Research Title | MAG. TITLE | RESEARCH AREA | PUBLISH YEAR | DOI | Journal URL |
Practicing The Values Of Tolerance Among The SwimmersStudents At The University | Educational administration theory and practice | Offices: Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey | 2024 | |
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Psychological Stress and Its Relationship with Academic Achievement among Students Enrolled in Sports Psychology Courses at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences at the Hashemite University | International Journal of Religion | Malysia | 2024 | |
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Comparative analysis of growth hormone and blood lactate response to low-load resistance exercises with practical blood flow restriction vs. high-load resistance exercises | Journal of Physical Education and Sport | Education | 2023 | |
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The Common Sports Injuries among Swimming Female Students at the Faculty of Physical Education at the University of Jordan | Iberoamerican de psychological del exercising El deporte | scopes | 2023 | |
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اثر استخدام الحبس الجزئي للدورة الدموية مع تدريبات المقاومة منخفضة الشدة على التضخم العضلي لدى لاعبي بناء الاجسام | مجلة سلسة العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية | exercise physiology | 2020 | |
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تأثير استخدام تدريبات البلايومترك في تحسين بعض مها ا رت الجمباز للطالبات | مجلة جامعة طيبة للعلوم التربوية | جامعة طيبة | 2014 | |
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