Published Researchs

Sentiment-based machine learning and lexicon-based approaches for predicting the severity of bug reportsJournal of Theoretical and Applied Information TechnologyData Mining and Software Engineering2021  Visit URL
A comparative investigation of approaches for web search results clusteringInternational Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms (IJAIP)Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining2020  Visit URL
A neural network analytical model for predicting determinants of mobile learning acceptanceInternational Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT)Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining2019  Visit URL
A systematic review on opinion mining and sentiment analysis in social mediaInternational Journal of Business Information Systems (IJBIS)Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Sentiment Analysis2019  Visit URL
Machine Learning Approaches for Predicting the Severity Level of Software Bug Reports in Closed Source ProjectsInternational Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA)Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Software Engineering2019  Visit URL
Mobile learning adoption in Jordan: technology influencing factorsInternational Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations (IJNVO)Computer Science, Information System2019  Visit URL
Monitoring and modelling service level agreement of multiple virtual machines in cloud computing International Journal of Business Information SystemsSoftware Engineering- Cloud computing2018  Visit URL
A Bounded Health Information Technology System Design Approach to Support Community-Based Care DeliveryInternational Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IJCAC)Software Engineering in Healthcare, Business Analytic2015  Visit URL
An Application Meta-Model for Real-Time Monitoring of Care ProcessesInternational Journal of Advanced Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering in Healthcare, Business Process Management, Event Processing2014  Visit URL
Real-Time Analytics and Quality of CareHandbook of Systems and Complexity in HealthSoftware Engineering, Business Analytics2013  Visit URL
A Computational Approach for Identifying Quranic ThemesInternational Journal of Computer Processing of LanguagesText Mining, Arabic Natural Language Processing2012  Visit URL
Architecture of an Event Processing Application for Monitoring Cardiac Patient Wait TimesInternational Journal of Information Technology and Web EngineeringSoftware Engineering in Healthcare2012  Visit URL
An Efficient Pattern Matching AlgorithmJournal of Applied SciencesAlgorithms2007  Visit URL