
·          Oklahoma University Visiting Scholar, the summer of



·          Northern Illinois University Fulbright Scholar, the summer

of 2002, sponsored by the U.S. State Department.


·          Nominated by the American Biographical Institute to serve

on the Board of Research Advisors, 1999 - . (USA).


·          Nominated by the American Biographical Institute for

inclusion in the Seventh Edition of The International Directory of Distinguished Leadership (1998) and for the title "Man of the Year," 1977. (USA).


·          Nominated by the English Department, Yarmouk

University, to act as Representative in the Faculty of Arts Council, 1989-1990.


·          Elected by the Faculty of Arts, Yarmouk University, as

Representative in the University Council, 1988-1989.


·          Received full scholarship from Yarmouk University to

study for an M.A. /Ph.D. in American literature, 1982.


·          Named, as an undergraduate student, by the Faculty of Arts

of the University of Jordan for the Honorable Mention Award for 1976.


·          Received full scholarship from the Ministry of Education,

Jordan, to read for a B.A.  in English language and literature, 1975.