I am involved in teaching the under and postgraduate medical students the course of upper gastrointestinal surgery, including gastric and esophageal malignancies. In addition, I work as a consultant surgeon at King Abdullah University Hospital. In addition to performing general, upper gastrointestinal and laparoscopic surgical procedures, I am performing upper and lower gastrointestinal diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopies. From September 2003 to August 2006, and as I was appointed the Chairman of Department of Surgery, School of Medicine-Jordan University of Science & Technology, I developed a plan to improve and promote the department and improve the way of conducting the examination for the student and surgical trainee. When I was appointed as the Chairman of A&E Department at King Abdullah University Hospital, School of Medicine-Jordan University of Science & Technology during 2000-2003, I headed a committee, which established the policy and protocols for the A&E Department and the Disaster plan for the hospital.