الأبحاث المنشورة

عنوان البحثاسم المجلةموضوع البحثسنة النشرDOIالرابط الالكتروني
Moisture Detection in Tree Trunks in Semiarid Lands Using Low-Cost Non-Invasive Capacitive Sensors with Statistical Based Anomaly Detection ApproachMDPI SENSORSSensors and machine learning2023  زيارة الرابط
A Secure Framework for Blockchain Transactions ProtectionComputer Systems Science and Engineeringnetworking, communication2022  زيارة الرابط
Detection of Valvular Heart Diseases Using Fourier Transform and Simple CNN ModelIAENG International Journal of Computer Sciencesignal processing2022  زيارة الرابط
Brain Tumor Classification Using Deep Learning Technique - A Comparison between Cropped, Uncropped, and Segmented Lesion Images with Different SizesInternational Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineeringsignal , image processing and machine learning2019  زيارة الرابط
Enhancing Prediction of Prosthetic Fingers Movement Based on sEMG Using Mixtures of Features and Random ForestInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)Signal Processing2019  زيارة الرابط