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1. Al-Kharabsheh, A, and Al-Azzam, B (2008) Translating the Invisible in the Qur’an, Babel, vol.54, no.1. John Benjamins Publishing Company: The Netherlands. Pp. 1-18 Scopus.


2. Al-Kaharabsheh, A, Al-Azzam, B, Obeidat, M (2008) Lost in Translation: Shop Signs in Jordan. META, vol.53, no.3. Les Presses de l’Universite de Montreal: Montreal.pp.717-727. Scopus.


3. Al-Kaharabsheh, A, Al-Azzam, B, Obeidat, M (2009) The English Departments in the Arab World Revisited: Language, Literature, or Translation? A Student’s View. Publishers of Education, Reading Improvement and College Student Journal. Vol.43. Project Innovation, Inc. Publishers of Education: USA.  


4. Al-Azzam, B and Al-Quran, M (2008) Standard Intertextuality in Colloquial Settings. Language Forum: A Journal of Language and Literature. Vol.34, no.2, Bahri Publications: India.


5. Al-Azzam, et al (2008) Lexicalized Names and Nouns in Jordanian Arabic: A Sociolinguistic and Translational View. Journal of Literature, Language and Linguistics, vol. 2. issue, 1. Scientific Journals International (SJI): USA.


6. Al-Azzam, B (2009) Translating Structural Pause in the Qur’an. Translating and Interpreting Studies. Vol.4, no.1. John Benjamins Publishing Company: Amsterdam.


7. Al-Quran, M, and Al-Azzam, B (2009) Apostrophe: A Rhetorical Device of the Qur’an. US-China Foreign Language. David Publishing Company: USA.


8. Al-Qur’an, M, and Al-Azzam, B (2009) Euphemism in Jordanian Political Discourse: A Pragmatic and Translational Perspective, International Journal of Communication (IJC), vol.19, no.1. Bahri Publications: India.


9. Al-Azzam, B, and Al-Quran, M (2009) Phone ring tones in Jordan: A sociolinguistic analysis, International Journal of Academic Research. “Progress” Academic Publishing House: Azerbaijan.


10. Al-Quran, M and Al-Azzam, B (2010) Collocational Distinct Uses in Qur’anic Arabic, Journal of Literature and Language.  “Progress” Academic Publishing House: Azerbaijan.


11. Al-Azzam, B, et al (2010) Preserving the Cultural Essence in Translating into Arabic the Shakespeare's Sonnet "Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day, Journal of Language and Literature (JLL), vol.1, no. 2, Baku: Azerbaijan.



12. Al-Azzam, B, and Al-Kharabsheh, A (2011) Jordanian Folkloric Songs in Translation: Mousa's Song They Have Passed by Without a Company as a Case Study, META, vol.56, no.3, Les Presses de l' Universite de Montreal: Montreal.


13. Al-Azzam, B, and Al-Qur'an, M (2012) National Songs in Jordan: A Sociolinguistic and Translational Analysis, Babel, vol.58, no. 3, John Benjamins Publishing Company: The Netherland.


14. Al-Azzam, B, and Al-Kharabsheh, A (2014) The Theme of Fakhr (Self-Exaltation) in the Translation of Antara's Mu'allaqa, Babel, vol.59, no. 3, John Benjamins Publishing Company: The Netherland.


15. Al-Azzam, A, and Al-Qur'an, M (2014) Inflectional Deviation of Gender in the Qur'an, Studies in Literature and Language, Vol 8, No, 2, pp. 16-25, CSCanada: Canada.


16. Al-Kharabsheh, A, and Al-Azzam, B (2014) Found in Translation: Glowing Expressions of Class, Wealth, Bourgeois and Aristocracy in Jordanian Shop Signs, International Journal of Translation, vol.26, no, 2, Bahri Publications: India.


17. Al-Azzam, B, et al (2014) Electoral Slogans in Jordan: A Translational and Political Analysis, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, vol.4, no,3, Center for Promoting Ideas (CPI):USA.


18. Al-Azzam, B, et al (2014) The Socio-Cultural, Historical, and Political Allusions in the Translation of the Saudi National Day Poetry: "Peace, O Gracious King" as a Case Study, Academic Journal Article Studies in Literature and Language, Vol. 9, No. 3.


19. Al-Quran, M, and Al-Azzam, B (2014) Why Named? A Socio-cultural and Translational View of Proper Names in Jordan, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, vol 4, no.5, Center for Promoting Ideas (CPI):USA.


20. Al-Azzam, B, et al (2015) The Reflection of Scientific Facts in the Translation of the Qur'an, International Journal of Language and Linguistics (IJLL), Vol. 3, No. 4. pp.193-202, SciencePG, Science Publishing Group: USA.


21. Al-Azzam, B, et al (2015) Cultural Problems in the Translation of the Qur'an, International Journal of Applied Linguistics and Translation, Vol. 1, No. 2. pp. 28-34 , SciencePG, Science Publishing Group: USA.


22. Al-Thebyan, Q, Shureteh, H, and Al-Azzam, B (2015), Nature and Childhood in Wordsworth and Fairuz: A Comparative Study Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 3,  MCSER-Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research: Italy.


23. Al-Sahaya, H and Al-Azzam, B, et al (2017) “Semantic Functions of Overt and Ellipted Arabic Vocative Particle Ya in Surat Yusuf”, European Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 54, No, 3, FDRN Incorporated: Victoria.


24. Al-Azzam, B, et al (2017) "Euphemism in Saudi Arabic: A Semantic, a Pragmatic and a Sociolinguistic Analysis, Advances in Language and Literary Studies, Vol.8 No,2 Australian International Academic Centre. LTD: Australia.

25. Al-Azzam, B (2018) Culture as a Problem in the Translation of Jordanian Proverbs into English, International Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature IJALEL, Vol. 7, No. Australian International Academic Centre PTY. LTD: Australia.

26. Al-Qur’an, M. Al-Azzam, B, and Al-Kharabsheh, (2019) Incoherence as a Problem in Translating Jordanian Folkloric Songs: Zaffa as a Case Study, Jordan Journal of Modern Languages and Literature, Vol. 11, No 3, pp. 321-339, Yarmouk University: Jordan.

27. Al-Azzam, B, et al (2022) Jordanian Arabic Euphemizers in English Translation, Babel, vol. 68, issue, 4 John Benjamins Publishing Company: The Netherland.

28. Al-Kharabsheh, A, Al-Quran, M, and Al-Azzam, B (accepted to be published in 2025) Thought Colloquial but Found Formal in Jordanian Arabic Vernacular: A Sociolinguistic Perspective (sent for publication in Onomazein).

29. Al-Azzam, B, et al (2024) Jordanian Arabic Dysphemizers in Translation (sent for consideration in Jordan Journal of Modern languages and Literature JJMLL), Yarmouk University, Jordan.

30. Al-Azzam, B, and Ababneh, M (2023) Marriage Invitation Cards in Jordan: A Translational Analysis, International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, vol. 6, issue, 2. Al-Kindi Center for Research and Development (IJLLT): UK.

31. Ababneh, M, and Al-Azzam, B (2023) The Reflection of Connotative Meanings of Insan in the Qur'an: A Translational and Semantic Perspective, Theory and Practice in Language Studies, vol.13, issue, 2. Academy Publication: UK.

32. Al-Azzam, B, and Al-Ababneh M (2024) Flouting of the Maxim of Relation in the English and Spanish Translations of the Qur’an, The International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies, vol, 22, issue 1, Common Ground Journals and Books: USA.

33. Al-Azzam, B, et al (2023) The Image of Jews in the Qur’an and Spanish Proverbs: A Comparative Study (2023) (accepted for publication)

34. …..Al-Azzam, B (2023) White as a Symbol of Death and Eternity in Darwish’s and Lorca’s Poetry: A Comparative Study, Journal of Language Teaching and Research Academy, vol.14, no. 4, Research Academy: UK.

35. Al-Azzam, B et al (2024) Oaths in Jordanian Arabic: A Sociocultural and Translational Analysis, Theory and Practice in Language Studies, vol.14, issue,1, Academy Publication: UK. .

36. Al-Azzam, B (2023) Connotations of Fewness and Muchness in Arabic: A Semantic and Translational Perspective, International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, vol. 6, issue, 9. Al-Kindi Center for Research and Development (IJLLT): UK.

37. Al-Ababneh, M, Al-Azzam, B…..(2024) Couplet as a Translation Procedure of Realia in Jordanian Novels into Spanish: Cuadernos del Diluvio as a Case Study, Theory and Practice in Language Studies, vol.14, issue, 9. Academy Publication: UK.