Published Researchs

Thermodynamics feature of modified non-Newtonian fluid model over an exponentially curved stretching surfaceCanadian Journal of PhysicsNumerical simulation2025  Visit URL
AI-Neural Networking Analysis (NNA) of Thermally Slip Magnetized Williamson (TSMW) fluid flow with heat sourceCase Studies in Thermal EngineeringMathematics2024  Visit URL
Artificial in telligence (AI) based neural networks for a magnetized surface subject to tangent hyperbolic fluid flow with multiple slip boundary conditionsA IMS MathematicsMathmetics - Differential equations and its applications2024  Visit URL
Levenberg–Marquardt backpropagation neural networking (LMB-NN) analysis of hydrodynamic forces in fluid flow over multiple cylindersAIP AdvancesMathmetics - Differential equations and its applications2024  Visit URL
Machine learning based analysis of heat transfer in tangent hyperbolic fluid at heat generating magnetized surfaceInternational Journal of ThermofluidsArtificial intelligence: Heat transfer2024  Visit URL
Melting heat transfer of Maxwell–Sutterby °uid over a stretching sheet with stagnation region and induced magnetic ¯eldModern Physics Letters BMathmetics - Differential equations and its applications2024  Visit URL
Thermodynamic analysis of micropolar-casson fluid flow with PST and PHF heating condition over a curved stretching surfaceAin Shams Engineering JournalNumerical simulation2024  Visit URL
Thermodynamic properties of Casson-Sutterby-micropolar fluid flow over exponential stretching curved sheet with impact of MHD and heat generationCase Studies in Thermal EngineeringNumerical analysis2024  Visit URL
Comparative analysis of unsteady flow of induced MHD radiative Sutterby fluid flow at nonlinear stretching cylinder/sheet: Variable thermal conductivityAlexandria Engineering JournalMathematics2023  Visit URL
Darcy resistant of Soret and Dufour impact of radiative induced magnetic field sutterby fluid flow over stretching cylinderHeliyonMathematics - differential equation and approximation2023  Visit URL
New fixed point results in controlled metric type spaces based on new contractive conditionsAIMS MathematicsMathematics2023  Visit URL
Numerical approach for temperature dependent properties of sutterby fluid flow with induced magnetic field past a stretching cylinderCase Studies in Thermal EngineeringNumerical Analysis2023  Visit URL
On low Reynolds number optimization of non-linear partial differential equations for convergent–divergent engulfment: A numerical resultNumerical Methods for Partial Differential EquationsNumerical Analysis2023  Visit URL
Parabolic transport measurement of hydrodynamic forces for flow around circular/triangular distance dependent obstructions: Finite element analysisAIMS MathematicsNumerical Analysis2023  Visit URL
Some fixed point results based on contractions of new types for extended b -metric spacesAIMS MathematicsMathematics2023  Visit URL
Thermal investigation of Jeffrey fluid flow past a stretching Riga curved surface under Soret and Dufour impactsCase Studies in Thermal EngineeringMathematics - differential equation and approximation 2023  Visit URL
Thermodynamic flow of radiative induced magneto modified Maxwell Sutterby fluid model at stretching sheet/cylinderScientific ReportsMathematics - differential equation 2023  Visit URL
Thermodynamic properties of Second-grade micropolar nanofluid flow past an exponential curved Riga stretching surface with Cattaneo–Christov double diffusionAlexandria Engineering JournalMathematics and second-grade micropolar2023  Visit URL
Thermodynamic study of radiative chemically reactive flow of induced MHD sutterby nanofluid over a nonlinear stretching cylinderAlexandria Engineering JournalNumerical Analysis2023  Visit URL
Transportation of nanomaterial Maxwell fluid flow with thermal slip under the effect of Soret–Dufour and second-order slips: nonlinear stretchingScientific ReportsApplied Mathematics2023  Visit URL
Contraction conditions using comparison functions on b-metric spacesFixed Point Theory and ApplicationsFixed Point Theory2014  Visit URL
Existence and uniqueness of xed points in modified intuitionistic fuzzy metric spacesJ. Nonlinear Sci. Appl.Fixed Point Theory2014  Visit URL
Fixed Points of Weakly Compatible Mappings Satisfying Generalized ?-Weak ContractionsBull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.Fixed Point Theory2014  Visit URL
Some Integral Type Fixed-Point Theorems and an Application to Systems of Functional EquationsVietnam J MathFixed point theory 2014  Visit URL
Tripled and coincidence xed point theorems for contractive mappings satisfying -maps inpartially ordered metric spaces An. St. Univ. Ovidius ConstantaFixed Point Theory2014  Visit URL
Variants of sub-sequentially continuous mappings and integral-type fixed point resultsRend. Circ. Mat. PalermoFixed Point2014  Visit URL
Almost contractive coupled mapping in ordered complete metric spacesFixed Point Theory and ApplicationsFixed Point Theory 2013  Visit URL
Best proximity point on nonlinear contractiveContemporary Mathematics, Mathematical Physics and their ApplicationsFixed point theorem 2013  Visit URL
Common fixed point for generalized weakly G-contraction mappings satisfying common (E.A) property in G-metric spacesFIXED point THEORY AND aPPLICATIONSFIXED point theory2013  Visit URL
Multiple solutions for fractional differential equations: Analytic approachApplied Math ematics and Computati onFractional differential equations2013  Visit URL
A generalization of Banach’s contraction principle for nonlinear contraction in a partial metric space,Nonlinear Sci. Appl. Fixed point2012  Visit URL
Common fixed points for single-valued and multi-valued maps satisfying a generalized contraction in G-metric spacesFixed point theory and ApplicationsFixed point2012  Visit URL
Common fixed points of almost genralized $(\psi,\phi)$-contractive mappings in ordered metric spacesFixed point Theory and ApplicationFixed point2012  Visit URL
Coupled Fixed point Theorems under Weak ContractionsDiscrete Dynamics in Nature and SocietyFixed point2012  Visit URL
Coupled coincdence points in partially ordered cone metric spaces with a c-distance Journal of Applied MathematicsFixed point2012  Visit URL
Coupled fixed point results for $(\psi,\phi)$-weakly contractive mappings in ordered G-metric spacesComputers and Mathematics with Applications Fixed point Theory2012  Visit URL
Coupled fixed point theorems for mixed monotone mappings in ordered partial metric spaces Mathematical and Computer Modelling 55 (2012) 680–687Fixed Point theory2012  Visit URL
FIXED AND RELATED FIXED POINT THEOREMS FOR THREE MAPS IN G-METRIC SPACESHacettepe Journal of Mathematics and StatisticsFixed Point Theory 2012  Visit URL
Generalized of some coupled fixed point results on partial metric spacesInternational journal of Mathematics and Mathematical sciencesFixed point2012  Visit URL
Mizoguchi-Takahashi type theorems in tvs-cone metric spacesFixed point theory and ApplicationsFixed point2012  Visit URL
Nonlinear coupled fixed point theorems in ordered generalized metric spaces with integral typeFixed Point Theory and ApplicationsFixed point Theory2012  Visit URL
Normed Ordered and E-Metric SpacesInternational Journal of Mathematical and Mathematical SciencesFixed point2012  Visit URL
ON WEAKLY COMMUTING MAPS AND COMMON FIXED POINT RESULTS FORFOUR MAPS IN G-METRIC SPACES Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and StatisticsFixed Point Theory2012  Visit URL
On a fixed point for a generalized contractions in generalized metric spacesAccepted in Abstract and Applied AnalysisFixed point2012  Visit URL
On w-compatible mappings and common coupled coincidence point incone metric spaces Applied Mathematics Letters Fixed Point theory2012  Visit URL
Qudruple fixed point theorems under nonlinear contractive in partially ordered metric spacesJournal of Applied MathematicsFixed point2012  Visit URL
Some Common Coincidence Point Theorems on Weakly Increasing Mappings in Partially Ordered Cone Metric SpacesGazi University Journal of ScienceFixed Point Theory2012  Visit URL
Some Fixed Point Results for Multi Valued Mappings in Ordered G-Metric SpacesGazi University Journal of ScienceFixed Point Theory2012  Visit URL
Some coincidence point results in cone metric spacesMathematical and Computer Modelling 55 (2012) 2023–2028Fixed Point Theory2012  Visit URL
Some fixed and coincidence point theorems for expansive maps in cone metric spacesFixed point theory and ApplicationsFixed point2012  Visit URL
Some fixed point results for a generalized \psi-weak contraction mappings in orbitally metric spacesChaos, Solitons & FractalsFixed point Theory2012  Visit URL
Tripled common fixed point results for generalized contractions in ordered generalized metric spacesFixed point Theory and ApplicationsFixed point2012  Visit URL
Tripled fixed point results in generalized metric spacesJournal of Applied MathematicsFixed point2012  Visit URL
COUPLED FIXED POINT THEOREMS IN GENERALIZED METRIC SPACESHacettepe Journal of Mathematics and StatisticsFixed Point Theory2011  Visit URL
Clonal propagation and cryogenic storage of the medicinal plant Stevia rebaudianaSpanish Journal of Agricultural Research*2011  Visit URL
Common coupled coincidence and coupled fixedpoint results in two generalized metric spaces Fixed Point Theory and Applications Fixed Point Theory2011  Visit URL
Contractive Mapping in Generalized,Ordered Metric Spaces with Application in Integral Equations Mathematical Problems in EngineeringFixed Point Theory2011  Visit URL
Coupled common fixed point theorems for a pair of commuting mappings in partially ordered complete metric spacesComputers and Mathematics with Applications Fixed Point Theory2011  Visit URL
Coupled fixed point results for (?, ?)-weakly contractive condition in ordered partial metric spacesComputers and Mathematics with Applications Fixed Point Theory2011  Visit URL
Coupled fixed point theorems for nonlinear contractions in partially ordered G-metric spacesMathematical and Computer Modelling Fixed Point Theory2011  Visit URL
FIXED POINT RESULTS ON COMPLETE G-METRIC SPACESStudia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica Fixed Point Theory2011  Visit URL
Fixed point theorems for nonlinear weakly C-contractive mappings in Metric SpacesMathematical and Computer Modelling Fixed Point Theory2011  Visit URL
On (?, ?)-weakly contractive condition in partially ordered metric spacesComputers and Mathematics with Applications 62 (2011) 3204–3214Fixed Point Theory2011  Visit URL
On generalized weakly G-contraction mapping in G-metric spacesComputers and Mathematics with Applications Fixed Point Theory 2011  Visit URL
Some Coincidence Point Theorems for Nonlinear Contraction in Ordered Metric SpacesFixed Point Theory and Applications 2011, 2011:68Fixed Point Theory2011  Visit URL
Some Fixed Point Theorems in Ordered G-MetricSpaces and Applications Abstract and Applied AnalysisFixed Point Theory2011  Visit URL
Fixed Point Theorem for Expansive Mappings in G-Metric SpacesInt. J. Contemp. Math. SciencesFixed Point Theory2010  Visit URL
Fixed Point Theory for Contractive Mappings Satisfying ?-Maps in G-Metric SpacesFixed Point Theory and ApplicationsFixed Point Theory2010  Visit URL
ON 2-¸-NUCLEARITY MAPSJordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (JJMS)Nuclearity maps2010  Visit URL
Partially ordered cone metric spaces and coupled fixed point resultsComputers and Mathematics with Applications Fixed Point Theory2010  Visit URL
Some Common Coupled Fixed Point Results in Cone Metric SpacesInt. Journal of Math. Analysis, Vol. 4, 2010, no. 48, 2381 - 2388Fixed Point Theory2010  Visit URL
Existence of Fixed Point Results in G-Metric SpacesInternational Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical SciencesFixed Point Theory2009  Visit URL
Best p-Simultaneous Approximation in Some Metric SpaceTurk J MathApproximation Theory2008  Visit URL
Homotopy Analysis Method For Solving System Of Nonlinear Algebraic EquationsFirst Conference on Analysis, Computational Mathematics and StatisticsHomotopy Analysis2008  Visit URL
On Nuclearity MapsInternational Mathematical Forum, 3, 2008, no. 5, 205 - 208Nuclear Map2008  Visit URL
Structure Theorem for Functionals in the Space International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciencesfunctional spaces2008  Visit URL
Approximation in Kothe Bochner Function SpaceInternational Journal of Applied MathematicsApproximation Theory2007  Visit URL
Induced Mappings On Boolean Algebras Of Clopen Sets And On Projections Of The C*-Algebra C(X)Turk. J. Math.C*-Algebra2007  Visit URL
On ?-Nuclear MapsInt. J. Contemp. Math. SciencesNuclear map2007  Visit URL
On Quasi-\lambda-NuclearityScientiae Mathematicae JaponicaeNuclear Maps2007  Visit URL
On Summing MapsInternational Journal of pure and Applied Mathematics.Nclear Maps2007  Visit URL
Partition and Fuzzy PartitionsInternational Journal of Applied MathematicsFuzzy Set2007  Visit URL
Proximity Maps and Chebyshev SubspacesProximity Maps and Chebyshev SubspacesApproximation Theory2007  Visit URL
The Iteration Technique in Elementary Functional AnalysisInt. J.Contemp. Math. Sci., Functional Analysis2007  Visit URL
p-Quasi-lambda-NuclearityScientiae Mathematicae Japonicae .Nuclear Maps2007  Visit URL
On Fuzzy PartitionsInternational Journal of pure and Applied MathematicsFuzzy Set2006  Visit URL
Fully $\lambda$-base in a complete Nuclear SpaceFar east Journal Math. Sci.Nuclear Map2006  Visit URL
On Decomposition Method and PN-SpacesAl-Manara JournalSequence Spaces2006  Visit URL
On Maps Of Type lambdaJ. of Indian Academy Of MathematicsNuclear Maps2006  Visit URL
A characterization of lambda(A*B)-Nuclear Maps Where $A$ and $B$ are Power Sets of infinite TypesFar East J. Math. Sci.Sequence Spaces, Nuclear Maps2005  Visit URL
2-Quasi-lambda-Nuclear Maps Turk. Journal of MathSequence Spaces, Nuclear Maps2005  Visit URL
A characterization of lambda(P*Q)-Nuclear Maps Where P and Q are Power Sets of Finite TypesAbhath Al-Yarmouk Journal "Basic Sci. and Eng".Sequence Spaces2004  Visit URL
Strong Stable Local ImbeddingAbhath Al-Yarmouk Journal " Basic Sci.and Eng."Sequence Spaces2003  Visit URL