Published Researchs

"Professional Identity of an Early Childhood Black Teacher in a Predominantly White School: A Case Study" Child Care in PracticeEarly Childhood & Teacher Education 2016  Visit URL
Inclusion of children with developmental disabilities in Arab countries:A review of the research literature from 1990 to 2014Research inDevelopmentalDisabilitiesInclusion in the Field of Special Education 2016  Visit URL
Quality of Life of Teachers of Children with DisabilitiesMediterranean Journal of Social Sciencesquality of special education teachers 2015  Visit URL
Addressing the Unique Needs of Arab American Children with Disabilities Springer Science+Business Media New YorkNeeds of Children with Disabilities2014  Visit URL
Arab Americans With Disabilities and Their Families: A Culturally Appropriate Approach for Counselors JOURNAL OF MULTICULTURAL COUNSELING AND DEVELOPMENTTheory to culturally competent Practice2014  Visit URL
Parenting styles used with preschool children in Jordan Journal of Arab Children Parenting!2011  Visit URL