Published Researchs

COVID-19 Pandemic Endorses New Era of E-learning Case Study: Hashemite UniversityJOURNAL OF E-LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE SOCIETYcomputer science2021  Visit URL
Factorial investigation of cobalt retention by Ti and Fe oxides modified carbon nanotubes: Multivariate against univariate analysisFrontiers in Chemistry (9):442 (2021).Statistical Uni-variate and Multi-variate Analysis2021  Visit URL
Factors impacting Jordanian women in computing case study: Hashemite UniversityIndonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciencecomputer science2021  Visit URL
I3rab: A new Arabic dependency treebank based on Arabic grammatical theoryTransactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information ProcessingNatural Language Processing2021  Visit URL
Recursive Genetic Micro-Aggregation Technique: Information Loss, Disclosure Risk and Scoring IndexDataGenetic Algorithm2021  Visit URL
Semantic Partitioning and Machine Learning in Sentiment AnalysisDataMachine Learning and Natural Language processing2021  Visit URL
Syntactic Annotation in the I3rab Dependency Treebank The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)Natural Language Processing2021  Visit URL
Improving Arabic dependency parsers by using dependency relations21 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT)Natural Language Processing2020  Visit URL
Machine Learning and Statistical Modelling for Prediction of Novel COVID-19 Patients Case Study: JordanInternational Journal of Advanced Computer Science and ApplicationsMachine Learning2020  Visit URL
Applying Genetic Algorithms on Multi-level Micro-Aggregation Techniques for Secure Statistical Databases15th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications AICCSA 2018Genetic Algorithm2018  Visit URL
Arabic LFG-inspired Dependency TreebankInternational Conference on New Trends in Computing Sciences (ICTCS)Natural Language Processing2017  Visit URL
Assistive Technology for Deaf People Based on Android platform Procedia Computer Science. The 7th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (EUSPN)Mobile Application2016  Visit URL
E-Learning: Challenges and Ambitions at Hashemite University International Journal of Innovation and LearningE-Learning 2015  Visit URL
A Novel Approach to Build a Generic Model of Photovoltaic Solar System Using Sound Biometric TechniquesInternational Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE)Applied Algorithm2014  Visit URL
Achieving extended displays prototype via Wi-Fi direct technology11th Annual High-capacity Optical Networks and Emerging/Enabling Technologies (HONET)Mobile Technology2014  Visit URL
Developing Fever Watcher-kit via Bluetooth Wireless TechnologyInternational Journal of Business Information SystemsBluetooth Wireless Technology2014  Visit URL
L2CAP Based Prototype Media Streaming via Bluetooththe International Journal of Networking and Virtual OrganizationMobile Technology 2014  Visit URL
Measuring Developers’ Design Contributions in Evolved Software ProjectsJournal of SoftwareSoftware Measurements2014  Visit URL
Integrated Model of Photovoltaic Solar System with the Sound Biometric TechniquesProceedings Proceedings IEEE 2013 1st International Conference and Exhibition on the Applications of Information Technology in the Development of Renewable Energy processes and System Applied Algorithm2013  Visit URL
BlueThunder overcomes the current drawbacks of the Bluetooth wireless technologyInternational Journal of Business Information SystemsMobile Technology2013  Visit URL
On utilizing dependence-based information to enhance micro-aggregation for secure statistical databasesPattern Analysis ApplicationsGraph Theory2013  Visit URL
A survey on statistical disclosure control and micro-aggregation techniques for secure statistical databasesSoftware - Practice and Experience (SPE)Micro-aggregation Techniques for secure statistical databases2010  Visit URL
On Utilizing Association and Interaction Concepts for Enhancing Microaggregation in Secure Statistical DatabasesIEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and CyberneticsNeural Network2010  Visit URL
Achieving Microaggregation for Secure Statistical Databases Using Fixed-Structure Partitioning Based Learning AutomataIEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and CyberneticsLearning Automata2009  Visit URL
An AI-Based Causal Strategy for Securing Statistical Databases Using Micro-Aggregation Proceedings of AI08, the 2008 Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Auckland, New ZealandArtificial Intelligence2008  Visit URL
Enhancing Micro-Aggregation Technique by Utilizing Dependence-Based Information in Secure Statistical Databases Proceedings of ACISP’08, 13th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy Graph Theory2008  Visit URL
Enhancing Micro-Aggregation Technique by Utilizing Dependence-Based Information in Secure Statistical Databases Proceedings of ACISP’08, 13th Australasian Conference on Information Security and PrivacyGraph Theory2008  Visit URL
A Novel Method for Micro-Aggregation in Secure Statistical Databases Using Association and Interactionthe 9th International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS’07),Neural Network2007  Visit URL
A Fixed Structure Learning Automaton MicroAggregation Technique for Secure Statistical DatabasesProceedings of PSD’06, Privacy in Statistical DatabasesLearning Automata2006  Visit URL
On Optimizing the k-Ward Micro-Aggregation Technique for Secure Statistical Databases Proceedings of ACISP’06,11th Australasian Conference on Information Security and PrivacyApplied Algorithm2006  Visit URL