الأبحاث المنشورة

عنوان البحثاسم المجلةموضوع البحثسنة النشرDOIالرابط الالكتروني
Dynamic Detection of Software Defects Using Supervised Learning TechniquesInternational Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS)Software Testing2019  زيارة الرابط
Evaluating Maintainability of Open Source Software: A Case StudyInternational Journal of Open Source Software and ProcessesSoftware Maintenance2017  زيارة الرابط
Horizontal partitioning method for test verification in parallel database systemsInt. J. Advanced Intelligence ParadigmsIntegrity Mintenance2016  زيارة الرابط
KP-Trie Algorithm for Update and Search OperationsInternational Arab Journal of Information Technology Transaction Manangement 2016  زيارة الرابط
Regression Test-Selection Technique Using Component Model Based Modification: Code to Test TraceabilityInternational Journal of Advanced Computer Science and ApplicationsIntegrity maintenance2016  زيارة الرابط
Using Data Mining Techniques with Open Source Software to Evaluate the Various Factors Affecting Academic Performance: A Case Study of Students in the Faculty of Information TechnologyInternational Journal of Open Source Software and ProcessesData Mining2016  زيارة الرابط
A systematic Literature Review to Classify Pre and Post Test Suite Reduction TechniquesInternational Journal of Mathematics and Computers in SimulationPre and Post Test Suite Reduction Techniques2015  زيارة الرابط
Mobile Agents Modeling Using UMLInt. J. Business Information Systems Mobile Agents2015  زيارة الرابط
Power Aware Ant Colony Routing Algorithm for Mobile Ad-hoc NetworksInternational Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications Mobile Ad-hoc Networks2015  زيارة الرابط
A New Efficient Meta-Heuristic Optimization Algorithm Inspired by Wild Dog PacksInternational Journal of Hybrid Information TechnologyMeta-Heuristic Optimization Algorithm2014  زيارة الرابط
Simplified approach for generating integrity tests in distributed database systemsInternational Journal of Innovation and Learning.Distributed Database Systems2013  زيارة الرابط
Texture Recognition by Using a New Non- Linear KernelInternational Journal of Computer Applications in Technology archive Texture Recognition2013  زيارة الرابط
BlueThunder overcomes the current drawbacks of the Bluetooth wireless technologyInternational Journal of Business Information Systems (IJIBS)Mobile Computing2012  زيارة الرابط
CFS: A New Dynamic Replication Strategythe International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT). Grid Computing2012  زيارة الرابط
Checking the efficiency of integrity tests in distributed and parallel databaseInternational Journal of Business Information SystemsDistributed Database Systems2012  زيارة الرابط
A framework for teaching software engineering introductory coursesInt. J. Education Economics and Development (IJEED)Software Engineering2011  زيارة الرابط
3D DNA Nanostructures for Vector MultiplicationAmerican Journal of Scientific Research3D Tile2009  زيارة الرابط
Integer and Vector Multiplication by Using DNAInternational Journal of Open Problems in Computer Science and Mathematicsalgorithms2008  زيارة الرابط
Performance of Integrity Tests in Parallel Database SystemsThe Journal World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) Transactions on ComputersParallel Database Systems2007  زيارة الرابط
Virtual Rule Partitioning Method for Maintaining Database IntegrityThe International Arab Journal of Information TechnologyDatabase Systems2004  زيارة الرابط