عنوان البحث | اسم المجلة | موضوع البحث | سنة النشر | DOI | الرابط الالكتروني |
Mandatory IFRS Adoption and Real/Accruals bases Earnings Management in UK | ACRN Journal of Finance and Risk Perspectives | IFRS and Earnings management | 2021 | |
زيارة الرابط
Profit Warning and its Association with Stock Price Informativeness: Experimental Analysis | Journal of Investment Compliance | Earnings management | 2020 | |
زيارة الرابط
Discretionary accruals and ownership structure: empirical study from Jordan | International Journal of Corporate Governance | Earnings Management | 2019 | |
زيارة الرابط
Resistive factors of delaying IFRS adoption in Saudi Arabia listed firms | Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting | IFRS | 2019 | |
زيارة الرابط
IFRS Compliance and Stock Prices Influence: Evidence from Jordanian Banks | Banks and Bank systems Journal | IFRS | 2018 | |
زيارة الرابط
ERP Implementation in Banks: Success Factors and Impact on Financial Performance | Banks and Bank systems Journal | Financial Accounting | 2017 | |
زيارة الرابط
Earnings Management and its Relationship with Corporate Governance Mechanisms in Jordanian Industrial Firms | Loughborough University | Advance Finacial Accounting, Auditing | 2016 | |
زيارة الرابط