Published Researchs

PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY OF IRON AGE POTTERY FROM JNENEH AND TELL ABU AL-KHARAZ, JORDANEgyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration StudiesArchaeological Chemister/Archaeometry/Archaeological Science2023  Visit URL
EARLY BRONZE SNAKE MOTIFS ON POTTERY VESSELS AND THEIR SYMBOLISM IN SOUTHERN LEVANTMediterranean Archaeology and ArchaeometryArchaeological Sciences2022  Visit URL
Nabatean Archaeometallurgy at Petra, JordanJordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial EngineeringAncient Technology2018  Visit URL
Fuel For Lamps: Organic Residues Preserved in Iron Age Lamps Excavated at the Site of Sahab in Jordan.ArchaeometryArchaeometry2017  Visit URL
Towards a Risk Management and Conservation Plan for the Djin Blocks at the World Heritage Site of Petra, Jordan: The Case of Djin Block No. 9Conservation and Management of Archaeological SitesArchaeological Conservation2015  Visit URL
Estudos sobre a origem da espécie humana n?o param de encontrar revelaç?es, e o Brasil se junta à linha de frente das pesquisasRastros ancestrais - Revista de Hist?riaGeoarchaeology2014  Visit URL
Rock Slope Potential Failures in the Siq of Petra (Jordan)Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment Geotechnical, Geoarchaeology2014  Visit URL
Comprehensive Approach for the Conservation of the Mosaic Floor of the Saints Cosmas and Damian Church of Jerash Greco-Roman CityInternational Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology & ArchaeometryConservation2012  Visit URL
Laden Animal and Riding Figurines from Hirbet ez-Zeraq?n and their Implications of Trade in the Early Bronze AgeZeitschrift des Deutschen Pal?stina-VereinsArchaeology2012  Visit URL
Combined Photogrammetric Techniques and Computer Vision: 2D-3D Recording of Gharissa, JordanJournal of Architectural ConservationConservation2011  Visit URL
Spatial Distribution of the Early Bronze Clay Figurative Pieces from Khirbet ez-Zeraq÷n and its Religious AspectsAncient Near Eastern StudiesArchaeology2011  Visit URL
Kerak PlateauAmerican Journal of Archaeology, ,Archaeology2010  Visit URL
Quarry Technique in the Early Bronze Age in the Southern Levant, Hirbet ez-Zeraq?n: A Case StudyZeitschrift des Deutschen Pal?stina-VereinsGeoarchaeology2009  Visit URL
Assessment of the Urban Planning System in Historic Jerash with GIS: Achievements and Challenges for Sustainable TourismTourism and Hospitality Planning & DevelopmentGIS, Tourism2007  Visit URL