Research Title | MAG. TITLE | RESEARCH AREA | PUBLISH YEAR | DOI | Journal URL |
Physical Self-Concept Among Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People Practicing Swimming | International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences | TURKEY | 2023 | |
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The Effect of Using Visual Aids on Learning Some Swimming Skills Among Hearing-Impaired Individuals | International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences | TURKEY | 2023 | |
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The effect of a proposed training program using weights to improve the muscular strength of the lower part and the back kick skill of jumping for kickboxing players | Journal of Positive School Psychology | educational Science | 2022 | |
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Online sales system and organization outcome | International Journal of Data and Network Science | Management (Canada) | 2021 | |
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Sources of Psychological Anxiety among Students of the Course of Self-Defense Sports at the Faculty of Physical Education at Yarmouk University | Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI) | educational Science (Turkey) | 2021 | |
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The Psychological Hesitancy of the Students of Swimming Courses while Performing Vertical Jumping Skill on Feet during | The Psychological Hesitancy of the Students of Swimming Courses while Performing Vertical Jumping Skill on Feet during | scopes | 2021 | |
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Dimensions of self-concept between girl’s students expected to graduate from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science due to the integrated them in practical courses in sports | International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation | Canada | 2020 | |
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Organized Physical Activities and Its Role to Reduce the Violent on Point of View | American International Journal of Contemporary Research | jordan | 2016 | |
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the most comon athletic injuries among swimmirs | Advances in Physical Education, | jordan | 2016 | |
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Effect of Suggested Training Program by Using Weight Exercises on Decreasing the | International Journal of Humanities and Social Science | jordan | 2015 | |
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مفهوم الذات لدى الطلبة الممارسين للانشطة الرياضية في الجامعة الهاشمية | دراسات الجامعة الاردنية | الجامعة الهاشمية | 2010 | |
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