الأوراق العلمية | السنة | إسم المؤتمر | الرابط الالكتروني |
Exploring Jordanian Students? Phonemic Awareness: The Stattus Quo | 2011 | the 6th International Conference on Linguistics, Literature, and Translation |
زيارة الرابط
The left periphery in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA): Al-ishtighal construction. | 2011 | GeSuS |
زيارة الرابط
Strategy Use by English-Major Jordanian Undergraduates | 2010 | Education in a Changing World, |
زيارة الرابط
Academic Problems and Socio-psychological Constraints of English-Major Undergraduates at the Hashemite University | 2009 | APETAU4th International Conference, |
زيارة الرابط
An investigation of the language learning beliefs and strategic knowledge of non-English dominant teachers of EFL | 2006 | the 50th Annual Meeting of the College Reading Association. |
زيارة الرابط