Research Title | MAG. TITLE | RESEARCH AREA | PUBLISH YEAR | DOI | Journal URL |
Thermodynamics feature of modified non-Newtonian fluid model over an exponentially curved stretching surface | Canadian Journal of Physics | Numerical simulation | 2025 | |
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AI-Neural Networking Analysis (NNA) of Thermally Slip Magnetized Williamson (TSMW) fluid flow with heat source | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering | Mathematics | 2024 | |
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Artificial in telligence (AI) based neural networks for a magnetized surface subject to tangent hyperbolic fluid flow with multiple slip boundary conditions | A IMS Mathematics | Mathmetics - Differential equations and its applications | 2024 | |
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Levenberg–Marquardt backpropagation neural networking (LMB-NN) analysis of hydrodynamic forces in fluid flow over multiple cylinders | AIP Advances | Mathmetics - Differential equations and its applications | 2024 | |
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Machine learning based analysis of heat transfer in tangent hyperbolic fluid at heat generating magnetized surface | International Journal of Thermofluids | Artificial intelligence: Heat transfer | 2024 | |
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Melting heat transfer of Maxwell–Sutterby °uid over a stretching sheet with stagnation region and induced magnetic ¯eld | Modern Physics Letters B | Mathmetics - Differential equations and its applications | 2024 | |
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Thermodynamic analysis of micropolar-casson fluid flow with PST and PHF heating condition over a curved stretching surface | Ain Shams Engineering Journal | Numerical simulation | 2024 | |
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Thermodynamic properties of Casson-Sutterby-micropolar fluid flow over exponential stretching curved sheet with impact of MHD and heat generation | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering | Numerical analysis | 2024 | |
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Comparative analysis of unsteady flow of induced MHD radiative Sutterby fluid flow at nonlinear stretching cylinder/sheet: Variable thermal conductivity | Alexandria Engineering Journal | Mathematics | 2023 | |
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Darcy resistant of Soret and Dufour impact of radiative induced magnetic field sutterby fluid flow over stretching cylinder | Heliyon | Mathematics - differential equation and approximation | 2023 | |
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New fixed point results in controlled metric type spaces based on new contractive conditions | AIMS Mathematics | Mathematics | 2023 | |
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Numerical approach for temperature dependent properties of sutterby fluid flow with induced magnetic field past a stretching cylinder | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering | Numerical Analysis | 2023 | |
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On low Reynolds number optimization of non-linear partial differential equations for convergent–divergent engulfment: A numerical result | Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations | Numerical Analysis | 2023 | |
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Parabolic transport measurement of hydrodynamic forces for flow around circular/triangular distance dependent obstructions: Finite element analysis | AIMS Mathematics | Numerical Analysis | 2023 | |
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Some fixed point results based on contractions of new types for extended b -metric spaces | AIMS Mathematics | Mathematics | 2023 | |
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Thermal investigation of Jeffrey fluid flow past a stretching Riga curved surface under Soret and Dufour impacts | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering | Mathematics - differential equation and approximation | 2023 | |
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Thermodynamic flow of radiative induced magneto modified Maxwell Sutterby fluid model at stretching sheet/cylinder | Scientific Reports | Mathematics - differential equation | 2023 | |
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Thermodynamic properties of Second-grade micropolar nanofluid flow past an exponential curved Riga stretching surface with Cattaneo–Christov double diffusion | Alexandria Engineering Journal | Mathematics and second-grade micropolar | 2023 | |
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Thermodynamic study of radiative chemically reactive flow of induced MHD sutterby nanofluid over a nonlinear stretching cylinder | Alexandria Engineering Journal | Numerical Analysis | 2023 | |
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Transportation of nanomaterial Maxwell fluid flow with thermal slip under the effect of Soret–Dufour and second-order slips: nonlinear stretching | Scientific Reports | Applied Mathematics | 2023 | |
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Contraction conditions using comparison functions on b-metric spaces | Fixed Point Theory and Applications | Fixed Point Theory | 2014 | |
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Existence and uniqueness of xed points in modified intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces | J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. | Fixed Point Theory | 2014 | |
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Fixed Points of Weakly Compatible Mappings Satisfying Generalized ?-Weak Contractions | Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. | Fixed Point Theory | 2014 | |
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Some Integral Type Fixed-Point Theorems and an Application to Systems of Functional Equations | Vietnam J Math | Fixed point theory | 2014 | |
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Tripled and coincidence xed point theorems for contractive mappings satisfying -maps inpartially ordered metric spaces | An. St. Univ. Ovidius Constanta | Fixed Point Theory | 2014 | |
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Variants of sub-sequentially continuous mappings and integral-type fixed point results | Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo | Fixed Point | 2014 | |
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Almost contractive coupled mapping in ordered complete metric spaces | Fixed Point Theory and Applications | Fixed Point Theory | 2013 | |
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Best proximity point on nonlinear contractive | Contemporary Mathematics, Mathematical Physics and their Applications | Fixed point theorem | 2013 | |
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Common fixed point for generalized weakly G-contraction mappings satisfying common (E.A) property in G-metric spaces | FIXED point THEORY AND aPPLICATIONS | FIXED point theory | 2013 | |
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Multiple solutions for fractional differential equations: Analytic approach | Applied Math ematics and Computati on | Fractional differential equations | 2013 | |
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A generalization of Banach’s contraction principle for nonlinear contraction in a partial metric space, | Nonlinear Sci. Appl. | Fixed point | 2012 | |
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Common fixed points for single-valued and multi-valued maps satisfying a generalized contraction in G-metric spaces | Fixed point theory and Applications | Fixed point | 2012 | |
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Common fixed points of almost genralized $(\psi,\phi)$-contractive mappings in ordered metric spaces | Fixed point Theory and Application | Fixed point | 2012 | |
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Coupled Fixed point Theorems under Weak Contractions | Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society | Fixed point | 2012 | |
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Coupled coincdence points in partially ordered cone metric spaces with a c-distance | Journal of Applied Mathematics | Fixed point | 2012 | |
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Coupled fixed point results for $(\psi,\phi)$-weakly contractive mappings in ordered G-metric spaces | Computers and Mathematics with Applications | Fixed point Theory | 2012 | |
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Coupled fixed point theorems for mixed monotone mappings in ordered partial metric spaces | Mathematical and Computer Modelling 55 (2012) 680–687 | Fixed Point theory | 2012 | |
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FIXED AND RELATED FIXED POINT THEOREMS FOR THREE MAPS IN G-METRIC SPACES | Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics | Fixed Point Theory | 2012 | |
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Generalized of some coupled fixed point results on partial metric spaces | International journal of Mathematics and Mathematical sciences | Fixed point | 2012 | |
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Mizoguchi-Takahashi type theorems in tvs-cone metric spaces | Fixed point theory and Applications | Fixed point | 2012 | |
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Nonlinear coupled fixed point theorems in ordered generalized metric spaces with integral type | Fixed Point Theory and Applications | Fixed point Theory | 2012 | |
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Normed Ordered and E-Metric Spaces | International Journal of Mathematical and Mathematical Sciences | Fixed point | 2012 | |
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ON WEAKLY COMMUTING MAPS AND COMMON FIXED POINT RESULTS FORFOUR MAPS IN G-METRIC SPACES | Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics | Fixed Point Theory | 2012 | |
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On a fixed point for a generalized contractions in generalized metric spaces | Accepted in Abstract and Applied Analysis | Fixed point | 2012 | |
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On w-compatible mappings and common coupled coincidence point incone metric spaces | Applied Mathematics Letters | Fixed Point theory | 2012 | |
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Qudruple fixed point theorems under nonlinear contractive in partially ordered metric spaces | Journal of Applied Mathematics | Fixed point | 2012 | |
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Some Common Coincidence Point Theorems on Weakly Increasing Mappings in Partially Ordered Cone Metric Spaces | Gazi University Journal of Science | Fixed Point Theory | 2012 | |
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Some Fixed Point Results for Multi Valued Mappings in Ordered G-Metric Spaces | Gazi University Journal of Science | Fixed Point Theory | 2012 | |
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Some coincidence point results in cone metric spaces | Mathematical and Computer Modelling 55 (2012) 2023–2028 | Fixed Point Theory | 2012 | |
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Some fixed and coincidence point theorems for expansive maps in cone metric spaces | Fixed point theory and Applications | Fixed point | 2012 | |
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Some fixed point results for a generalized \psi-weak contraction mappings in orbitally metric spaces | Chaos, Solitons & Fractals | Fixed point Theory | 2012 | |
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Tripled common fixed point results for generalized contractions in ordered generalized metric spaces | Fixed point Theory and Applications | Fixed point | 2012 | |
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Tripled fixed point results in generalized metric spaces | Journal of Applied Mathematics | Fixed point | 2012 | |
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COUPLED FIXED POINT THEOREMS IN GENERALIZED METRIC SPACES | Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics | Fixed Point Theory | 2011 | |
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Clonal propagation and cryogenic storage of the medicinal plant Stevia rebaudiana | Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research | * | 2011 | |
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Common coupled coincidence and coupled fixedpoint results in two generalized metric spaces | Fixed Point Theory and Applications | Fixed Point Theory | 2011 | |
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Contractive Mapping in Generalized,Ordered Metric Spaces with Application in Integral Equations | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | Fixed Point Theory | 2011 | |
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Coupled common fixed point theorems for a pair of commuting mappings in partially ordered complete metric spaces | Computers and Mathematics with Applications | Fixed Point Theory | 2011 | |
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Coupled fixed point results for (?, ?)-weakly contractive condition in ordered partial metric spaces | Computers and Mathematics with Applications | Fixed Point Theory | 2011 | |
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Coupled fixed point theorems for nonlinear contractions in partially ordered G-metric spaces | Mathematical and Computer Modelling | Fixed Point Theory | 2011 | |
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FIXED POINT RESULTS ON COMPLETE G-METRIC SPACES | Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica | Fixed Point Theory | 2011 | |
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Fixed point theorems for nonlinear weakly C-contractive mappings in Metric Spaces | Mathematical and Computer Modelling | Fixed Point Theory | 2011 | |
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On (?, ?)-weakly contractive condition in partially ordered metric spaces | Computers and Mathematics with Applications 62 (2011) 3204–3214 | Fixed Point Theory | 2011 | |
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On generalized weakly G-contraction mapping in G-metric spaces | Computers and Mathematics with Applications | Fixed Point Theory | 2011 | |
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Some Coincidence Point Theorems for Nonlinear Contraction in Ordered Metric Spaces | Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2011, 2011:68 | Fixed Point Theory | 2011 | |
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Some Fixed Point Theorems in Ordered G-MetricSpaces and Applications | Abstract and Applied Analysis | Fixed Point Theory | 2011 | |
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Fixed Point Theorem for Expansive Mappings in G-Metric Spaces | Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences | Fixed Point Theory | 2010 | |
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Fixed Point Theory for Contractive Mappings Satisfying ?-Maps in G-Metric Spaces | Fixed Point Theory and Applications | Fixed Point Theory | 2010 | |
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ON 2-¸-NUCLEARITY MAPS | Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (JJMS) | Nuclearity maps | 2010 | |
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Partially ordered cone metric spaces and coupled fixed point results | Computers and Mathematics with Applications | Fixed Point Theory | 2010 | |
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Some Common Coupled Fixed Point Results in Cone Metric Spaces | Int. Journal of Math. Analysis, Vol. 4, 2010, no. 48, 2381 - 2388 | Fixed Point Theory | 2010 | |
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Existence of Fixed Point Results in G-Metric Spaces | International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences | Fixed Point Theory | 2009 | |
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Best p-Simultaneous Approximation in Some Metric Space | Turk J Math | Approximation Theory | 2008 | |
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Homotopy Analysis Method For Solving System Of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations | First Conference on Analysis, Computational Mathematics and Statistics | Homotopy Analysis | 2008 | |
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On Nuclearity Maps | International Mathematical Forum, 3, 2008, no. 5, 205 - 208 | Nuclear Map | 2008 | |
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Structure Theorem for Functionals in the Space | International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences | functional spaces | 2008 | |
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Approximation in Kothe Bochner Function Space | International Journal of Applied Mathematics | Approximation Theory | 2007 | |
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Induced Mappings On Boolean Algebras Of Clopen Sets And On Projections Of The C*-Algebra C(X) | Turk. J. Math. | C*-Algebra | 2007 | |
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On ?-Nuclear Maps | Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences | Nuclear map | 2007 | |
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On Quasi-\lambda-Nuclearity | Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae | Nuclear Maps | 2007 | |
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On Summing Maps | International Journal of pure and Applied Mathematics. | Nclear Maps | 2007 | |
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Partition and Fuzzy Partitions | International Journal of Applied Mathematics | Fuzzy Set | 2007 | |
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Proximity Maps and Chebyshev Subspaces | Proximity Maps and Chebyshev Subspaces | Approximation Theory | 2007 | |
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The Iteration Technique in Elementary Functional Analysis | Int. J.Contemp. Math. Sci., | Functional Analysis | 2007 | |
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p-Quasi-lambda-Nuclearity | Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae . | Nuclear Maps | 2007 | |
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On Fuzzy Partitions | International Journal of pure and Applied Mathematics | Fuzzy Set | 2006 | |
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Fully $\lambda$-base in a complete Nuclear Space | Far east Journal Math. Sci. | Nuclear Map | 2006 | |
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On Decomposition Method and PN-Spaces | Al-Manara Journal | Sequence Spaces | 2006 | |
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On Maps Of Type lambda | J. of Indian Academy Of Mathematics | Nuclear Maps | 2006 | |
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A characterization of lambda(A*B)-Nuclear Maps Where $A$ and $B$ are Power Sets of infinite Types | Far East J. Math. Sci. | Sequence Spaces, Nuclear Maps | 2005 | |
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2-Quasi-lambda-Nuclear Maps | Turk. Journal of Math | Sequence Spaces, Nuclear Maps | 2005 | |
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A characterization of lambda(P*Q)-Nuclear Maps Where P and Q are Power Sets of Finite Types | Abhath Al-Yarmouk Journal "Basic Sci. and Eng". | Sequence Spaces | 2004 | |
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Strong Stable Local Imbedding | Abhath Al-Yarmouk Journal " Basic Sci.and Eng." | Sequence Spaces | 2003 | |
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