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رقم المكتب:
Phy 201
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1. Z. Khattari, Interfacial properties of the diblock copolymer at penetrable interfaces: density profile, stretching and interfacial tension, Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 8 (3), 191-198 (1999). 2. S. Wurlitzer, P. Steffen, M. Wurlitzer, Z. Khattari and Th. M. Fischer, Line tension in Langmuir monolayers probed by point forces, J. Chem. Phys. 113, 3822-3828 (2000). 3. P. Steffen, P. Heinig, S. Wurlitzer, Z. Khattari and Th. M. Fischer, The translational and rotational drag on Langmuir monolayer domains, J. Chem. Phys. 115, 994-997 (2001). 4. Z. Khattari, E. Hatta, D. G. Kurth and Th. M. Fischer, Cavitation in two dimensional metallo-supramolecular coordination polyelectrolyte amphiphile complexes J. Chem. Phys. 115, 9923-9928 (2001). 5. Z. Khattari, P. Heinig, M. L?sche and Th. M. Fischer, Wetting in asymmetric quasi-2d-systems, Langmuir 18 (6), 2273-2279 (2002). 6. Z. Khattari, P. Steffen, and Th. M. Fischer, Cavitation of Langmuir monolayer , Phys. Rev. E 65, 041603 (2002). 7. Z. Khattari, and Th. M. Fischer, Growth of Tilted Domains in an octadecanol Langmuir monolayer using radial temperature gradients, J. Phys. Chem. B. 108 (36):13696-13699 (2004). 8. Z. Khattari, and Th. M. Fischer, Shapes of Langmuir monolayer domains in confined geometry, J. Phys. Chem. B 106 (7), 1677-1683 (2002). 9. Z. Khattari, P. Steffen and Th. M. Fischer, Migration of gas bubble under the influence of thermal temperature and surfactant, J. Phys. Condensed. Matter 14, 4823-4828 (2002). 10. Arbely, E., Khattari, Z., Brotons, G., Akkawi, M., Salditt, T., Arkin, I.,T, A palindromic transmembrane helical hairpin formed by SARS coron¬avirus E protein, Journal of Molecular Biology 341, 769-779 (2004). 11. Z. Khattari, G. Brotons, I. Arkin and T. Salditt, SARS E protein in Phosphlipid Bilayer: An Anomalous X-ray reflectivity study, Physica B 357, 34-38 (2005). 12. Z. Khattari, A. Rueschel and T.M. Fischer, Compactification of a myelin mimetic Langmuir monolayer upon adsorption and unfolding of myelin basic protein , J. Phys. Chem. B 109, 3402-3407 (2005). 13. J. Manor, Z. Khattari, T. Salditt, IT. Arkin, Disorder Influence on Linear Dichroism Analyses of Smectic Phases, Biophysical J. 89, 563-571(2005). 14. Z. Khattari, I. Arkin, M. Akkawi and T. Salditt, SARS E Protein in Phospholipid Bilayer: An X-ray Reflectivity Study, Biophys J. 90, 2038-2050 (2006). 15. Khattari, Z., Arkin, I., Salditt, T., A Comparative analysis of Viral Ion Channel Proteins on Membrane Structure using X-ray Reflectivity, Eur. Biophys. J. 36, 45-55 (2006). 16. A. Küsel, Z. Khattari, P. E. Schneggenburger, A. Banerjee, T. Salditt, U. Diederichsen, Conformation and interaction of a D,L-alternating peptide with bilayer membrane: X-ray reflectivity, CD and FTIR spectroscopy, ChemPhysChem. 8, 2336-2343 (2007). 17. Z. Khattari and Th. M. Fischer, Probing Mechnical properties of Langmuir monolayers with optical tweezers, Book title "Progress in Colloid and interface Science" Interfacial rheology, Volume I pages: 655-677 (2009). 18. D. Murakami, U. Langer, Z. Khattari and Th. M. Fischer, Fluorinated Lagmuir monolayers are more viscous than non fluorinated monolayers, J. Phys. Chem. B 114, 5370-5376 (2010). 19. S. Aliaskarisohi, P. Tierno, P. Dhar, Z. Khattari and Th. M. Fischer, On the diffusion of circular domains on a spherical vesicle, J. Fluid Mech. 654, 417-451 (2010). 20. C. Jungnickel, Z. Khatatri, T. H. Johansen and Th. M. Fischer, Field-controlled randomness of colloidal paths on a magnetic bubble lattice, New J. of Physics 13, 1367-2630 (2011). 21. S. Abul Jawad, A. S. Abu-surrah, M. Maghrabi, Z. Khattari and M. Al-Obeid, Electrical impedance of ethylene-carbon nonoxide/propylene-carbon monoxide (EPEC-69) thermoplastic polyketone, J. Mater. Sci. 46, 2748-2754 (2011). 22. S. Abul Jawad, A. S. Abu-surrah, M. Maghrabi and Z. Khattari, Electrical impedance study of elastic alternating propylene-carbon monoxide copolymer (PCO-200), Physica B 406, 2565-2569 (2011). 23. S. Abul Jawad, A. S. Abu-surrah, M. Maghrabi and Z. Khattari, Dielectric behaviour of alternating ethylene-carbon monoxide and ethylene- propylene-carbon monoxide polyketones via impedance spectroscopy, J. Appl. Polymer Science 122, (2011). 24. Z. Khattari, U. Langer, S. Aliaskarisohi and Th. M. Fischer, Optical tweezers study of Langmuir monolayer line tension: Effects of protein and soluble surfactant, Canadian J. of Pure and Appl. Sciences 5, 1603-1608 (2011). 25. Z. Khattari, U. Langer, S. Aliaskarisohi, A. Ray and Th. M. Fischer, Effects of soluble surfactants on the Langmuir monolayers compressibility: A comparative study using interfacial isotherms and fluorescence microscopy, Materials Science and Engineering C 31, (2011). 26. Z. Khattari M. Maghrabi, T. McNally and S. Abul Jawad, Impedance Study of Polymethyl methacrylate Composites Multi-walled Carbon nanotubes (PMMA/MWCNTs), Physica B, (2011, Accepted in Physica B).
Since March 2013 Associate Professor at Physics Department, Hashemite University, Zarka, Jordan. January-August 2006 Researcher at Institute of Optics, Information and Photonics/Biophotonics Group, research area: cancer cell treatment using biophysical and biochemical methods. July-December 2003 Postdoc researcher at Institute for X-ray Physics, Biophysics Group, research area: structure and dynamics of membrane proteins using X-ray methods: Reflectivity and Anomalous scattering, FTIR and CD. July1999-July 2003 Postdoc at the Max Planck Institute of colloid and interfaces, research area: experimental studies on rheological properties of biomimetic matter using various types of microscopy and optical tweezers
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