Research Title | MAG. TITLE | RESEARCH AREA | PUBLISH YEAR | DOI | Journal URL |
Adlerian counseling, fear of intimacy, and social interest among university students | International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) | Counseling | 2024 | |
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Exploring the Association between Social Anomie and Behaviors of Academic Dishonesty among University Students: A Case Study from a Public University in Jordan | Journal of Academic Ethics | Behavior | 2024 | |
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Exploring the association between academic procrastination and psychological well-being among university students: A case study of the blended learning model at a public university in Jordan | International Journal of Education and Practice | Psychology and counseling | 2024 | |
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School-based practicum and pre-service teachers self-efficacy: Impact and challenges | International Journal of Education and Practice | Education | 2023 | |
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The Impact of a Group Counseling Program on a Sample of Bereaved Refugee Adolescents in Jordanian Schools | International Journal of Instruction | counseling | 2023 | |
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An Approach to Assist Dyslexia in Reading Issue: An Experimental Study | Przestrzen spoleczna (social space) | United Kingdom | 2022 | |
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The Valencia Eustress-Distress Appraisal Scale (VEDAS): Validation of the Arabic Version | North American Journal of Psychology | Psychology | 2022 | |
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Psychological Well-Being and Body Image among the Students of the Hashemite University in Jordan | International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation | Counseling | 2020 | |
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The Effectiveness of a Cognitive Behavioral Counseling Program in Improving School Adjustment for the Gifted Teenage Students at King Abdullah Schools for Excellence | Universal Journal of Educational Research | Counseling | 2020 | |
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Knowledge field in school counseling at a sample of counseling students in the Jordanian universities accordance of some variables | International Journal of Research in Social Sciences | USA | 2017 | |
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Fear of failure among a sample of Jordanian undergraduate students | Psychology Research and Behavior Management | Educational Psychology | 2016 | |
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Self-Disclosure among a sample of teachers married in Zarqa Governorate according to some variables in Jordan | International Journal of Research in Social Sciences | family counseling | 2015 | |
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The Relationship between Self-Disclosure and Management of Marital Conflict among a Sample of Educational Zarqa First Directorate Teachers in Jordan | European Journal of Social Sciences. | family counseling | 2015 | |
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The relationship between spiritual intelligence and personality traits among Jordanian university student | Psychology Research and Behavior Management | Educational Psychology | 2015 | |
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أثر برنامج إرشادي نفسي في تعديل الأفكار السلبية لدى الشباب المتأخرين عن سن الزواج | مجلة الدراسات التربوية والنفسية | counseling | 2012 | |
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