudes on local environmental controversies.

·        Environmental concern among Hashemite University students.

·        The new environmental paradigm scale (NEP): limitations and applications.