Published Researchs

Thermodynamics feature of modified non-Newtonian fluid model over an exponentially curved stretching surfaceCanadian Journal of PhysicsNumerical simulation2025  Visit URL
A two-strain COVID-19 co-infection model with strain 1 vaccinationPartial Differential Equations in Applied MathematicsMathematical Biology2024  Visit URL
AI-Neural Networking Analysis (NNA) of Thermally Slip Magnetized Williamson (TSMW) fluid flow with heat sourceCase Studies in Thermal EngineeringMathematics2024  Visit URL
Machine learning based analysis of heat transfer in tangent hyperbolic fluid at heat generating magnetized surfaceInternational Journal of ThermofluidsArtificial intelligence: Heat transfer2024  Visit URL
Thermodynamic analysis of micropolar-casson fluid flow with PST and PHF heating condition over a curved stretching surfaceAin Shams Engineering JournalNumerical simulation2024  Visit URL
Thermodynamic properties of Casson-Sutterby-micropolar fluid flow over exponential stretching curved sheet with impact of MHD and heat generationCase Studies in Thermal EngineeringNumerical analysis2024  Visit URL
Comparative analysis of unsteady flow of induced MHD radiative Sutterby fluid flow at nonlinear stretching cylinder/sheet: Variable thermal conductivityAlexandria Engineering JournalMathematics2023  Visit URL
New fixed point results in controlled metric type spaces based on new contractive conditionsAIMS MathematicsMathematics2023  Visit URL
Numerical approach for temperature dependent properties of sutterby fluid flow with induced magnetic field past a stretching cylinderCase Studies in Thermal EngineeringNumerical Analysis2023  Visit URL
On low Reynolds number optimization of non-linear partial differential equations for convergent–divergent engulfment: A numerical resultNumerical Methods for Partial Differential EquationsNumerical Analysis2023  Visit URL
Parabolic transport measurement of hydrodynamic forces for flow around circular/triangular distance dependent obstructions: Finite element analysisAIMS MathematicsNumerical Analysis2023  Visit URL
Some fixed point results based on contractions of new types for extended b -metric spacesAIMS MathematicsMathematics2023  Visit URL
Thermodynamic study of radiative chemically reactive flow of induced MHD sutterby nanofluid over a nonlinear stretching cylinderAlexandria Engineering JournalNumerical Analysis2023  Visit URL
Transportation of nanomaterial Maxwell fluid flow with thermal slip under the effect of Soret–Dufour and second-order slips: nonlinear stretchingScientific ReportsApplied Mathematics2023  Visit URL
A Group Theoretic Analysis of Mutual Interactions of Heat and Mass Transfer in a Thermally Slip Semi-Infinite DomainApplied SciencesMathematics2022  Visit URL
B-Spline Tight Framelets for Integral Algebraic Equations with Weakly Singular KernelsNonlinear Functional Analysis and ApplicationsApplied Mathematics2022  Visit URL
Case study on thermally fluidized suspension in porous enclosure: Hybrid computational analysisCase Studies in Thermal EngineeringApplied Mathematics2022  Visit URL
Comparative study of Casson hybrid nanofluid models with induced magnetic radiative flow over a vertical permeable exponentially stretching sheetAIMS MathematicsApplied Mathematics2022  Visit URL
Existence Results of Global Solutions for a Coupled Implicit Riemann-Liouville Fractional Integral Equation via the Vector Kuratowski Measure of NoncompactnessFractal and FractionalApplied Mathematics2022  Visit URL
Mathematical Analysis of a MERS-Cov Coronavirus ModelDemonstratio MathematicaMathematical biology2022  Visit URL
Mathematical analysis of unsteady stagnation point flow of radiative Casson hybrid nanofluid flow over a vertical Riga sheetMathematics Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Its Applications2022  Visit URL
Solution of differential equations with infinite delay via coupled fixed pointHeliyonMathematics2022  Visit URL
Solvability of a system of integral equations in two variables in the weighted Sobolev space W(1,1)-omega(a,b) using a generalized measure of noncompactnessNonlinear Analysis: Modelling and ControlApplied Mathematics2022  Visit URL
Existence and Uniqueness Results of Coupled Fractional-Order Differential Systems Involving Riemann–Liouville Derivative in the SpaceFractal and FractionalApplied Mathematics2021  Visit URL
On Thermal Energy Transport Complications in Chemically Reactive Liquidized Flow Fields Manifested with Thermal Slip ArrangementsEnergiesApplied Mathematics2021  Visit URL
Resonances in bounded media: Nonlinear and boundary effectsStudies in Applied Mathematics Wiley Online LibraryApplied Mathematics2019  Visit URL
Sinc Method for Two-Dimensional Volterra Integral Equations of First and Second KindsInternational Journal of Difference EquationsApplied Mathematics2019  Visit URL
Matrix elements for power-law potentials using Hermite basisInternational Journal of Pure and Applied MathematicsApplied Mathematics2008  Visit URL