المؤتمرات الأكاديمية

الأوراق العلميةالسنةإسم المؤتمرالرابط الالكتروني
Potential of treated wastewater usage for adaptation to climate change: Jordan as a success story2016International Conference on Water Resource in Arid areas: The Way Forward زيارة الرابط
Remote sensing indices for monitoring land degradation in a semiarid to arid basin in Jordan2012Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing/GIS Applications III زيارة الرابط
Development and evaluation of functional soil mapping unit using pedostructure hierarchy concept2007ASABE annual conference زيارة الرابط
KamelSoil®: A model for soil haracterization from basic soil textural properties2007ASABE annual conference زيارة الرابط