Research Title | MAG. TITLE | RESEARCH AREA | PUBLISH YEAR | DOI | Journal URL |
THE CENTRAL WATER TUNNEL A NEW DISCOVERY AT UMM QAIS ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE (JORDAN) | Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry | Conservation and Documentation | 2021 | |
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Investigation of late Roman pottery from Gadara of the Decapolis, Jordan using multi-methodic approach | Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports | Archaeometry and conservation | 2019 | |
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Investigations of Hellenistic Mortar from Umm Qais (Gadara), Jordan | Arqueologia Iberoamericana | Conservation | 2018 | |
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New discovery and documentation of Megalithic structures in Juffain Dolmen Archaeological field, Jordan | Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry | Conservation and documentation | 2018 | |
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AUTHENTICATION OF ROMAN CORRODED LEAD ARTEFACTS FROM ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES IN CALCAREOUS ENVIRONMENT IN JORDAN BY ELECTROCHEMICAL ANALYSIS | Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry | Archaeological Material charecterization and conservation | 2017 | |
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CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF LATE ROMAN GLASS FROM QASR ALRABBAH JORDAN | Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry | Conservation and materials charecterization | 2017 | |
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Discovery of Hellenistic temple at Umm Qeis site "Gadara", in Northern Jordan, First result | Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry | Documentation and conservation | 2017 | |
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. Physical and Mechanical Properties of Historic Building Materials: Towards Conservation and documentation of Qusayr Amra in Jordan. | Jordan Journal for History and Archaeology. | Conservation and material characterization | 2012 | |
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Chemical and Mineralogical Study of Nabataean Painted Pottery from Petra, Jordan. | Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry Journal | Archaeometry, Materials characterization and Conservation | 2012 | |
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Culture Heritage and the Idea of Jordan museums. | Asian social science | museums, culture and heritage | 2012 | |
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Damage Assessment and Digital 2D-3D Documentation of Petra Treasury. | Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry Journal | Conservation | 2012 | |
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Nabataean Jewellery and Accessories | Ancient Near Eastern Studies | materials , culture and art | 2012 | |
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3Dielectric Properties and Conductivity of Iron Oxide-Barium Titanate Composites | Ferroelectrics | materials and engineering | 2011 | |
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Analytical Identification and Conservation Issues of Painted Plaster from Qaser Amra in Jordan | International Journal of Conservation Science. | Conservation and material characterization | 2011 | |
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Converse magnetoelectric effect in CoFe2O4-BaTiO3 composites with a core-shell structure | Smart Materials and Structures | engineering and materials | 2011 | |
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