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-العلوم التمريضيه وصحة الاطفال و المراهقين -تطوير ادوات قياس المتغيرات للابحاث مع الاطفال -سلوك الاطفال و مقاييس سلوك الاطفال -تعليم التمريض -الربو القصبي عند الاطفال - الصحة المدرسية -FCC and CFCC -تقييم البرامج الصحية والتمريضية
2023 Shattnawi, Al Ali, Almanasreh, Al-Motlaq . Caregiver burden among parents of children with chronic diseases: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2022 Al-Motlaq, M. Commentary “do we really need another journal of nursing”, Jordan Journal of Nursing research, 1 (1). 2021 Foster, M. J.; Al-Motlaq, M., Carter, B., Neill, S., O’Sullivan, T., Quaye, A. A., Majamanda, M., Abdullah, K., Hallstr?m, I. K., English, C., Vickers, A., Coyne, I., Adama, E., & Morelius, E. (2021). Seeing lockdown through the eyes of children from around the world: Reflecting on a children's artwork project. Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand, 37(3), 104-115. 2021 Al-Motlaq, M. et al., Position Statement of the International Network for Child and Family Centered Care (INCFCC): The Risk of Excluding Families From the Caring Process is Far More Dangerous Than Their Inclusion. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 61, 140-143. 2021 Al-Motlaq, M. A. (2021). Family-centred care and the expectancy-value theory: Luxury or necessity. Child Care in Practice, 1-10. 2021 Al-Motlaq, M. A. (2021). "There is No Corona; It's a Conspiracy": Addressing the Perceptions of People about COVID-19 through the Narrative of Their Comments on Social Media. Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet, 25(1), 65-76. 2021 Almagharbeh, W. and Al-Motlaq, M. Diacritics: validation of the Arabic version of the CCFNI instrument. Journal of Nursing Measurements; DOI: 10.1891/JNM-D-20-00004 2020 Mrayan L, Al-Motlaq, M., Abuidhail J., Abujilban, S. Teaching Midwifery Module to Male Undergraduate Nursing Students: Case Report in Jordan, Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 28 (3): 359-363. DOI: 10.5152/FNJN.2020.19192. 2019 Al-Motlaq M., Using Culturally Based Model to Help Tackling the Effect of Passive Smoking as an Asthma Trigger in Public Places in Jordan. Singapore Journal of Scientific Research, 9: 113-116. 2019 Al-Motlaq, M. and Al-Sheyab N. Childhood Asthma Prevalence and Severity in Zarqa City, Jordan. Jordan Medical Journal, 53 (3): 139-146. 2019 Al-Motlaq M. Asthma among children in the Arab World, prevalence and management (Ed's.). Handbook of Healthcare in the Arab World, Edited by Professor Ismail Laher: Springer AG 2019 (Book chapter). 2019 Almagharbeh W., Alhassan M., A-Motlaq M., Almagharbeh E. Family needs of critically ill patients in central Jordan: a family perspective. American Journal of Biomedical Science and research, 1(5):217-221. 2018 Al-Motlaq, M. Commentary on: “Nurse Managers’ Emotional Intelligence and Effective Leadership: A Review of Current Evidence”. The Open Nursing Journal, 12, 225-227. 2018 Al-Motlaq, M. A., Carter, B., Neill, S., Hallstrom, I. K., Foster, M., Coyne, I., ... & Shields, L. (2019). Toward developing consensus on family-centred care: An international descriptive study and discussion. Journal of Child Health Care, 23(3), 458-467. 2018 Rababah, M. H., Alhassan, M. A., & Al-Motlaq, M. A. (2018). Knowledge of Colorectal Cancer Screening Guidelines and Perceptions of Barriers among Nursing and Medical Students in a Jordanian University. International Journal of Cancer Research, 14(2), 70-76. 2018 Al-Motlaq, M. and Al-Sheyab N. Attitudes of Non-Asthmatic Children Towards Their Asthmatic Peers: Influence of interactions with asthmatic relatives and peers. Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, 18(2): e161–e166. 2018 Al-Motlaq, M., Traditional Open bay Neonatal Intensive Care Units can be redesigned to better suit Family Centered Care application. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 24 (3): 159-162. ------------------Associate Professor------------------October/2017 2017 Al-Motlaq M., and Shields, L. Family Centred Care as a Western-centric model in developing countries: Luxury versus Necessity. Holistic Nursing Practice, 31 (5): 343-347. 2017 Al-Motlaq, M., Azar, N., and Squires A. Part-time employment in Jordan as a nursing policy solution. International Nursing Review 64, 69–76. 2017 Abuidhail J., Al-Motlaq, M., Mrayan L, Salameh T. The lived experiences of Jordanian Parents in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A phenomenological study. The Journal of Nursing Research; 25(2): 156-162. 2017 Al-Motlaq, M., Abuidhail J., Salameh T., Awwad W. Development and validation of an instrument to assess the implementation of Family Centered Care in Traditional Open bay Neonatal Intensive Care Units. Early Child Development and Care, 187(1): 168-177. 2015 Al-Motlaq, M. & Mills J. Using Web Logs’ Posts to Understand Arab Internet Users’ Perspectives on Recent Health Research Findings. Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet, 19(2):107–121 2015 Al-Omari, Al-Motlaq, Al-Modallal. Knowledge and Attitude of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among Primary School Teachers in Jordan. Child Care in Practice, 21, 2, 128-139. 2015 Francis, K., Mills, J., McLeod M. & Al-Motlaq, M. Enhancing the computer literacy and information retrieval skills of the rural nursing and midwifery workforce: an online continuing professional development initiative. Collegian, 22, 283-289. 2014 Birks M, Missen K, Al-Motlaq M and Marino E. Babies and Machines that Go Beep: First Year Nursing Students Preferred Areas of Future Practice. International Journal of Nursing Practice: 20, 4: 337–449. 2014 Abdelrahman R, Abushaikha L and Al-Motlaq M. Predictors of Psychological Well-being and Stress among Jordanian Menopausal Women. Quality of Life Research, 23, 67-173. 2014 Al-Motlaq M., and Sellick K. “I don’t mind”: children’s attitude towards their peers with asthma in primary schools. Children Australia Journal; 39 (2):1-6. 2013 Al-Motlaq M., and Sellick K. Primary school teachers’ asthma knowledge and confidence in managing children with asthma. Education and Health, 31 (2): 53-58. 2013 Al-Motlaq, M. Respiratory Disease Outbreak in a Jordanian Hospital: Learned Lessons for Planning Nursing School Training. Middle East J of Nursing, 7 (6): 12-13. 2012 Al-Motlaq M. & Alkilani K. Mandatory vs. voluntary re-demonstrations of learnt procedures in the Clinical Fundamentals of Nursing Course. International Journal of New Trends in Arts, Sports & Science Education; 1 (1): 137-148. 2012 Jacob E., Chapman Y., Birks M. & Al-Motlaq M. Entry Criteria versus Success in Undergraduate Nursing Courses. Journal of Institutional Research 16(2), 54–62. 2012 Al-Motlaq, M. & Chapman Y. Subjectivity in Objective research: Supporting the Post-positivist views. The Middle East Journal of Nursing, 6 (1) ---------Assistant professor- March/2011------ 2011 Porter J, Al-Motlaq M., Hutchinson C, Sellick K, Burns V, James A. Development of an undergraduate nursing clinical evaluation form (CEF). Nurse Education Today, 31 (e58-e62) 2011 Al-Motlaq, M. Asthma and the cumulative effects of climate change, the financial crisis and swine influenza. The Middle East Journal of Nursing; 5 (6): 9-12. 2011 Birks, M., Cant, R., Al-Motlaq, M., & Jones, J. “I Don’t Want to Become a Scientist”: Undergraduate Nursing Students’ Perceived Value of Course Content. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 28(4), 20-27. 2011 Birks M., Cant R., Al-Motlaq M. and Rickards E. Increasing the pool of students in rural locations: A satellite model of nurse education". Australian Journal of Rural Health, 19 (2), 103-104. 2010 Francis K, Birks M, Al-Motlaq M., Davis J, Miles M, & Bailey C. Responding to a rural health workforce shortfall: Double degree preparation of the nurse midwife. The Australian Journal of Rural Health, 18, 210-211. 2010 Al-Motlaq M. & Sellick K. Development and validation of an asthma knowledge test for children 8 to 10 years of age. Child: Health, Care, and Development, 37 (1), 123–128 2010 Al-Motlaq M., Mills J., Birks M. & Francis K. How nurses address the burden of disease in Remote or Isolated areas in Queensland? The International Journal of Nursing Practice, 16: 472-477. 2010 Al-Motlaq, M. Encouraging Volunteer Participation in Health Research: The Role of Nonprofit Organizations. International Journal of Health Research, 2010; 3(3): 117-120 2010 Coyle M., Al-Motlaq M., Mills J., Francis K. & Birks M. An integrative review of the role of registered nurses in remote and isolated practice. Australian Health Review, 34, 239-245. 2010 Al-Motlaq, M. Guide for Evaluating Childhood Asthma Programs: Lessons Learned from the Literature. The Middle East Journal of Nursing, 4(1), 7-13. 2010 Birks M., Al-Motlaq M. & Mills J. Pre-registration Nursing Students in Rural Victoria: Characteristics and career aspirations. Collegian, 17, 23-29. ---------PhD Candidate------ February /2008 2009 Al-Motlaq M. Prevalence and factors affecting childhood asthma in the Middle East: A literature review. The Middle East Journal of Nursing, 3(1), 11-16.
HU Alghad Monash JCU CSU
Associate member of the International Network for Child and Family centered care
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