Research Title | MAG. TITLE | RESEARCH AREA | PUBLISH YEAR | DOI | Journal URL |
Generalizations of Non-Linear Best Simultaneous Approximation in Kothe Function Spaces | Filomat | Applied Analysis | 2022 | |
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High-Order Schemes for Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations | Fractal and Fractional | Applied Mathematics | 2022 | |
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Convergence analysis of a highly accurate Nystr?m scheme for Fredholm integral equations | Applied Numerical Mathematics | Numerical Analysis | 2019 | |
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An automatic scheme on the homotopy analysis method for solving nonlinear algebraic equations | Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 2017 | |
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Identification of time-dependent source terms and control parameters in parabolic equations from overspecified boundary data | Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 2017 | |
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Source degenerate identification problems with smoothing overdetermination | Advances in Difference Equations | Applied Analysis | 2017 | |
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A new numerical method for heat equation subject to integral specifications | Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 2016 | |
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Analysis of steady three-dimensional hydromagnetic stagnation point flow towards a stretching sheet with heat generation | Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 2016 | |
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A new simplified bilinear method for the N-soliton solutions for a generalized FmKdV equation with variable coefficients | International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation | Applied Mathematics | 2015 | |
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Controllable dynamical behaviors and the analysis of fractal Burgers hierarchy with the full effects of inhomogeneities of media | Romanian Journal of Physics | Applied Mathematics | 2015 | |
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Symbolic computation on soliton solutions for variable-coefficient quantum Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation in magnetized dense plasmas | International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation | Applied Mathematics | 2014 | |
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Identification problems for degenerate parabolic equations | Applications of Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 2013 | |
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Multiple solutions for fractional differential equations; analytic approach | Applied Mathematics and Computation | Applied Mathematics | 2013 | |
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Toward a new algorithm for nonlinear fractional differential equations | Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics | Applied Mathematics | 2013 | |
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Applications of a simplified bilinear method to ion-acoustic solitary waves in plasma | European Physical Journal D | Applied Mathematics | 2012 | |
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Error analysis of arbitrarily high-order stepping schemes for fractional integro-differential equations with weakly singular kernels | Nonlinear Engineering Modeling and Application | Applied Mathematics | 2012 | |
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New exact solitary wave solutions of the Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation in the electron-positron-ion plasmas | Applied Mathematics and Computation | Applied Mathematics | 2012 | |
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New exact solitary wave solutions of the Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation in the electron-positron-ion plasmas | Applied Mathematics and Computation | Applied Mathematics | 2012 | |
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Some fixed and coincidence point theorems for expansive maps in cone metric spaces | Fixed Point Theory and Applications | Fixed point Theory | 2012 | |
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Variable coefficient equations of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchy: multiple soliton solutions and singular multiple soliton solutions | Physica Scripta | Applied Mathematics | 2012 | |
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Analytic Solution of Fractional Integro-differential Equations | of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science | Numerical Analysis | 2011 | |
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Simultaneous Proximinality of Vector Valued Function Spaces | Turkish Journal of Mathematics | Functional Analysis | 2011 | |
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Source Identification Problem for Degenerate Differential Equations | Scientific Bulletin Series A- Applied Mathematics and Physics | Applied Mathematics | 2011 | |
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Perturbation Method for Abstract Second-order Inverse Problem | Nonlinear Analysis Theory, Methods & Applications | applied analysis | 2010 | |
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A new approach for the solution of the electrostatic potential differential equations | Journal of Mathematical Problems in Engineering | numerical analysis | 2009 | |
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Homotopy analysis method for delay-integro-differential equations | Jordanian Journal of Mathematics and Statistics | numerical methods | 2009 | |
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On New Iterative Method for Solving Systems of Nonlinear Equations | Numerical Algorithms | numerical analysis | 2009 | |
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Series Solution to the High-order Integro-differential Equations | Analele Universitâ?ii Oradea, Fasc. Matematica | numerical methods | 2009 | |
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Solutions of the SIR Models of Epidemics Using HAM | Journal of Chaos, Solitons & Fractals | numerical methods | 2009 | |
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Analytic Solution of Multi-Pantograph Equation | Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences | numerical methods | 2008 | |
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Short-Time Fourier Transform over the Silva Space | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | nonlinear analysis | 2008 | |
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Some Fixed Point Theorems for Mapping on Complete G-metric Spaces | Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications | fixed point theory | 2008 | |
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Uniform Convexity of K?the Bochner Function Spaces | Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Ny?regyh?ziensis | functional analysis | 2008 | |
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