المؤتمرات الأكاديمية

الأوراق العلميةالسنةإسم المؤتمرالرابط الالكتروني
Asymptotic approximation of the probability of correctly selecting the best systems20181st International Conference on Mathematical and Related Sciences (ICMRS 2018) زيارة الرابط
An adequate choice of initial sample size for selection approach2011International Conference on Operations Research (ICOR2011) زيارة الرابط
Four–stage selection approach with the initial sample size2011The 2nd symposium of the USM fellowship holders 2011 زيارة الرابط
Sequential selection approach for selecting the best system2011International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO2011) زيارة الرابط
The effect of increment in simulation samples on a combined selection procedure2011International Conference on Computer Mathematics and Natural Computing (ICCMNC 2011) زيارة الرابط
Selecting a good enough stochastic design2010International Conference on Fundamental & Applied Sciences (ICFAS2010) زيارة الرابط
The opportunity cost and three–stage approach2010International Conference on Mathematical Applications in Engineering (ICMAE2010) زيارة الرابط
Three–stage approach and the initial sample size2010Association of Asian Pacific Operational Research Societies Conference (APORS2010) زيارة الرابط
A three stage method for selecting a good simulated system2004 MESM’2004 Middle East Multi-conference on Simulation and Modeling زيارة الرابط